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'''Esta página es obsoleta.'''
<div style="float:right; font-size:80%">
Esta es una lista de todas las [[Activities]] que pueden ser instaladas en el ultimo Sugar .
For other activity collections, see these pages:
* [[Activities/G1G1]] -- Actividades educacionales para el programa G1G1
* [[Activities/Other]] -- Actividades que estan paracialmente termindas o solo por diversion
* [[Activities/Peru]] -- Localized activities for Peru
* [[Activities/All]] -- Un gran conjunto de nuevas actividades, algunas bajo desarrollo activo
Las aplicaciones del XO son llamadas '''[[OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/Activities|Activities]]'''. Esta pagina hace una lista de las actividades {{Preinstalled}} y otras que usted puede instalar. Los nombres de las actividades se dirigen hacia mas información; los links de descarga, si se descargan en una XO, se [[Activity installation|install]] automaticamente; y se veran en la barra de actividades.

'''Por favor, visite la [ Biblioteca de Actividades para Sugar] para buscar y descargar las actividades de Sugar.
Para informacion general acerca de las actividades, vea el sitioweb[].

Esta pagina enumera ''muchas'' actividades, no todas usables. '''si encuentra errores por favor, [[Reporting bugs|report them]]!!!'''. (no se desaliente si su reporte permanece mucho tiempo sin ser actualizado. el reporte de su experiencia ''es'' valioso.)

Por favor añada nuevas actividades en las cuales haya trabajado, y vea (y contribuya) a la pagina [[Activity guidelines]].

Colecciones especificas de actividades y contenidos están disponibles; vea nuestras '''[[collections]]''', y los conjuntos de actividades '''[[WorldWideWorkshop]]''' y '''[[GCompris]]''', ademas de los repositorios de los proyectos de [[Etoys]] (incluyendo aquellos en '''[ Potsdam University]'''). Vea tambien la pagina [[Activity packs]], para colecciones especificas de actividades, incluyendo actividades incompletas o sin probar.

Añada nuevas actividades siguiendo las instrucciones en la pagina '''[[Creating an activity]]''' (Por favor este seguro de leer nuestras guías de interfaz humana [[OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines|guidelines]] en adición a las guías de actividad [[activity guidelines]]). Cuando añada una actividad nueva a esta pagina, siga la sintaxis del template como se describe en la pagina [[Template:Activity]].

== Instalando actividades descargadas ==

Para instalar una Actividad:

# empieze la actividad Browse en su XO;
# vaya a ''esta'' pagina en el browser;
# Haga click en el .xo bundle al lado de la palabra '''Descarga:''' ('''Download:''')
# cuando haya termindado haga click en OK.
# presione la tecla Hogar ([[Image:Home_key_f3_small.png]]) (La quinta desde la esquina superior izquierda) para ver la barra de tareas.
# scroll the taskbar to the right (by clicking on the arrow [[Image:Frame-scroll-right.gif|25px]]) until you see the icon for the activity; click on it to start.

Una detallada descripción con imágenes puede ser encontrada en [ here].

== Actividades para descarga ==

=== Busqueda General y Descubrimiento ===

|icon = [[Image:activity-journal.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Journal]]
|activity_description = Object and activity browser
|activity_id = org.laptop.JournalActivity
|activity_bundle = [ Journal-86.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 86
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo core]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:activity-web.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Browse]]
|activity_description = Web browser based on xulrunner
|activity_bundle = [ Browse-98.xo]
|activity_id = org.laptop.WebActivity
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 98
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo core]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}
|mime_types = .ogg, .wav, .html
|tags = internet, browser

|icon = [[Image:An_icon.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Library]]
|activity_description = Overview of content activities
|activity_bundle =
|activity_source =
|activity_version = –
|build = Update.1
|i18n = [[Localization/Library|l10n resources]]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:activity-firefox.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Firefox]]
|activity_description = Mozilla Firefox
|activity_bundle = [ Firefox-6.xo]
|activity_id = org.laptop.FirefoxActivity
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 6
|build = All
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types = .ogg, .wav, .html
|tags = internet, browser
|devel_status = not sugarized

