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Archives: [[OLPC talk:News/1|2006-2008]]

== Erratas & Mistakes ==
In the Haiti News a Republique do Chile is mentioned, it`s not Chile but HAITI.

== First field test to evaluate network completed this Saturday ==
== First field test to evaluate network completed this Saturday ==
This Saturday, professor Luiz Claudio Schara Magalhães and students from UFF's Telecommunications Engineering and Computer Science departments went to Itapuaçu, an oceanic beach in Niterói, Brazil, to run the phase one tests, which include range, throughput and latency between two XO's and one XO and one access point, using the AP standard antenna and an 18dbi omnidirectional antenna which may be installed at schools to extend range. Further tests are planned for this Friday, and results will be posted as they become available.
This Saturday, professor Luiz Claudio Schara Magalhães and students from UFF's Telecommunications Engineering and Computer Science departments went to Itapuaçu, an oceanic beach in Niterói, Brazil, to run the phase one tests, which include range, throughput and latency between two XO's and one XO and one access point, using the AP standard antenna and an 18dbi omnidirectional antenna which may be installed at schools to extend range. Further tests are planned for this Friday, and results will be posted as they become available.

== Universidade Federal Fluminense is evaluating XO's mesh network implementation ==
== Universidade Federal Fluminense is evaluating XO's mesh network implementation ==
The mesh network evaluation is being done under the auspices of Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP - [http://www.rnp.br]), the Brazilian organization funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education. RNP is responsible for providing Internet access to academic and research institutions and it is funding Midiacom Labs ([http://www.midiacom.uff.br]) to develop a low cost mesh network solution. Information about the pilot, which provides free Internet access to students in the vicinity of the Engineering Campus at UFF, can be found at [http://mesh.ic.uff.br]. This technology may be used to create the infrastructure to bring Internet access to the Brazilian schools. Current information on the XO's mesh network tests will be found at [http://www.midiacom.uff.br/~schara].
The mesh network evaluation is being done under the auspices of Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP - [http://www.rnp.br]), the Brazilian organization funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education. RNP is responsible for providing Internet access to academic and research institutions and it is funding Midiacom Labs ([http://www.midiacom.uff.br]) to develop a low cost mesh network solution. Information about the pilot, which provides free Internet access to students in the vicinity of the Engineering Campus at UFF, can be found at [http://mesh.ic.uff.br]. This technology may be used to create the infrastructure to bring Internet access to the Brazilian schools. Current information on the XO's mesh network tests will be found at [http://www.midiacom.uff.br/~schara].
Line 13: Line 19:

:The OLPC spokesperson was misquoted: no agreement had been signed. We continue to cooperate with Thailand, Brasil, Argentina, and Nigeria, but no one has committed to purchase laptops nor has OLPC asked anyone to sign a purchase agreement yet. We apologize for any confusion.[[User:Walter|Walter]] 21:50, 1 August 2006 (EDT)
:The OLPC spokesperson was misquoted: no agreement had been signed. We continue to cooperate with Thailand, Brasil, Argentina, and Nigeria, but no one has committed to purchase laptops nor has OLPC asked anyone to sign a purchase agreement yet. We apologize for any confusion.[[User:Walter|Walter]] 21:50, 1 August 2006 (EDT)

== Milestone missing ==

This page has a list of Milestones. Shouldn't it mention this one?


1. We have reached an important milestone this week: the dual-mode now
display works in prototype! We have been counting on Mary Lou Jepsen's new
approach to LCD displays to help us achieve our price and power consumption
targets and enable our expected models of indoor and outdoor use, while
also rapidly achieving mass production. We now have a display that can
readily be mass produced in standard LCD factories, with no process
changes. Our display has higher resolution than 95% of the laptop displays
on the market today; approximately 1/10th the power consumption; 1/50rd the
price; sunlight readability; and room-light readability with the backlight

== Costa Rica Press Article ==
== Costa Rica Press Article ==
Line 43: Line 32:


