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== How this will work ==
All Notes, Goals, Outcomes and general information has been redirected to [[Cambridge_Friends_School_Pilot]]

=== Things to do this week ===

* Make a build and customization key for CFS.
* Make a school server for CFS.
* Document all of the above.
* Do the parent/student intro.
* Teacher training.

=== Roles ===

* Katie: Teachers/CFS-to-us interface.
** Make sure teacher training happens
** Get the parent/student intro to be awesome
** Teacher interface for build & customization keys (Arjun is tech minion)

* Arjun: Build and customization keys (tech minion for Katie), documentation (mostly XS, but of everything in general), FUDcon presentation

* Jason: XS (Scott as Jason's technical minion)

=== Things that would be nice ===

* Train the student tech team.
* Sugar Labs - XS, testing

=== January 3, 2009-January 9, 2009===
*January 3-talked delegated roles
*January 4-met with Harvard OLPC chapter, prepared the first set of activities for teacher meeting on the 5th
*January 5-tested and finalized activities and had teacher meeting, got a response from all teachers as to what specific activities they would like
*January 6-test day and work day, tested additional activities and made up the FINAL LIST for teacher training. had a general customization key and then favorite different activities for the circle view
*January 7-second teacher training workshop
*January 8-after school activity for children (student tech team)
*January 9-FudCON presentation

===Notes from the Week===
==January 3, 2009==

+Explained basics of how an XO works (technical aspect)

+Software stack-layering model-each layer interacts with the other (layered from physical (bottom) to activities (top)

'''XO/Application Interface (API):'''



+Sugar Non-Sugar

+OS (Fedora-ish)

+Open Firmware

Shell, Kernel, Network


Build: Activities-->OS (Fedora-ish)

Customization Key--> Activities (bundles)

Development Key--> password that gives you permission to use currently being developed builds (builds that are non-signed and non-released)

'''Sugar::windows; education::business'''


business based

i.e. my documents/files


education based

i.e. communities, activities

(mesh network, my neighborhood)


3. discovery=activities

everything is automatically saved-->history is logged by the applications;shows learning/process of thinking

'''The Development Cycle::Textbook writing Process'''

Build 1--> Build 2--> Build 3-->Build 4

release a build every six months

first start adding whatever you want

then start editing

get a release candidate

fact check

spell check

release. (but at the same time everything is still being updated)
you can update like firefox(?)

'''School Server and Mesh Network'''


one hub with people connecting from one distance


one hub with one person person connected from them...peer to peer connecting
much better when in a faraway place (i.e. village in the middle of the dessert); one access point


1. gives infrastructure
access point; mesh

2. squid=local cache; able to see what is used a lot, save on the server and save it locally

3. local moodle=community level content; common web server


+establishing a city library

==January 4, 2009==

+Prepared for meeting with Mac/Katelyn at 5PM
30 minutes

+success criteria: know what we're doing with CFS
through Harvard when

"working relationship"

+Tried to use Emulator on Windows

at first try, cannot connect to network
even after entering wireless name into server
shut down

open again-worked on jason's and katie's computer

check for software updates

it works!

+Learned Terminal

command lines

cd: change directory

ls: list contents

cp: copy

cd ..: go up in directory

cp -r: copy recursive (copies everything in the folder)

rm: remove

wget: download

mu: move

Journal (technical)


'''Compiled a list of possible activities for the customization stick'''

available at and

will get a prototype customization stick done by tomorrow

teacher meeting: 3:30PM the next day; awaiting confirmation

student server-Tuesday

teacher meeting-Wednesday (moved from Thursday)

after school: Thursday

'''Other points on agenda'''

How to download new programs

What build is and why it matters

Brief introduction in how networking works

Sharing activities with each other

Connecting to an access point

==January 5, 2009==

Notes on 1cc-6
-must press frame button in order to see journal
-if you are downloading and you have multiple search windows, it will only appear on the most recently pulled up one

What I'm in charge of:
Read Book/PDF reader
Guido van Robot-ARJUN

Log-doesn’t work that’s naturally there if on XO
need to reinstall on XO
and then it workscan be used to see what is defunctional about certain

*Poll Builder-WORKS!!