|icon = [[Image:Activity-xoget.png]]
|activity_name = [[Xo-get/Xo-get-gtk|xo-get]]
|activity_description = A GUI for installing and removing activities
|activity_id = org.laptop.xo-get
|activity_bundle = [ xoget.xo]
|activity_source = [;a=tree]
|activity_version = –
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments = Beta version (Link fixed now)
|mime_types = <div style="display:none">xoget_cur_ver=1.2.3</div>
|tags =

=== Documentoss (Leer, Escribir, y Compartir) ===

|icon = [[Image:activity-help.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Help_(Activity)]]
|activity_description = Help documentation and manual
|activity_id = org.laptop.sugar.HelpActivity
|activity_bundle = [ Help-9.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 9
|build = All
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}<br/>
|mime_types = .html
|tags = help, documentation, manual

|icon = [[Image:activity-read.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Read]]
|activity_description = Book/PDF reader
|activity_id = org.laptop.sugar.ReadActivity
|activity_bundle = [ Read-52.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 52
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo core]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}<br/>Accessed by opening a PDF file from the Journal
|mime_types = .pdf,.tiff,.djvu
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:activity-write.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Write]]
|activity_description = Word processor
|activity_id = org.laptop.AbiWordActivity
|activity_bundle = [ Write-60.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 60
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo core]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}
mime_types = .doc, .abw, .txt, .rtf, .xhtml, .html, .odt
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:An_icon.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[MikMik]]
|activity_description = Distributed wiki editor
|activity_id = org.laptop.MikMik
|activity_bundle = [ MikMik.xo]
|activity_source = [ sources]
|activity_version = 8
|build = Joyride
|i18n = [[MikMik|l10n resources]]
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-storybuilder.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Story Builder]]
|activity_description = Graphical story constructor with a variety of characters and backgrounds and simple word-processing capabilities
|activity_id = org.worldwideworkshop.olpc.storybuilder
|activity_bundle = [ StoryBuilder-13.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 13
|build = None
|i18n = {{Pending|No POT found}}
|comments = Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center]. Now works under rainbow on build 703/708.
|mime_types =
|tags = create, stories

|icon = [[Image:readetexts.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Read Etexts]]
|activity_description = Gutenberg ETexts reader
|activity_id = org.laptop.sugar.ReadEtextsActivity
|activity_bundle = [[media:ReadEtexts-6.xo|ReadEtexts.xo]]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 6
|build = All
|i18n =
|comments = Accessed by opening a text file or a Zip file containing one text file from the Journal. The encoding of the text can be ascii or iso-8859-1. Version 2 and up support sharing. Versions 4 and later support Text To Speech.
|mime_types = .txt, .zip
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:viewslides.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[View Slides]]
|activity_description = Sequential image reader
|activity_id = org.laptop.ViewSlidesActivity
|activity_bundle = [[media:ViewSlides-3.xo|ViewSlides.xo]]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 3
|build = All
|i18n =
|comments = Accessed by opening a Zip file containing a group of image files named in sequence.
|mime_types = .zip
|tags =

=== Feeds : Noticias y mas ===

|icon = [[Image:activity-news.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[News Reader]]
|activity_description = News reader
|activity_id = com.ywwg.NewsReader
|activity_bundle = [ NewsReader-24.xo]
|activity_source =
|activity_version = 24
|build = All
|i18n = [[News Reader|l10n resources]]
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags = rss