== Libya ==

The [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/11/world/africa/11laptop.html?_r=1&oref=slogin New York Times] among others is reporting that [[Libya]] is getting 1.2 million laptops along with servers and support, etc. for $250 million. Is this an order, or just an indication of intention to place an order?
:An [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorandum_of_understanding MOU] was signed. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 14:17, 11 October 2006 (EDT)

Also the article quoted "Mr. Negroponte" as saying that Windows was not being used for price reasons, which sounded a bit odd. I thought that it was to let the students experament with the OS, etc.
:The quote regarding Windows was inaccurate. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 14:17, 11 October 2006 (EDT)

This is also on [http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/FDFF80E0-0E4B-4825-A1E7-5A413C03157B.htm Al-Jazeera] [[User:Mx44|Mx44]] 11:18, 13 October 2006 (EDT)

== Please date news ==

Please include dates in news items. It is impossible to tell what the pace of development is, or even how hot the latest development is.--[[User:Mokurai|Mokurai]] 04:27, 16 October 2006 (EDT)

:The News is updated every weekend. There is a dated archive available at http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news and it is safe to assume anything reported in the current news section is at most one week old. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 17:44, 16 October 2006 (EDT)

I agree with Mokurai. A date at the top of the page showing the date of the most recent news update would be helpful.

== Broken Link ==

Probably at thier end<p>
6 Oct. 2006 Washington Post | $100 Laptop May Be at Security Forefront

== New News item ==

OLPC received Popular Science's Innovation of the Year Grand Award:<br>


== New York Times ==

New York Times [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/30/technology/30laptop.html?hp&ex=1164949200&en=65317907d3a0f6d7&ei=5094&partner=homepage For $150, Third-World Laptop Stirs a Big Debate]

Generic introduction good writing, some quotes, no real news, lots of reader comments.

== RSS ==

I see there's a mailing list about OLPC
How about you make some sort of news page with RSS? Right now, my only news source for OLPC is [[http://www.0xdeadbeef.com/weblog/ Christopher Blizzard's blog..]]
- Luckluster

: I agree with providing an RSS feed for this page, with a orange button for easy subscription. It would sure beat having to support the rants and FUD from olpcnews_dot_com to get this information.<br />- John Pilfor

I third this request! RSS would be a great way to keep up with the project and share update with others! - Paul Russell

: There is an excellent OLPC aggregator site with an RSS feed, http://planet.laptop.org/ , but it does not currently include the weekly laptop news that appears here and at http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news -- [[User:Skierpage|Skierpage]] 00:02, 27 February 2007 (EST)

== OLPC Uruguay ==

Read in the paper version of [http://www.observador.com.uy/ El Observador] (an uruguayan newspaper) in its December 7, 2006 edition (pg 13) about an announcement of the Uruguayan President, Tabaré Vázquez, at the openning of [http://www.integratics.com.uy Integra TICs] stating that they will hopefully have an OLPC for each child and teacher by 2009 (some 400,000).

Uruguay is officialy participating in the OLPC project with 400.000 units. This was confirmed on December 14th, 2006 by an [http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_Web/noticias/2006/12/2006121402.htm announcement made by the Uruguayan President] ([http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_Web/noticias/2006/12/2006121402.htm translated version]).

::Cool! Great news!! Do you know of an official press release? I mean, afaik, the current minimum order is one million laptops, more than twice the number mentioned... are they piggybacking on somebody else's order, or getting enough for 2+ years?
::Netiquette-wise, please don't change links, add yours... I'm reverting El Observador's and noting your [http://www.observa.com.uy/Obuscar/notaarchivo.aspx?id=65935 Observa post here] - they seem to be related, but have no clue why they would use two domains... --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 17:07, 15 December 2006 (EST)
:::Xavi, the newspaper name is "El Observador", but their online site it's called Observa (www.observa.com.uy). They also have MiO (www.mio.com.uy), I don't really know why, but they are all owned by "El Observador". Sorry about it, I changed it because that news article is what you were talking about, the announcement at the IntegraTICs.
:::English speakers: please improve this article. [[User:Tuxie|tuxie_]] 20:10 GMT -2, 17 December 2006

== AP story on OLPC ==

Jan 1, 2007: [[http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/061231/hundred_dollar_laptop.html?.v=3 Yahoo]] and [[http://www.cnn.com/2006/EDUCATION/12/31/hundreddollarlaptop.ap/index.html CNN]] have an AP wire story about student oriented aspects of OLPC. It also said that the Palestinian territory is scheduled to receive laptops and that more African countries might sign up soon.

