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Here's a list of known issues / planned features:

(includes Presence Service and telepathy-other tickets, but not gabble or salut tickets)

==Server work==

(Not tied to a particular release, but in general wanted ASAP...)

* {{Ticket|5313}} [telepathy-other] Ejabberd work by Process One
* {{Ticket|4045}} [telepathy-other] Scaling of jabber server server
* {{Ticket|5311}} [ #5309] [telepathy-other] Gadget: [[XMPP Component Protocol]] to replace shared roster
* {{Ticket|5834}} [telepathy-other] ejabberd RPM needs to install/create cert
* {{Ticket|5310}} [telepathy-other] automatically enable shared roster on school server

==Update 1==

* {{Ticket|5470}} [telepathy-other] importing telepathy is slow
* {{Ticket|6572}} Replace key with hash to reduce avahi TXT size


Older bugs:

* {{Ticket|4009}} My XO is friends with itself
* {{Ticket|5829}} Chat Activity displays other users names weird
:- failure to get buddy properties

New bugs:

* {{Ticket|6248}} Presence service is broken with recent NetworkManager

New features:

* {{Ticket|6473}} Ongoing tubes reduction: Buddy-Handle mapping
* {{Ticket|4757}} Ongoing tubes reduction: PS Activity objects: replace GetChannels() with something more useful
* {{Ticket|5620}} how should activities handle lost network connections?


* {{Ticket|6300}} Stop using ipv4 addresses for anything



* {{Ticket|4043}} Group support


* {{Ticket|3506}} XOs connected to jabber server AND can link local don't share well
* {{Ticket|4403}} Ability to switch from gabble to salut manually
* {{Ticket|5618}} machine with no name
* {{Ticket|6069}} phantom applications in neighborhood
* {{Ticket|2738}} Re-enable avatars (buddy photos)
:- This was disabled during Trial 2 for performance reasons. Since then, multiple changes have bitrotted the code, including removing pygtk from the PS code.
* {{Ticket|3371}} Collaboration between kids on different XMPP servers
* {{Ticket|4404}} Ability to migrate activities between Telepathy connections
* {{Ticket|4494}} activities don't successfully launch if pservice.get_preferred_connection fails in init
* {{Ticket|5032}} Presence service Activity.joined property
* {{Ticket|4794}} activities advertised in the PS should include the visible name

Revision as of 12:44, 9 July 2008