=== Chat, Mail, y Hablar===

|icon = [[Image:activity-chat.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Chat]]
|activity_description = Text chat
|activity_id = org.laptop.Chat
|activity_bundle = [ Chat-40.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 40
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo core]
|comments = Text chat - v40 works on 703/7xx, newer versions are only suitable for 8.2.
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:gmail.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Gmail]]
|activity_description = Google email client
|activity_id = org.laptop.GmailActivity
|activity_bundle = [[media:Gmail-5.xo|Gmail.xo]]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 5
|build = Update.1
|i18n =
|comments = A version of [[Browse]] that opens as the homepage
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-VideoChat.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Video Chat]]
|activity_description = Video/voice chat
|activity_bundle = [ VideoChat v9]
|activity_source = [ (outdated)]
|activity_version = 9
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments = Proof of concept, needs integration with mesh view. Needs more hacking for additional functionality but currently provides useful 1 to 1 videoconferencing.
|mime_types =
|tags = video

|icon = [[Image:xoirc.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[xoIRC]]
|activity_description = An activity version of the ''urk'' IRC client
|activity_id = org.laptop.XoIRC
|activity_bundle = [ XoIRC-4.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = –
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags =

=== Dibujo y Creación/Edición de medios===

|icon = [[Image:activity-draw.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Draw|Paint (Oficina)]]
|activity_description = Simple paint activity
|activity_id = org.laptop.Oficina
|activity_bundle = [ Paint-23.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 23
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo core]
|comments = G1G1 activity
|mime_types = produces .png, but reads all image formats available in GTK, such as .jpg, .png, .svg and .gif
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:activity-record.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[record]]
|activity_description = Still, video, and audio capture
|activity_id = org.laptop.RecordActivity
|activity_bundle = [ Record-59.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 59
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo core]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}
|mime_types = Mime types: .jpg, .ogg
|tags = webcam

|icon = [[Image:activity-tamtamjam.svg|40px]]<br/>[[Image:activity-tamtamedit.svg|40px]]<br/>[[Image:activity-tamtamsynthlab.svg|40px]]<br/>[[Image:activity-tamtammini.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[TamTam]]
|activity_description = Music composition and synthesis
|activity_bundle = [ TamTamJam-51.xo]
[ TamTamEdit-50.xo]
[ TamTamSynthLab-51.xo]
[ TamTamMini-49.xo]
|activity_source = [] to download run this command ''git-clone git://''
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo bundled]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}<br/>Four music activities for jamming, composing, and synthesizing
|mime_types = .ogg, .midi
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:colors-activity.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Colors!]]
|activity_description = Colors is a simple natural media painting activity for the XO laptop.
|activity_id =
|activity_bundle = [ Colors-4.xo]
|activity_version = 3
|build = All
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Ourstories.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = Interview ([[Our_Stories]])
|activity_description = Interviewing/OurStories activity
|activity_id =
|activity_bundle = [[media:OurStories-1.xo|OurStories.xo]]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 1-beta
|build = None
|i18n = {{Pending|No POT found}}
|comments = under development; John Huang & team @ Google
|mime_types = Mime types: produces .ogg, .mp3, .jpg
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-flipsticks.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Flipsticks]]
|activity_description = Using keyframes, program a stick figure to twist, turn, tumble and dance
|activity_id = org.worldwideworkshop.olpc.FlipSticks
|activity_bundle = [[media:FlipSticks-RC-1.4.xo|FlipSticks.xo]]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 1.4
|build = Joyride
|i18n =
|comments = Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center].
|mime_types =
|tags = create, figure, animation

|icon = [[Image:Activity-cartoonbuilder.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Cartoon Builder]]
|activity_description = Animate a cartoon character by creating a sequence of poses inside a filmstrip
|activity_id = com.ywwg.CartoonBuilderActivity
|activity_bundle = [[media:CartoonBuilder-RC-1.7.xo|CartoonBuilder.xo]]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 1.7
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments =Please test! Part of the [ MaMaMedia Creative Center].
|mime_types =
|tags = create, animation

