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< [[OLPCorps Africa]]{{TOCright}}
=== Proposal ===
=== Motivation ===
We will deploy at St. Paul's Primary School in Nigeria, which has 420 students. Many of the students are orphans or from poor families. The proprietor of the school is related to one of our group members. We will work closely with the proprietor and teachers to integrate the XO laptop into the daily lessons in Math, Social Studies, English, and Science. In addition, we will start a program to teach the children blogging and video blogging. The program will 1) raise awareness of African issues around the world and 2) teach the children to write and communicate effectively. We will create the blogs / video blogs with a content management system such as Drupal and host them on a dedicated virtual server such as Amazon EC2. We will cross post the content to established sites such as YouTube.

We have partnered with St. Paul's Primary School in Abak Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria. It is in a rural community where the main occupation is farming. Cash crops are palm tree, coconut, and cocoa, while common food crops are cassava, plaintain, yam, rice, beans, and citrus fruits. Sometimes the children collect sand from the riverbed to sell to petty traders as construction material for houses. St. Paul's was founded in 1990 by Okon's (our group member) brother Joshua, who was passionate about providing education to orphans and children from poor families. The local community embraced the school and donated the land it is built on. Local churches donated money to fund its construction. In 1997 Okon took over the management of the school along with his nephew after Joshua's death. The school serves 420 students between the ages of 2 and 14 who are taught by 10 teachers. It is housed in 3 buildings with 6 classrooms, a staff room, office, great hall, and storeroom. The language of instruction is English. The school is generally recognized as a pillar of the local community.
=== About St. Paul's ===
Saint Paul Africa Nusery / Primary school Ata Ediene Abak Local Government Area Akwa Ibom state Nigeria was established in 1990 by Elder Joshua Peter Umoh. He saw the need of children's education as a builder building laying a foundation before building the house. His passion was for the poor and orphans in the community.
The school was mainly supported by Churches and community members. The community and the church also see the need of children's education from 2 years to 12 years as the basic foundation and support the school wholeheartedly. The main occupation in the community is farming, while some of the children will dig sand from the rivers to sell for construction of the house. There are also petty traders. the cash crop there is Palm tree, coconut, and coa-coa. The food crops are cassava, plantain, yam, rice, beans, banana, fruit like mango pineapple,pears apple quaver, orange etc.

Okon managed the school, taught there, and pastored at a local church until 2006 when he left to study Theology at Africa Nazarene University in Kenya. In his first years, he struggled because all his exams and writing assignments required use of a computer, yet it was completely new to him. It became clear to him that students at St. Paul's would have limited opportunities if they did not have knowledge of computers. This OLPC project represents a huge opportunity for the school because it would be very difficult for them to otherwise afford 100 laptops.
=== About a recent revelation about computers ===
After the death of Elder Joshua, I (Okon Sunday David) and the proprietor's son (Mfon Joshua) continued to manage the school till it reached the total number of 420 students.
In the year 2006, Okon left the school to study Theology at Africa Nazarene University. He realized that high education is impossible without computer knowledge. He failed nearly all his exams because he did not have basic knowledge of the computer to do his assignments. It was a big shame for Okon because in Kenya nearly all students who came to university had a basic knowledge of the computer. Okon started thinking about the students in Saint Paul's Africa Nursery school: how their education will be hindered without computer training. He realized that education, office, home, business, technology, calculation, etc. may be managed efficiently through use of a computer, and to succeed in today's life one must acquire knowledge of computers.

=== About Our Vision ===
=== Curriculum Integration ===
The computer literate will help the Government to have standard and quality service in the society.
The children will not suffer in University on how to write term papers. Technology can help to eradicate poverty in the community and give children hope for future. The skills learned by integrated curriculum (in every class, using creative exercises to enhance specific classwork) will open their minds in a new way.
The computer will be introduced to the children to teach them on how connecting to others relates to all subjects such as (Mathematics, English, Geography, History, Science and other ,) as the basic foundation. We expect to use the social networking component of the XO laptops to educate students in the importance of collaboration and networking together.