: I don't know who wrote the comment above, but related to this, why are [http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/01/01/1735248 slashdot] and [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061231/ap_on_hi_te/hundred_dollar_laptop AP/Yahoo!] way ahead of laptop.org in news about OLPC? -- [[User:Hogghogg|David W Hogg]] 15:53, 1 January 2007 (EST

==News Story on BBC news ==

there is a new story today January 10th on BBC news [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6246989.stm "$100 laptop could sell to public"] [[User:|]] 13:34, 10 January 2007 (EST)

:Contrary to recent reports, OLPC is not planning a consumer version of its current laptop. It will be made available to governments in very large quantities to be given to all children free, as part of their education. Many commercial schemes have been considered and proposed that may surface in 2008 or beyond, one of which is "buy one for the price of two." In addition, OLPC is launching OLPC Foundation later this month, specifically to accommodate the huge goodwill and charity that has surfaced around the idea of a $100 laptop. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 02:32, 11 January 2007 (EST)

==New Article for your Wiki-page==
Here is an article from Mr. Saffo. He tried out the OLPC and found it wonderful. Well, have a look at the article:
[http://www.saffo.com/journal/entry.php?id=639&pg= "Saffo journal"]

==Windows & Office for our Laptops? says Bill Gates==
Here is an article from ?

The digital divide can be a horrible place. On the one side are Westerners who go into withdrawal at the slightest hiccup in their mobile e-mail service. On the other are the majority of Earth's inhabitants, an estimated five billion people who don't use computers, let alone have "crackberry" addictions. To help narrow this digital divide and spread IT's tremendous bounty across a level playing field, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates announced plans last week to sell a software package that includes Windows XP and Office 2007 for only $3.

:The Microsoft announcement has resulted in some confusion in the press. It is being suggested that because of the Microsoft announcement, OLPC will be switching from Linux to Windows. On the contrary, '''OLPC remains steadfast in its dedication to FOSS and has no plans to distribute Windows'''. However, we have consistant and public with our position that the spirit of openness and freedom; everyone, including software engineers at Microsoft, are welcome to develop for the machine. The fact that Microsoft has been making efforts to bring the price of Windows within reach of children in the developing world gives those children more choices. --[[User:|]] 04:05, 28 April 2007 (EDT)

== wrong link in news ==

Different 'news' same article [[Media:Technology_Review_Security_Model_Released_for_the_$100_Laptop.pdf]]
* <tt>12&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007 | Silicon.com</tt>
* <tt>8&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007 | MIT: Technology Review</tt>

== inclusion of extracted pages ==

I think it would be better to have the [[milestones]], [[press]] & [[Video of the OLPC]] pages included here... we can control how much is included or not with the &lt;nowinclude&gt; directives... and then only one version or place to update is needed (instead of two as currently is). I volunteer to do it. --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 11:01, 21 April 2007 (EDT)


I did the extraction in the [[News/lang-es]] and [[Milestones/lang-es]] pages to test. Any idea why I shouldn't do it for the english version? (which I assume will impact on other translations too)... --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 01:37, 22 April 2007 (EDT)

: I am not sure who split the pages up to begin with. I don't see any reason for it except to keep the size of the page manageable. I you think it won't negatively impact the translation efforts, why not? --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 01:55, 22 April 2007 (EDT)

