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#REDIRECT [[Smoke test]]
Should take less than one hour to do.

== Start-up ==
# Boot the laptop
* If in secure mode: the laptop shows pretty boot
* The laptop boots into sugar
* The laptop connects to one of the following (whichever one is highest on the list and available to the laptop)
** A school server
** A preferred AP
** An MPP
** A local mesh

== Try out a few Activities ==
# Open TamTam Jam
# Make a few instruments play.
# Close TamTam
# Open Paint
# Draw a few things.
# Close paint
# Pick a few other activities to open and try a few things with them.
#* preferably, try activities that have had bug fixes, or new features added.
#* make sure that these fixes have indeed worked, and that everything else seems to work properly.
# Resume the paint activity from before.

* In TamTam Jam, there is volume, and the instruments play.
* All activities open and close properly
* The journal is able to resume the paint entry.

== Image Transferring and Invite==
# Open Browse
# Type some type of animal in the google search bar.
# Click on "Images" at the top of the page.
# Press the top right button on the keyboard. (brings up menu bar)
# Drag one of the images from the google page onto the clipboard. (the left side bar)
# Go to the home view.
# Open write
# Press the menu bar button again, and drag the image on the toolbar onto the canvas of the write document.
# Hover over the corner of the image, and resize it to make it smaller than the screen.
# Move the image to the center of the page.
# Type a few lines above the image.
# Go to the mesh view.
# Hover over another XO (one that is also in your possession and running the same build), and click Invite.
# On the second XO, click on the write Icon that shows up in the tray.
# On the second XO, move the image around.
# Type a few lines on both laptops.

* Browse opens properly.
* You are able to browse the web for pictures.
** this is not true if you are on link local
** hover over the connection circle in home view to see what type of connection you have.
* Pressing the upper right button toggles the menu bar visible/not visible.
* The image copies to the clipboard and has an eyeball in the middle of the file symbol (means it's recognized as an image file)
* Write opens properly.
* Dragging the image from the clipboard to the write document places a copy of the image in the document.
* You are able to move and resize the document.
* When you invite another XO in the mesh view, an icon of the shared activity shows up in that XO's tray.
* The write document is shared properly.
** Whatever one laptop does to the document, both laptops see the changes.

It should probably include things like:
* copying an image to the clipboard and adding to a write doc
* private invitation to a collaboration activity
* installing a library bundle and seeing it from the browser
* installing an activity bundle
* running an .ogg file from the browser


Latest revision as of 03:09, 27 January 2011

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