We have already discussed integration with St. Paul's current proprietor, who is Okon's nephew, and the school is very excited about the opportunity to involve the laptops in the current curriculum. The laptops will be used across a variety of subjects (Math, English, Science, Social Studies, etc.), which will provide students basic familiarity in using a computer in support of their work as well as giving them new opportunities to do active research into new topics. The laptops provide unprecedented access to knowledge via the Internet and open source content. Currently, the school has a limited supply of books and learning materials.
=== Integration into Curriculum ===

School is in session from July to August, so the students will use the laptops during the normal class periods during the entire time our team is in the field. The laptops will likely be assigned to students on a rotating basis, giving all students a chance to use them. The laptops will be owned by the school and kept secure when not in use, but students will be able to sign them out to take them home, whenever they want.
=== Blogging ===

We are uniquely positioned to successfully integrate the laptops into St. Paul's due to Okon's close ties to the school's leadership and faculty (Okon still retains the title of Education Director). The proprietor and teachers have already expressed great enthusiasm at including the laptops in the daily lessons, which is evinced by our letter of support.
=== Deploying to Kids ===

Becca's (our group member) expertise in deploying computers in Africa will also boost our efforts. She has worked in computer training centers in Kenya for over a year with CNN Hero Honoree Steve Peifer, giving her first hand experience in teaching computer skills to individuals who were completely computer illiterate. Her in-progress Master's thesis is on this topic.

The school does not currently have Internet. We plan to access the Internet through the local cellular network. The school is on the power grid.

=== Special Project: Blogging ===

In addition to integration into the existing curriculum, we would like to give children the opportunity to directly effect change by teaching them to blog and video blog. Through a blog, children can teach other people around the world about issues in rural Nigeria and their hopes for the future. Very few projects give children a voice, but we want to give our children a direct platform to address the rest of the world. The project will encourage the development of writing and communication skills in the children. We plan to implement the project as a writing workshop, where children compose pieces then present them to each other in a small group setting where they can provide constructive criticism of each other's work. The final polished pieces can be posted by the children online. Bryant (our group member) will create a site hosting all the children's blogs. He has previous experience creating popular Web 2.0 sites. He will create this site with the Drupal content management system and host it on an Amazon EC2 virtual server. The virtual server will run a standard LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), which is consistent with the open source ethos of OLPC and keeps our software costs at $0. Children will also be able to cross post their content to established sites such as YouTube and WordPress. The advantage of having our own site is being able to keep all the children's content in a central location and to support multiple types of content. For example, we can maintain a gallery of children's artwork (digitized via the XO webcam), a library of child-created photo/video documentaries, and so-forth.

Bryant will also install and maintain the XS school server, network switch, access points, and other hardware. He also served for 4 years on the editorial board of a literary journal in college, meaning that he has at least 100 hours of experience participating in writing workshops.

=== Sustainability ===

The project will continue after the summer because Okon will return to St. Paul's as a leader and teacher. He has one trimester remaining before graduation. After he graduates, he will return to live in his home near where St. Paul's is located. He will ensure a smooth continuation of the project, in conjunction with his nephew, the proprietor, and the teachers of the school.

=== Potential Risks ===

* Internet. We have not confirmed an arrangement for Internet service as of yet, though we have talked with several ISPs and received price quotes. The exact amount of downlink/uplink bandwidth we will have is not yet known.

* None of us has long term experience using the XO <i>per se</i>. However, we all have good technical skills and our technical lead holds an M.S. in Computer Science from a top university.

=== Group Members ===
=== Group Members ===
* Okon Sunday David is a Theology student at Africa Nazarene University. He has worked at St. Paul's before and is related to the proprietor. St. Paul's is located in his home village.
* <b>Okon Sunday David</b> is a Theology student at Africa Nazarene University. He has been a member of the leadership team at St. Paul's and taught there. The proprietor is his nephew, and the school is located in his home village. He has developed significant computer knowledge during his time at Africa Nazarene and wishes to share this knowledge with the children.

* Becca Nelson is a student at RIT and has extensive experience working with non-profits in Africa. She has specifically worked at computer training centers in Kenya.
* <b>Becca Nelson</b> is a Master's student at RIT and has extensive experience working with non-profits in Africa. She has specifically worked at computer training centers in Kenya. She has been profiled in the RIT University News (http://www.rit.edu/news/?v=46650) and Associations Now Magazine (http://www.asaecenter.org/PublicationsResources/ANowDetail.cfm?ItemNumber=34731)
* Bryant Lee holds an M.S. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. He has created and maintained previous Web 2.0 sites and has managed computer servers. He has published numerous scientific papers. www.cs.cmu.edu/~bryantl

* <b>Bryant Lee</b> holds an M.S. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University and is currently in the Ph.D. program. He has created and maintained previous Web 2.0 sites and has managed computer servers. His most popular site was http://www.votechooser.com, a site to help people choose a candidate in the 2008 election. It was used by 1.4 million people and appeared in major televion, radio, and print outlets in the Pittsburgh area (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ5N9Vifong). He has published numerous scientific papers. For more media appearances and a list of scientific papers see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bryantl

=== Schedule ===
=== Schedule ===

Arrival to Saint Paul Africa Nusery school .......June 2009
June 8 - 17: Kigali, Rwanda
creating of awareness and interviewing students .....June 2009

One week teachers training .........June 2009 to.....june 2009
June 18 - August 20: St. Paul's Primary School, Abak Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria
Teaching of the students ..........June 2009 to .....August 2009

Examination/ evaluation for the students 27th July 2009
=== Outside Fundraising ===
Student's graduation/issue out the certificate and handing over the computer .....August2009

Our local library has a subscription to Foundation Center (http://foundationcenter.org/), which we will use to search over 95,000 potential donors and query those that make sense for our project.