:: It was getting a bit big that page... I don't mind it being split :)
:: Anyway, it's done. I think it'll work fine also for translation (although it may be tricky if you don't understand the 'noinclude') the good thing is that translators now have the choice to just use the english version too (summarized) or do the whole thing. It could prove useful for other pages too, specially other 'list-like' pages. Cheers, --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 02:24, 22 April 2007 (EDT)

== Translation to Brazilian Portuguese 2 weekends ago ==

Hi, 2 weekends ago (18 and 19 January) I revised the current and finished missing Brazilian Portuguese translations for Core and Bundle activities in Pootle. Left off was Etoys, which is currently 50% translated. This was following a call for help on irc, so that students in Brazil could take advantage of Update.1 in their native language.
== Laptop News link doesn't always work ==
I discovered 2 interesting things with the exercise: 1 - That Sugar and the core activities have less text in comparison with other desktops. This is because of the highly iconic and visual nature of Sugar itself, as well as of the activities. This bodes well for the multilingual future of the XO, as a new language, in my own estimates, could be added in a couple of days. 2 - To translate the TamTam series of music and sound activities, I had to follow a crash-course on the theory of sound, thankfully aided by Wikipedia, Wiktionary and a other resources. I immediately learned how deep they could be, following the philosophy of "a low floor" and "a high ceiling" that all the activities should target for, since it frees students to delve as deep and wider as they which into the subject matter, in this case in the appreciation of sound and music. [[User:HoboPrimate|HoboPrimate]] 22:54, 2 February 2008 (EST)

== G1G1 passes German customs / Awesome battery ==
The [http://laptop.media.mit.edu/laptopnews.nsf/latest/news Laptop News] link doesn't always work. Sometimes you get a media lab login page. Works upon reloading. Not a new problem - I recall encountering it months ago as well. Perhaps the link should be annotated with 'if it doesnt work, reload'. [[User:MitchellNCharity|MitchellNCharity]] 10:24, 22 April 2007 (EDT)

Just wanted to let folks know that I got my G1G1 XO through German customs. They had me open the box because they were curious. They put "green laptop" on the form for "item entering the EU". The letters sent by OLPC and signed by Negroponte explaining the price policy were worth gold, as they only assessed my value-added tax on $199, not on $399, and there were no import duties imposed (yeah!).
:Thanks for pointing this out. The current news can be found in this wiki: [[Current events]]. The archive is for legacy reasons stored on an MIT machine. I will move it when I get a chance. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 11:34, 22 April 2007 (EDT)
And now for the good news about the battery: my brother charged it in the States fully, it was 10 days in transit, and still had 75% battery showing when I first booted it up! That quickly went to 50% as I began fussing with Flash videos (that wouldn't load). Now I gotta find that US-to-European converter. Thank you for making the adapter handle 110-240V! [[User:WiseWoman|WiseWoman]] 10:54, 15 February 2008 (EST)

== Please link Trac tickets when you can ==
==AP News article ==
<blockquote>Apr 26, 5:45 PM (ET)

Try using the nifty [[Template:Trac]] by [[User:Katie]]
eg {{Trac|5269|rfe }}
Thanks,[[User:Adricnet|Adricnet]] 08:22, 20 February 2008 (EST)

== links ==
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - The founder of the ambitious "$100 laptop" project, which plans to give inexpensive computers to schoolchildren in developing countries, revealed Thursday that the machine for now costs $175, and it will be able to run Windows in addition to its homegrown, open-source interface.
The news as of 2/22/08 is very interesting, but also very light on links to more information / details. More links would certainly be appreciated -- dave stanford [[User:|]] 08:52, 22 February 2008 (EST)

Nicholas Negroponte, the former director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab who now heads the nonprofit One Laptop Per Child project, updated analysts and journalists on where the effort stands, saying "we are perhaps at the most critical stage of OLPC's life."</blockquote>
Thanks for your input. If you have specific suggestions for links, please add them here, or if you need help finding things you could hop on [[IRC]] or mail help at laptop dot org. Lots more options at eg [[ Support]].

