OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12: Difference between revisions

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|| '''[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/Summaries|Lists in review : devel@ (Oct. 1-10)]]'''
|| {{journal-entry|title=[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/Summaries|Lists in review : devel@ (Oct. 1-10)]]
Mel Chua and Michael Stone
|people=[[User:Mchua|Mel Chua]] and [[Profiles/mstone|Michael Stone]]
|link=[http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dgj7p8sm_14gdgffwds raw summary]}}

|| '''[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/G1G1|G1G1 series : G1G1 2008 Announced]]'''
|| {{journal-entry|title=[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/G1G1|G1G1 series : G1G1 2008 Announced]]
SJ Klein
|people=[[User:Sj|SJ Klein]]

|| '''[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/Tips|Tips and Tricks : A Clock for Sugar]]'''
|| {{journal-entry|title=[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/Tips|Tips and Tricks : A Clock for Sugar]]
Martin Dengler
|people=[[User:MartinDengler|Martin Dengler]]
|link=[http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/sugar/2008-October/009284.html sugar@ thread]}}

|| '''[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/Demo|Demo scene : Journal2 Preview]]'''
|| {{journal-entry|title=[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/Demo|Demo scene : Journal2 Preview]]
C. Scott Ananian
|people=[[Profiles/cscott|C. Scott Ananian]]
|link=[[Journal, reloaded]]}}

|| '''[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/Events|Calendar and Events : XOcamp!!!!11!]]'''
|| {{journal-entry|title=[[OLPC:Journal/2008-10-12/Events|Calendar and Events : XOcamp 2]]
Greg Smith
|people=[[User:Gregorio|Greg Smith]]
|link=[[XOcamp 2]]}}


Latest revision as of 02:22, 17 October 2008