|icon = [[Image:Activity-Jokemachine.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Joke Machine]]
|activity_description = Start a multimedia jokebook and invite your friends to add jokes to it via the mesh
|activity_id = org.worldwideworkshop.JokeMachineActivity
|activity_bundle = [[media:JokeMachine-8.xo|JokeMachine.xo]]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 8
|build = Joyride
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-tuxpaint-webpage.png|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Tux Paint]]
|activity_description = Paint program for young children
|activity_id = org.tuxpaint.TuxPaintActivity
|activity_source = [ TuxPaint-2.xo.tar.bz2]
|activity_bundle = [ TuxPaint-2.xo]
|activity_version = 2
|build = Update.1 (708), 8.2-760
|i18n = []
|comments = stamps included, localized to 70 languages, stereo sound
|mime_types =
|tags = draw

|icon = [[Image:An_icon.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Audacity]]
|activity_description = Audio recording and multitrack editing
|activity_id = org.x.audacity
|activity_bundle = [ audacity-1.xo]
|activity_source = FC7 repository
|activity_version = 1
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments = Initial bundle for testing, feedback appreciated
|mime_types =
|tags =

=== Programación ===

|icon = [[Image:activity-pippy.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Pippy]]
|activity_description = Python Programming language/environment
|activity_id = org.laptop.Pippy
|activity_bundle = [ Pippy-29.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 29
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo bundled]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}
|mime_types =
|tags = code, examples, learn

|icon = [[Image:activity-etoys.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Etoys]]
|activity_description = Learning / programming / authoring environment
|activity_id = org.vpri.EtoysActivity
|activity_bundle = [[Activities/Etoys (latest)|latest version]]
|activity_source = see [[Etoys#For Developers|Etoys development]]
|activity_version =
|build = all
|i18n = [ pootle]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}
|mime_types =
|tags = create, media, games, code, examples, learn
|devel_status = stable

|icon = [[Image:activity-turtleart.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Turtle Art]]
|activity_description = Pseudo-Logo graphical programming language
|activity_id = org.laptop.TurtleArtActivity
|activity_bundle = [ TurtleArt.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 18
|build = All
|i18n =
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-develop.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Develop]]
|activity_description = Development IDE/tool
|activity_id = org.laptop.Develop
|activity_bundle = []
|activity_source = [;a=tree]
|activity_version = 35
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments = Second incarnation. Previous (broken) incarnation discussed at [[old Develop activity]]. Works, but read [[Develop#WARNINGS|warnings]] before running.
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Gccicon.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[XO-GCC]]
|activity_description = A Sugar wrapper to the GCC compiler collection.
|activity_id = com.ywwg.gcc
|activity_bundle = [[:media:gcc1.xo|xogcc.xo]]
|activity_source =
|activity_version = 1
|build = none
|mime_types = .c .h
|i18n =
|comments = Alpha Stage
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Turtleart2.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Measure/Turtle|Turtle Art with Sensors]]
|activity_description = Turtle Art with sensor support (intensity and pitch of sound, resistive and voltage sensors). '''Spanish is now supported in the current release'''
|activity_id = org.laptop.TurtleArtwithSensors
|activity_bundle = [ v3]
|activity_source = [;a=tree]
|activity_version = 3
|build = All
|i18n =
|comments = {{}}
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-scratch.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Scratch]]
|activity_description = An easy-to-learn, multimedia programming language. Snap together colorful command blocks to create interactive animations, stories, and games, then share your creatiions on the Scratch website.
|activity_id =
|activity_bundle = [ Scratch-11.xo]
|activity_source =
|activity_version = 11
|build = 703, 8.2
|i18n =
|comments = XO port of Scratch; now has larger fonts and support for non-Western languages.
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-gvr.png|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Guido van Robot]]
|activity_description = Educational programming language, IDE and lessons
|activity_bundle = [[]]
|activity_source =
|activity_version = 4.0
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments = Stable with 18 lessons included.
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:An_icon.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Developer Console]]
|activity_description = Developer's console
|activity_bundle =
|activity_source =
|activity_version = –
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments = Formerly accessed with Alt+= from sugar, includes diagnostics and terminal. Removed from builds in favor of separate activities for terminal, logs, and analyze.
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:inferno.png|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Inferno]]
|activity_description = Inferno Programming language/environment
|activity_bundle = [ inferno-012808.xo]
|activity_source = [ Google Code Project]
|activity_version = 012808
|build = All
|i18n =
|comments = [ Documentation Bundle]
|mime_types =
|tags = code, examples, learn