[[User:Adricnet|Adricnet]] 05:23, 2 March 2008 (EST)
Looks like the AP reporter decided to make money and M$ the lead instead of the meeting.
[[User:Bob calder|Bob calder]]

Please add this link to [http://www.olpcnews.com/about.html olpcnews.com] --[[User:SvenAERTS|SvenAERTS]] 22:07, 22 March 2009 (UTC)
== Green laptop? ==

== Added content from Community-news ==
The May 5 lead item (Green laptop would save tons of power, etc) is so much hokum. If every computer was switched to an OLPC, the world would burn a lot less power but no computer on earth would be able to compile a Linux kernel. Or open and view two web pages AT THE SAME TIME! I also suspect that those power calculations were done based on "projected" power rather than the power that XOs actually burn at this point in time; let's see those calculations, please. Please keep this kind of useless fluff out of the news page.

I added a news update in what I hope was an acceptably wikified format from [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/community-news/2008-April/000123.html Kim's post to community-news] ... hope this is OK
:Your opinion is certainly welcome, but please use less derisive language: "so much hokum." Hiding behind an anonymous post and using such a tone is not within the spirit of a constructive discourse. In regard to your assertions: (1) the Linux kernel can be compiled on the XO; (2) the current browser can maintain multiple open pages, but SUGAR ''currently'' only lets you view one at a time (if you want to view multiple windows at one, you can either (a) load a different window manager; (b) use Opera; (c) add that functionality to the browser--it is open source; or (d) wait a few weeks until our tab interface is working); and (3) the estimate is based on actual measurments from our B3 hardware. --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 12:41, 9 May 2007 (EDT)
:&mdash;[[User:Hobart|Hobart]] 15:02, 28 April 2008 (EDT)
:: Thanks, Hobart, that's great. See also the talk at [[OLPC:Newsroom]]. --[[User:Sj|Sj]]&nbsp;[[User talk:Sj|<font style="color:#f70; font-size:70%">talk</font>]] 15:05, 28 April 2008 (EDT)

== Windows based laptop? Really? ==
== Old sections archived ==
I archived some of the old sections.

== Improving community-news generation and coverage ==
I suspect that it'd be useful to debunk the widespread press coverage saying "the OLPC will run Windows!" The impression I get is that OLPC, Inc will continue to develop a Linux-based software load for the machines. Countries will be free to run experimental Windows ports on it, supplied by Microsoft no doubt, but OLPC won't be running, maintaining, or supporting that software. If there's something different than that going on, please let the open source community know, so we can stop helping you build Wintel machines. If there's nothing different than that going on, please post a prominent clue to educate everyone who believes what they read in the newspaper.
We're talking about better ways to track and cover community news; feel free to add your thoughts on the same below. [[user:sj|sj]]

Here's one possibility, for adding comments/news items to this page:
: I think this has been "debunked" in the [http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070502-olpc-project-clarifies-no-plans-for-windows-support.html Ars Technica article], among others. And, really, if the open source community doesn't want to help everyone &mdash; including people with Wintel machines &mdash; they probably shouldn't publish their source code. ;) &mdash;[[User:Leejc|Joe]] 11:14, 8 May 2007 (EDT)
default=OLPC talk:News
buttonlabel=Add new news blurb
preload=Template:New news item
editintro=Template:News item headertext

== Remove NOTOC tag? ==
|date=10:00, 9 June 2008 (EDT)
|summary=This is a news item test. Just a test!

I never noticed the olpc video collection until it was mentioned in a magazine. Never really saw the article's Video section due to a personal "news page gets boring as you go down" heuristic. It may just be me. But, perhaps remove the NOTOC tag? The TOC is short, and not unattractive. Especially if "OLPC PRESS RELEASES" became "Press Releases" (there don't seem to be any direct links to the section). I'd be happy to do the change, but given high profile of the page, it seemed worth talk'ing. [[User:MitchellNCharity|MitchellNCharity]] 10:02, 10 May 2007 (EDT)

