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<h1>People: Discover persons who brings their personal passion to OLPC project</h1>
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<p>OLPC was founded by Nicholas Negroponte with a core of Media Lab veterans, but quickly expanded to include a wide range of exceptionally talented and dedicated people from academia as well as industry, the arts, business, and the open-source community. Each brings a unique skill set and a deep personal passion to the project.</p>
<div class="poeple">
<div class="people">
<h3><a href="NicholasNegroponte.shtml">Nicholas Negroponte</a></h3>
<h3><a href="NicholasNegroponte/">Nicholas Negroponte</a></h3>
<div class="img"><a href="NicholasNegroponte.shtml" class="more"><img src="../../img/NicholasNegroponte_thumb.jpg" width="64" height="80" alt="Nicholas Negroponte" /></a></div>
<div class="img"><a href="NicholasNegroponte/" class="more"><img src="../../img/NicholasNegroponte_thumb.jpg" width="64" height="80" alt="Nicholas Negroponte" /></a></div>
<p>Nicholas Negroponte is founder and chairman of the One Laptop per Child non-profit association. He is currently on leave from MIT, where he was co-founder and director of the MIT Media Laboratory, and the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Technology.</p>

<div class="poeple">
<div class="people">
<h3><a href="AntonioBattro.shtml">Antonio Battro</a></h3>
<h3><a href="AntonioBattro/">Antonio Battro</a></h3>
<h4>Chief Education Officer</h4>
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<div class="img"><a href="AntonioBattro/" class="more"><img src="../../img/AntonioBattro_thumb.jpg" width="64" height="80" alt="Antonio Battro" /></a></div>
<p>Considered a world leader in the new field of neuroeducation, Antonio Battro is an MD and PhD who specializes in the development of basic cognitive and perceptual processes in children and adolescents.</p>
<div class="poeple">
<div class="people">
<h3><a href="WalterBender.shtml">Walter Bender</a></h3>
<h3><a href="WalterBender/">Walter Bender</a></h3>
<h4>President, Software and Content</h4>
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<div class="img"><a href="WalterBender/" class="more"><img src="../../img/WalterBender_thumb.jpg" width="64" height="80" alt="Walter Bender" /></a></div>
<p>Walter Bender is a founding member and former executive director of the Media Lab. He attended Harvard University where he received his BA, before earning his MS from MIT. </p>
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<div class="people">
<h3><a href="MichailBletsas.shtml">Michail Bletsas</a></h3>
<h3><a href="MichailBletsas/">Michail Bletsas</a></h3>
<h4>Chief Connectivity Officer</h4>
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<div class="img"><a href="MichailBletsas/" class="more"><img src="../../img/MichailBletsas_thumb.jpg" width="64" height="80" alt="Michail Bletsas" /></a></div>
<p>As former director of computing at the MIT Media Lab, Michail Bletsas designed and deployed most of their Internet network infrastructure systems. His research has since evolved to develop broadband Internet access to underserved areas. </p>
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<h3><a href="DavidCavallo.shtml">David Cavallo</a></h3>
<h3><a href="DavidCavallo/">David Cavallo</a></h3>
<h4>Director for Central and South America</h4>
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<div class="img"><a href="DavidCavallo/" class="more"><img src="../../img/DavidCavallo_thumb.jpg" width="64" height="80" alt="David Cavallo" /></a></div>
<p>David Cavallo is the co-head of the Media Lab's Future of Learning, a group focusing on the design and implementation of new learning environments and on the design of new technologies that will change the way we think about "learning" and "school."</p>

<div class="poeple">
<div class="people">
<h3><a href="JimGettys.shtml">Jim Gettys</a></h3>
<h3><a href="RobertFadel/">Robert Fadel</a></h3>

<h4>Vice President, Software Engineering</h4>
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<p>With extensive knowledge and background in software engineering, Jim Gettys's interest in open-source systems for education on very inexpensive computers led him to One Laptop per Child. </p>

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<h3><a href="KhaledHassounah.shtml">Khaled Hassounah</a></h3>
<h3><a href="JimGettys/">Jim Gettys</a></h3>
<h4>Director for Middle East and Africa</h4>
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<p>After working in close collaboration with large organizations in the US, India, the Middle East and China, Khaled Hassounah's interest are now focused in developing technological solutions for underdeveloped countries. </p>
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<h3><a href="MaryLouJepsen.shtml">Mary Lou Jepsen</a></h3>
<h3><a href="MaryLouJepsen/">Mary Lou Jepsen</a></h3>
<h4>Chief Technology Officer</h4>
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<div class="img"><a href="MaryLouJepsen/" class="more"><img src="../../img/MaryLouJepsen_thumb.jpg" width="64" height="80" alt="Mary Lou Jepsen" /></a></div>
<p>Mary Lou Jepsen is a pioneer in developing display technologies and has earned worldwide recognition as a top innovator in the field of LCoS systems. She has contributed to many breakthroughs, including the largest hologram in the world. </p>
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<h3><a href="CharlesKane.shtml">Charles Kane</a></h3>
<h3><a href="CharlesKane/">Charles Kane</a></h3>
<h4>Chief Financial Officer</h4>
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<p>Chuck Kane has acquired a wealth of experience at a number of respected organizations, including Aspen Technology, Corechange, Inc., Open Text, Inc. and Deloitte and Touche.</p>

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<h3><a href="HabibKhan/">Habib Khan</a></h3>
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<h3><a href="IvanKrstic.shtml">Ivan Krstić</a></h3>
<h3><a href="SJKlein/">SJ Klein</a></h3>
<h4>Director of Security Architecture</h4>
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<p>An accomplished software architect and researcher, Ivan Krstić is currently on leave from Harvard University. Ivan is deeply involved with open-source and free software, and specializes in architecture and security of large distributed systems. </p>

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<h3><a href="IvanKrstic/">Ivan Krstić</a></h3>
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<h3><a href="NiaLewis/">Nia Lewis</a></h3>
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Latest revision as of 07:10, 17 December 2008

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					<h3><a href="NicholasNegroponte/">Nicholas Negroponte</a></h3>
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					<h3><a href="MaryLouJepsen/">Mary Lou Jepsen</a></h3>
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					<h3><a href="CharlesKane/">Charles Kane</a></h3>
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					<h3><a href="HabibKhan/">Habib Khan</a></h3>
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