|icon = [[Image:HelloMesh.png|40px]]
|activity_name = [[HelloMesh]]
|activity_description = Demo activity for [[Activity sharing]] and [[Collaboration Tutorial]]
|activity_id = org.laptop.HelloMesh
|activity_bundle = [ HelloMesh-3.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 3
|build =
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags = code, examples

|icon = [[Image:ucblogo.png|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Berkeley Logo]]
|activity_description = The Logo programming language]
|activity_id = edu.berkeley.ucblogo
|activity_bundle = [ Ucblogo-4.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 4
|build =
|i18n =
|comments = Still not fully Sugarized -- no journal, etc.
|mime_types =
|tags =

=== Matemáticas y Ciencia ===

|icon = [[Image:activity-calculate.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Calculate]]
|activity_description = Calculadora basica
|activity_id = org.laptop.Calculate
|activity_bundle = [ Calculate-25.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 25
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo bundled]
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Epaati_icon.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[OLE_Nepal_Etoys|E-Paath]]
|activity_description = Math and English Lessons from [ OLE Nepal]
|activity_id = org.olenepal.EPaatiActivity
|activity_bundle = [ XO file]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 13 at time of writing
|i18n =
|comments = This is a large activity, with numerous sub-activities; 68 of them in version 13, which is a 119 MB download.
|build = None
|mime_types = .xo
|tags = math, english, Nepal

|icon = [[Image:activity-drgeo.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[DrGeo]] II
|activity_description = Euclidean Geometry
|activity_bundle = [ file]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 146
|i18n = []
|comments = Install from Browse (>= update.1).
|build = None
|mime_types =
|tags = euclidean geometry, interactivity, programmed sketch

|icon = [[Image:Activity-physics.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Physics_(activity)|Physics]]
|activity_description = A physical world simulator and playground
|activity_id = org.laptop.physics
|activity_bundle = []
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 0.2
|build = All
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-x2o.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[x2o]]
|activity_description = Inspired by the Incredible Machine -- make crazy contraptions to get the O back on top of the X
|activity_bundle =
|activity_source =
|activity_version = 9
|build =
|i18n =
|mime_types =
|comments = Be sure to make your own levels and post them on [[x2o]]
|tags = game, playground, physics, x2o, incredible, machine, puzzle, fun
|devel_status = production

|icon = [[Image:An_icon.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[SocialCalc]]
|activity_description = Basic spreadsheet
|activity_bundle = [ SocialCalc-1]
|activity_source =
|activity_version = 1
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags = spreadsheet, calculator

|icon = [[Image:IconRuler.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Ruler]]
|activity_description = Graphical cm/mm ruler and grids to take measurements of lengths and angles of objects the size of XO laptop screen
|activity_id = com.laptop.Ruler
|activity_bundle = [ Ruler-3.xo]
|activity_source =
|activity_version = 3
|build = None
|i18n = [[Ruler/Localization]]
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags = measure

|icon = [[Image:Model-icon.png|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Model]]
|activity_description = Model allows you to do System Dynamics modeling on the XO. System dynamics helps you think about and solve problems involving things changing over time
|activity_id = org.laptop.Model
|activity_bundle = [ Model-8.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 8
|build = All
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Icon_Hourglass.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Stopwatch]]
|activity_description = Sharable stopwatch activity
|activity_id = org.laptop.StopWatchActivity
|activity_source =
|activity_bundle = [ Stopwatch.xo]
|activity_version = 1
|build =
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-poll.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Poll Builder]]
|activity_description = Create a poll, collect votes and analyze community opinions
|activity_id = org.worldwideworkshop.PollBuilder
|activity_bundle = [ Poll-21.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 21
|build =
|i18n =
|comments =
|mime_types =
|tags = polls