== Glastonbury 08: XOs power GreenCyberPod ==
: Reasonable request. But I do take issue with the assertion that it is "not unattractive." Need to do some skin hacking... --[[User:Walter|Walter]] 12:03, 10 May 2007 (EDT)

{{Powered by Solar chargers and using 5 XOs loaned by the OLPC project we have set up an internet access point in the Glastonbury Festival Green Futures field. This is England and it is Glastonbury so it is intermittently raining and cloudy but the Green Radio team - thanks to Ricardo Radio - have a bank of 6 solar panels, which are generally providing enough power to recharge the batteries. The Glastonbury wifi is WPA, and very intermittent, so connectivity is courtesy of the truly wonderful Olly Lawrence from GreenPeace International who has rigged us up a subnet from the GP source.
== OLPC News 2007 05 12 ==

Trade is steady - proceeds will go to OLPC (but the contribution won't register I suspect) - and there is a lot of interest in the XO from the slightly startled festival goers.
Shouldn't Uruguay's section refer to 'Villa Cardal' as the town? Ceibal is the 'local name' for OLPC. See http://olpc-ceibal.blogspot.com/ --[[User:Xavi|Xavi]] 14:22, 12 May 2007 (EDT)

Pics to follow
== 3D Human Interface Techniques ==

|submitter= pete cranston
Please see an outdated document at http://remedials.org/#11 that fully explans how to produce a 3d human interface system using the onboard camera and a ball... This technique should be implemented as camera code/hardware on the device; we have implemented devices in half XO's cost using a graphics 3d chip controlled system and camera-ball based interface with no other frivilties; easily 8 comfortable humans using any single device.
|date= 28th June, 08
|topic= news

== 2009 ==
Can YOU find a ball in a picture?

2009 anyone? The page is locked or I would drag it into the now myself :-). --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 17:22, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 22:07, 22 March 2009

Archives: 2006-2008

Erratas & Mistakes

In the Haiti News a Republique do Chile is mentioned, it`s not Chile but HAITI.

First field test to evaluate network completed this Saturday

This Saturday, professor Luiz Claudio Schara Magalhães and students from UFF's Telecommunications Engineering and Computer Science departments went to Itapuaçu, an oceanic beach in Niterói, Brazil, to run the phase one tests, which include range, throughput and latency between two XO's and one XO and one access point, using the AP standard antenna and an 18dbi omnidirectional antenna which may be installed at schools to extend range. Further tests are planned for this Friday, and results will be posted as they become available.

Universidade Federal Fluminense is evaluating XO's mesh network implementation

The mesh network evaluation is being done under the auspices of Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP - [1]), the Brazilian organization funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education. RNP is responsible for providing Internet access to academic and research institutions and it is funding Midiacom Labs ([2]) to develop a low cost mesh network solution. Information about the pilot, which provides free Internet access to students in the vicinity of the Engineering Campus at UFF, can be found at [3]. This technology may be used to create the infrastructure to bring Internet access to the Brazilian schools. Current information on the XO's mesh network tests will be found at [4].

Please add: OLPC-Youth initiative: http://it4yi-wiki.skn.wsinf.edu.pl/YouthandtheOLPCinitiative

$4 million order from Nigeria, Brazil, Argentina, and Thailand: http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS7131519895.html

The OLPC spokesperson was misquoted: no agreement had been signed. We continue to cooperate with Thailand, Brasil, Argentina, and Nigeria, but no one has committed to purchase laptops nor has OLPC asked anyone to sign a purchase agreement yet. We apologize for any confusion.Walter 21:50, 1 August 2006 (EDT)

Costa Rica Press Article

Please add the following press article on Costa Rica's press regarding the OLPC initiative. Includes an interview with Prof. Cavallo.