=== Budget ===
=== Budget ===

{| class="wikitable"
Airfare = $6000 (3 x 2000)
Food = $1000
! Item
Projector = $700
! Cost
Transport to school/town/markets/etc. = $100
Generator $500
| Airfare Bryant
Couple, plug-in, socket and wiring $200
* Pittsburgh - Kigali
Team cell phone = $25
* Kigali - Lagos
Cell phone credit = $30
* Lagos - Pittsburgh
Internet Connection = $500 (need to expand on it).
| $2000
(total cost is $4000 but Bryant will raise $2000 in private donations to defray)
| Airfare: Okon
*Nairobi - Kigali
*Kigali - Lagos
*Lagos - Nairobi
| $2000
|Airfare: Becca
*Nairobi - Kigali
*Kigali - Lagos
*Lagos - Nairobi
| Food (10 weeks)
| $1000
| Accomodations
| Free (at Okon's house)
| In-country transportation (10 weeks)
| $100
| Projector
| $700
| Surge protectors, power strips, wiring
| $200
| Team cell phone
| $25
| Cell phone credit
| $30
| 2 Wireless access points and 1 network switch
| $100 (used/refurbished)
| Additional SD memory cards (to store photos/video)
| $100
| Flash memory camcorder (to take higher quality video)
| $200
| Lavalier microphone (for high quality audio)
| $50
| 1 virtual server on Amazon EC2 and bandwidth to server (10 weeks)
| $250
| Software
| Free (open source)
| Electricity from grid to power laptops and equipment (3 months, $60 per month)
| $180
| MTN 3.5G Mobile Broadband USB Modem
| $250
| MTN Nigeria Internet service (3 months, $70 per month)
| $210
| Visas
| $240
| Immunizations
| $300
| <b>Total</b>
| <b>$9935</b>

Latest revision as of 17:50, 27 March 2009

< OLPCorps Africa


We have partnered with St. Paul's Primary School in Abak Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria. It is in a rural community where the main occupation is farming. Cash crops are palm tree, coconut, and cocoa, while common food crops are cassava, plaintain, yam, rice, beans, and citrus fruits. Sometimes the children collect sand from the riverbed to sell to petty traders as construction material for houses. St. Paul's was founded in 1990 by Okon's (our group member) brother Joshua, who was passionate about providing education to orphans and children from poor families. The local community embraced the school and donated the land it is built on. Local churches donated money to fund its construction. In 1997 Okon took over the management of the school along with his nephew after Joshua's death. The school serves 420 students between the ages of 2 and 14 who are taught by 10 teachers. It is housed in 3 buildings with 6 classrooms, a staff room, office, great hall, and storeroom. The language of instruction is English. The school is generally recognized as a pillar of the local community.

Okon managed the school, taught there, and pastored at a local church until 2006 when he left to study Theology at Africa Nazarene University in Kenya. In his first years, he struggled because all his exams and writing assignments required use of a computer, yet it was completely new to him. It became clear to him that students at St. Paul's would have limited opportunities if they did not have knowledge of computers. This OLPC project represents a huge opportunity for the school because it would be very difficult for them to otherwise afford 100 laptops.

Curriculum Integration

We have already discussed integration with St. Paul's current proprietor, who is Okon's nephew, and the school is very excited about the opportunity to involve the laptops in the current curriculum. The laptops will be used across a variety of subjects (Math, English, Science, Social Studies, etc.), which will provide students basic familiarity in using a computer in support of their work as well as giving them new opportunities to do active research into new topics. The laptops provide unprecedented access to knowledge via the Internet and open source content. Currently, the school has a limited supply of books and learning materials.

School is in session from July to August, so the students will use the laptops during the normal class periods during the entire time our team is in the field. The laptops will likely be assigned to students on a rotating basis, giving all students a chance to use them. The laptops will be owned by the school and kept secure when not in use, but students will be able to sign them out to take them home, whenever they want.

We are uniquely positioned to successfully integrate the laptops into St. Paul's due to Okon's close ties to the school's leadership and faculty (Okon still retains the title of Education Director). The proprietor and teachers have already expressed great enthusiasm at including the laptops in the daily lessons, which is evinced by our letter of support.