|icon = [[Image:activity-measure.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Measure]]
|activity_description = Oscilloscope, Sensors, Sound waveforms Data Logging
|activity_id = org.laptop.MeasureActivity
|activity_bundle = [ Measure-21.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 21
|build = All
|i18n = [ xo bundled]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:activity-acousticmeasure.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Acoustic Tape Measure|Distance]]
|activity_description = Measure distance between two laptops
|activity_id = org.laptop.AcousticMeasure
|activity_bundle = [ AcousticMeasure-12.xo]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 12
|build = Update.1
|i18n = [ xo bundled]
|comments = {{Preinstalled}}<br/>requires two laptops
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Schoolsplay.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Schoolsplay]]
|activity_description = Collection of small arithmetic and reading/writing activities
|activity_bundle = [ schoolsplay.xo]
|activity_source = [ svn browse]
|activity_version = 0.4
|build = None
|i18n =
|comments = Not yet fully functional but is stable
|mime_types =
|tags =

|icon = [[Image:Activity-XaoS.png|40px]]
|activity_name = [[XaoS]]
|activity_description = An old-skool fractal zoomer, this is the raddest program ever!!!!!
|activity_id = org.codewiz.XaoS
|activity_bundle = [[Media:XaoS.xo|XaoS.xo]]
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 1
|build = all
|comments = A fast Mandelbrot generator with lots of cool features
|mime_types =
|i18n =
|tags =


|icon = [[Image:Stars_icon.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[StarChart]]
|activity_description = Plots constellations, stars, some DSOs, planets, sun and moon for anywhere on Earth at any time.
|activity_id = org.laptop.StarChart
|activity_bundle = []
|activity_source = in the bundle
|activity_version = 13 -- production release 2.2
|build = tested on 653 through 767.
|mime_types =
|i18n = en, es
|comments =
|tags = astronomy
|devel_status = 5-Production-stable

|icon = [[Image:ConstellationsFlashCards.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[ConstellationsFlashCards]]
|activity_description = This activity uses a flash-card like technique to teach the names and shapes of the constellations.
|activity_id = org.laptop.ConstellationsFlashCards
|activity_bundle = []
|activity_source = in the bundle
|activity_version = 2 -- production release 1.1
|build = tested on 767.
|mime_types =
|i18n = en, es
|comments =
|tags = astronomy
|devel_status = 5-Production-stable

|icon = [[Image:Activity-bridge.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[Bridge]]
|activity_description = Build a bridge to get a train across a valley.
|activity_bundle = [ Bridge-2.xo]
|activity_id = org.laptop.bridge
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 2
|build =
|mime_types =
|i18n = [ xo_core]
|comments = Developed during the [[Physics Jam]]
|tags = physics, engineering
|devel_status = 3-Alpha

|icon = [[Image:Activity-XOolympics.svg|40px]]
|activity_name = [[XOlympics]]
|activity_description = Fast paced, competitive, physics infused mayhem!
|activity_bundle = [ XOlympics-1.xo]
|activity_id = org.laptop.xolympics
|activity_source = []
|activity_version = 1
|build =
|mime_types =

== Vea tambien==
* "[ started guide]
* Vea la (desactualizada) pagina [ Activities page] en el sitio vjgvgvmbvhgcvjtv
arcom's olpc.
* [[Activity bundles]], [[Collections]], [[Software ideas]], [[List of activity summaries]]


Latest revision as of 03:00, 18 December 2012

Esta página es obsoleta.

Por favor, visite la Biblioteca de Actividades para Sugar para buscar y descargar las actividades de Sugar.