*No limit to how much one XO can vote
*Hard time getting started if only one poll
*Journal doesn’t document results
*hard to shut down if you have opened shared files

1. Computer with Poll building can create a poll and then SHARE IT WITH NEIGHBORHOOD (make sure that Mesh network is the same)
2. Other computers click on the poll icon below the start computer (will be in the same colors as the XO)
3. Join---there should be little notifications that tell you that polls are being shared and for you to join each poll (Yes/No)
4. Vote.

*you can also create your own poll underneath THAT poll builder and have it automatically shared with people who are underneath that application
*note if the person who made the poll EXITS the poll builder application, then the poll is shut down.
*if you enter again, then you can't see the results (no saving and with saving)
*Journal notes down different activities and which people are joined (with colors) but can't note down which questions/results that you got.

*View Slides-need to test; find zipped image files; works, but only in zip format and all have to be JPG, GIF, etc.

*Ruler-works, has four different types (good for circles/measuring angles/measuring things).

*ePals- 13 or under, need parent/guardian email
really cool, built in penpal system, but it’s basically a website (I don’t know what the specific activity actually does IN ADDITION to the browse)
need a username and password in order to connect to other people
what does it do beyond the normal browse function?

*Words-default is yo, yo; able to translate a lot of words from English to Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French and German (dictionary); very good for foreign language…two way…can’t do whole sentences/passages

*Mozilla Firefox-works, the only bad thing is that it takes up space (tabbed browsing)

*Write- works, can insert images, tables (if you want one from the internet, just copy and it should show up under the objects (which will pop up when you want to download an image) as clipboard + url.
make sure to save as a different document name underneath the activity tab so that you can distinguish in the journal which is which
no way to open documents from the actual write activity
can send fine…can open with Word?
shift + the colon= the n ye---PLEASE CHECK!!

*Memorize-one of the preinstalled ones, so definitely WORKS
when playing with other people
ok to share with neighborhood but play is problematic
if you get it right, it’s your turn again
Demo games-addition, letters, sounds; three options (4,5,6 squares)
create one
you can save gamewhere does it save to?-->objects
you can choose between grouped and ungrouped (groupedone one, two two, you know what the two categories are divided into)saves as a different object/game though
no share optioncan share
you can play together (based on a turn)partner rather than going against each other

need to use the right arrow control pad and the actual arrow pad on the keyboard
1. choose between Africa or South America
2. Identify the country that is highlighted from a list
a. if it is right, then the country gets highlighted in green and there is a Correct! sign
b. if it is wrong, then there is a red wrong button and it just skips to another highlighted country
3. once you have identified the entire continent…
4. goes immediately into pollbuildertakes a long time to load
5. not complete?
Automatically closes/goes to PollBuilder after it is done with the geography quiz but not if you have Log open, it just closes.

==January 6, 2009==

==January 7, 2009==
Agenda for second teacher' meeting

1. How to connect to wireless/do collaborative activities (first thing on agenda for Wednesday), demo with Chat)
a. have to be on the same mesh network in order to see each other and share stuff; technically, should be able to be on the same wireless and mesh network and be able to share-best case scenario
b. when sharing multiple activities, all activities will be shown on the neighborhood view, but only the one might not be able to share more than one activity
c. you can only pick one: either mesh or always takes the other off
2. Explain differences among Read E-text (zipped+plain text), Read (PDF) and View Files (zipped+Jpgs)
a. Shared an example of each document on the XOs…see if people can view
b. explain to teachers that they have to download the actual file and then share it on neighborhood
3. Demo one on one with each teacher’s lessonone on one, show all activities on the Favorites view
a. Arjun- Biology
b. Katie-History
c. Jason-Spanish


Latest revision as of 18:16, 8 January 2009

PLEASE NOTE!! All Notes, Goals, Outcomes and general information has been redirected to Cambridge_Friends_School_Pilot


software stack

  • layers of abstraction
  • clear interface between layers (API)

build and customization

What flavor of Sugardo you want What apps should be available