Becca's (our group member) expertise in deploying computers in Africa will also boost our efforts. She has worked in computer training centers in Kenya for over a year with CNN Hero Honoree Steve Peifer, giving her first hand experience in teaching computer skills to individuals who were completely computer illiterate. Her in-progress Master's thesis is on this topic.

The school does not currently have Internet. We plan to access the Internet through the local cellular network. The school is on the power grid.

Special Project: Blogging

In addition to integration into the existing curriculum, we would like to give children the opportunity to directly effect change by teaching them to blog and video blog. Through a blog, children can teach other people around the world about issues in rural Nigeria and their hopes for the future. Very few projects give children a voice, but we want to give our children a direct platform to address the rest of the world. The project will encourage the development of writing and communication skills in the children. We plan to implement the project as a writing workshop, where children compose pieces then present them to each other in a small group setting where they can provide constructive criticism of each other's work. The final polished pieces can be posted by the children online. Bryant (our group member) will create a site hosting all the children's blogs. He has previous experience creating popular Web 2.0 sites. He will create this site with the Drupal content management system and host it on an Amazon EC2 virtual server. The virtual server will run a standard LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), which is consistent with the open source ethos of OLPC and keeps our software costs at $0. Children will also be able to cross post their content to established sites such as YouTube and WordPress. The advantage of having our own site is being able to keep all the children's content in a central location and to support multiple types of content. For example, we can maintain a gallery of children's artwork (digitized via the XO webcam), a library of child-created photo/video documentaries, and so-forth.

Bryant will also install and maintain the XS school server, network switch, access points, and other hardware. He also served for 4 years on the editorial board of a literary journal in college, meaning that he has at least 100 hours of experience participating in writing workshops.


The project will continue after the summer because Okon will return to St. Paul's as a leader and teacher. He has one trimester remaining before graduation. After he graduates, he will return to live in his home near where St. Paul's is located. He will ensure a smooth continuation of the project, in conjunction with his nephew, the proprietor, and the teachers of the school.

Potential Risks

  • Internet. We have not confirmed an arrangement for Internet service as of yet, though we have talked with several ISPs and received price quotes. The exact amount of downlink/uplink bandwidth we will have is not yet known.
  • None of us has long term experience using the XO per se. However, we all have good technical skills and our technical lead holds an M.S. in Computer Science from a top university.

Group Members

  • Okon Sunday David is a Theology student at Africa Nazarene University. He has been a member of the leadership team at St. Paul's and taught there. The proprietor is his nephew, and the school is located in his home village. He has developed significant computer knowledge during his time at Africa Nazarene and wishes to share this knowledge with the children.
  • Bryant Lee holds an M.S. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University and is currently in the Ph.D. program. He has created and maintained previous Web 2.0 sites and has managed computer servers. His most popular site was http://www.votechooser.com, a site to help people choose a candidate in the 2008 election. It was used by 1.4 million people and appeared in major televion, radio, and print outlets in the Pittsburgh area (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ5N9Vifong). He has published numerous scientific papers. For more media appearances and a list of scientific papers see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bryantl


June 8 - 17: Kigali, Rwanda

June 18 - August 20: St. Paul's Primary School, Abak Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

Outside Fundraising

Our local library has a subscription to Foundation Center (http://foundationcenter.org/), which we will use to search over 95,000 potential donors and query those that make sense for our project.


Item Cost
Airfare Bryant
  • Pittsburgh - Kigali
  • Kigali - Lagos
  • Lagos - Pittsburgh

(total cost is $4000 but Bryant will raise $2000 in private donations to defray)

Airfare: Okon
  • Nairobi - Kigali
  • Kigali - Lagos
  • Lagos - Nairobi
Airfare: Becca
  • Nairobi - Kigali
  • Kigali - Lagos
  • Lagos - Nairobi
Food (10 weeks) $1000
Accomodations Free (at Okon's house)
In-country transportation (10 weeks) $100
Projector $700
Surge protectors, power strips, wiring $200
Team cell phone $25
Cell phone credit $30
2 Wireless access points and 1 network switch $100 (used/refurbished)
Additional SD memory cards (to store photos/video) $100
Flash memory camcorder (to take higher quality video) $200
Lavalier microphone (for high quality audio) $50
1 virtual server on Amazon EC2 and bandwidth to server (10 weeks) $250
Software Free (open source)
Electricity from grid to power laptops and equipment (3 months, $60 per month) $180
MTN 3.5G Mobile Broadband USB Modem $250
MTN Nigeria Internet service (3 months, $70 per month) $210
Visas $240
Immunizations $300
Total $9935