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Under construction by [[User:Mchua|Mel]].

* background reading
:* what is olpc
* what is a jam?
* finding a coordinator
* locations
* food
* communicating with olpc - getting laptops etc
* judging

== What this guide is ==
(below is contentdump to parse into guide)

This is a guide intended for anyone who's ever said "I want to run a [[Jams|Jam]] - what do I do to make it happen?" This guide will take you through the "I think a Jam sounds like a great idea" phase all the way through planning, getting resources for, running, and following-up on a Jam. The entire process takes between 3 weeks and 3 months to plan, depending on your timescale and the scope of your Jam. We've written this specifically OLPC-focused Jams, but it is probably an applicable resource to other kinds of open hackathons.
We need a couple things:

In the spirit of openness and collaboration, please hack this manual. Borrow it, modify it, steal it, edit it, and make it better in any way you can.
(a) Space. Do you know any schools, clubs/associations, or companies with
buildings or offices they might be willing to let us use for the
Curriculum Jam (first weekend of October)? We'll set up and clean up
ourselves, will operate entirely outside of the normal workweek, and bring
a good amount of positive publicity to them (see We'd need 3-6
rooms with tables and chairs that we can move around, plus internet.

::''--Brian Jordan and Mel Chua, June 2008''
This is really important - we can't run the Jam without it! It's the most
immediate need.

== Who this guide is for ==
(b) Participants. If you know any teachers (or someone who would know
teachers, or people interested in education) in Manila who'd like to come
for the weekend and help us develop classroom activities, please let me
know! No experience required (curious parents and interested
high-school/college students are invited as well).

== Table of contents ==
It's a great way to learn about and get involved in the OLPC project
( and also to learn about open content, which is a
great way to get free, high-quality learning resources for your students;
textbooks, lesson plans, educational games, you name it, it's out there.
If you're interested in coming or know someone who might be, just send me
an email.

You can choose to go through the materials in this guide in any of 3 different ways, though we suggest reading the ''Step by step'' guide first, then plotting out a ''Suggested timeline'' and following it while referring to ''Resources'' as needed.
I would *love* to have this Jam be mostly in Tagalog. If you know a great
teacher or older student who speaks both Tagalog and English who might
want to step up and be the local coordinator for the Jam, let me know!
(Cousins: would you like to learn how to run a conference? I'll help you,
and it's a *great* learning experience, very helpful for college and

=== Suggested timeline ===
(c) Judges. Is there some way to contact schools in the area (ICA/Xavier
mailing lists perhaps)? We'll need about 40-50 kids ages 7-15 on the
afternoon of October 7 to come and judge the event - test out the classes
we've developed and give feedback on how well they work and what should be
changed. Contact me for details.

For a time-based breakdown of tasks, see the resources in this section; this is where to go to find out what to do 1 month in advance, 2 weeks in advance, 2 days in advance, 1 day after, and so on.
(d) Food. We need some way of feeding ~40 people for 2.3 days (Friday
dinner to Sunday lunch) and some way of providing snacks for about 100
people (mostly kids) on Sunday afternoon. Know any places that might
donate food, or money for food?

* [[/Suggested timeline]]
(e) Publicity. Know any journalists or PR people who can help us reach
them? I've got a press release I'd like to send out about this (it's in
English, though - don't know if that's a problem).

=== Step by step ===
(f) Crash space. Would any of you folks still in the Philippines mind if I

slept on your couch for a week or so while I'm helping with the Jam? I'm
This section covers everything in detail, but without a timeline. These are the various topics and subtopics you'll have to deal with when running a Jam.
not an entirely terrible cook, and would be happy to fix computers while

I'm around, too. :)
* [[/Picking a focus]]
* [[/Getting space]]
* [[/Scheduling time]]
** [[/Matchmaking time]]
** [[/Making tutorials happen]]
** [[/Running open space sessions]]
** [[/Project work time]]
** [[/Free time]]
** [[/Judging]]
* [[/Getting people]]
** [[/Organizers]]
** [[/Participants]]
** [[/Judges]]
* [[/Getting resources]]
** [[/Food]]
** [[/Equipment]]
** [[/OLPC resources]]
** [[/Prizes]]
* [[/Following up]]
** [[/Thank you letters]]
** [[/Getting results used]]
** [[/Writing down your lessons learned]]
** [[/Sharing with the global community]]
* [[/Learning from past Jams]]

== Resources ==

This is a quick reference to templates and resources used throughout this guide.

* [[/Jam kit]]
* [[/Schedule templates]]
* [[/Invitation templates]]
* [[/Flyer and poster templates]]
* [[/Follow up templates]]
* [[/Lessons learned]]

Feel free to forward and spread the word to your coworkers, classmates,
and friends. (Actually, /please/ forward and spread the word to your
coworkers, classmates and friends). Let's make this happen!


Latest revision as of 00:41, 15 August 2008

Pencil.png NOTE: The contents of this page are not set in stone, and are subject to change!

This page is a draft in active flux ...
Please leave suggestions on the talk page.


What this guide is

This is a guide intended for anyone who's ever said "I want to run a Jam - what do I do to make it happen?" This guide will take you through the "I think a Jam sounds like a great idea" phase all the way through planning, getting resources for, running, and following-up on a Jam. The entire process takes between 3 weeks and 3 months to plan, depending on your timescale and the scope of your Jam. We've written this specifically OLPC-focused Jams, but it is probably an applicable resource to other kinds of open hackathons.

In the spirit of openness and collaboration, please hack this manual. Borrow it, modify it, steal it, edit it, and make it better in any way you can.

--Brian Jordan and Mel Chua, June 2008

Who this guide is for

Table of contents

You can choose to go through the materials in this guide in any of 3 different ways, though we suggest reading the Step by step guide first, then plotting out a Suggested timeline and following it while referring to Resources as needed.

Suggested timeline

For a time-based breakdown of tasks, see the resources in this section; this is where to go to find out what to do 1 month in advance, 2 weeks in advance, 2 days in advance, 1 day after, and so on.

Step by step

This section covers everything in detail, but without a timeline. These are the various topics and subtopics you'll have to deal with when running a Jam.


This is a quick reference to templates and resources used throughout this guide.