-Adrian Garcia


Colombia Press Article


Translation to Brazilian Portuguese 2 weekends ago

Hi, 2 weekends ago (18 and 19 January) I revised the current and finished missing Brazilian Portuguese translations for Core and Bundle activities in Pootle. Left off was Etoys, which is currently 50% translated. This was following a call for help on irc, so that students in Brazil could take advantage of Update.1 in their native language. I discovered 2 interesting things with the exercise: 1 - That Sugar and the core activities have less text in comparison with other desktops. This is because of the highly iconic and visual nature of Sugar itself, as well as of the activities. This bodes well for the multilingual future of the XO, as a new language, in my own estimates, could be added in a couple of days. 2 - To translate the TamTam series of music and sound activities, I had to follow a crash-course on the theory of sound, thankfully aided by Wikipedia, Wiktionary and a other resources. I immediately learned how deep they could be, following the philosophy of "a low floor" and "a high ceiling" that all the activities should target for, since it frees students to delve as deep and wider as they which into the subject matter, in this case in the appreciation of sound and music. HoboPrimate 22:54, 2 February 2008 (EST)

G1G1 passes German customs / Awesome battery

Just wanted to let folks know that I got my G1G1 XO through German customs. They had me open the box because they were curious. They put "green laptop" on the form for "item entering the EU". The letters sent by OLPC and signed by Negroponte explaining the price policy were worth gold, as they only assessed my value-added tax on $199, not on $399, and there were no import duties imposed (yeah!). And now for the good news about the battery: my brother charged it in the States fully, it was 10 days in transit, and still had 75% battery showing when I first booted it up! That quickly went to 50% as I began fussing with Flash videos (that wouldn't load). Now I gotta find that US-to-European converter. Thank you for making the adapter handle 110-240V! WiseWoman 10:54, 15 February 2008 (EST)

Please link Trac tickets when you can

Try using the nifty Template:Trac by User:Katie eg rfe (Trac #5269) Thanks,Adricnet 08:22, 20 February 2008 (EST)


The news as of 2/22/08 is very interesting, but also very light on links to more information / details. More links would certainly be appreciated -- dave stanford 08:52, 22 February 2008 (EST)

Dave, Thanks for your input. If you have specific suggestions for links, please add them here, or if you need help finding things you could hop on IRC or mail help at laptop dot org. Lots more options at eg Support. Thanks,

Adricnet 05:23, 2 March 2008 (EST)

Please add this link to olpcnews.com --SvenAERTS 22:07, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

Added content from Community-news

I added a news update in what I hope was an acceptably wikified format from Kim's post to community-news ... hope this is OK

Hobart 15:02, 28 April 2008 (EDT)
Thanks, Hobart, that's great. See also the talk at OLPC:Newsroom. --Sj talk 15:05, 28 April 2008 (EDT)

Old sections archived

I archived some of the old sections.

Improving community-news generation and coverage

We're talking about better ways to track and cover community news; feel free to add your thoughts on the same below. sj

Here's one possibility, for adding comments/news items to this page: <inputbox> type=comment default=OLPC talk:News width=20 height=10 buttonlabel=Add new news blurb bgcolor=#fffcf9 preload=Template:New news item break=yes align=left editintro=Template:News item headertext </inputbox>

This is a news item test. Just a test! sj   10:00, 9 June 2008 (EDT)
'   '

Glastonbury 08: XOs power GreenCyberPod

{{Powered by Solar chargers and using 5 XOs loaned by the OLPC project we have set up an internet access point in the Glastonbury Festival Green Futures field. This is England and it is Glastonbury so it is intermittently raining and cloudy but the Green Radio team - thanks to Ricardo Radio - have a bank of 6 solar panels, which are generally providing enough power to recharge the batteries. The Glastonbury wifi is WPA, and very intermittent, so connectivity is courtesy of the truly wonderful Olly Lawrence from GreenPeace International who has rigged us up a subnet from the GP source.

Trade is steady - proceeds will go to OLPC (but the contribution won't register I suspect) - and there is a lot of interest in the XO from the slightly startled festival goers.

Pics to follow

|submitter= pete cranston |date= 28th June, 08 |topic= news |summary= }}


2009 anyone? The page is locked or I would drag it into the now myself :-). -- 17:22, 23 January 2009 (UTC)