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{{Release Notes}}

= Upgrading from previous releases =

Be sure to read and carefully follow these instructions before you begin the upgrade process, and allocate enough time to do the full process before you begin.

'''During pre-release development, you will need a [[developer key]] in order to install an 8.2 [[OS Images|OS image]]. This key should be copied in the /security directory BEFORE the upgrading process.'''

'''Important Note: Please check with your deployment technical contacts before upgrading. Countries using the XO may have custom configurations which may require special actions to be taken before new releases can be installed.'''

The process described below is to upgrade the XO while it is connected to Internet, for other ways to upgrade, see the [[Upgrading_the_XO#Overview_of_Upgrading_Options | Upgrading the XO]].

Here are the steps to upgrade:
# Determine which version your XO is running.
# Plug the XO into AC Power
# Connect XO to the internet
# Launch the update command
# Update activities

== Step 1: Determine which version your XO is running ==
Follow these instructions to open a console window which shows you the current build (AKA release) which is running on your XO.

# Press ctrl+alt+F2 (the F2 key is the same as the Group key [[Image:Friends key f2 small.png]]. The Ctrl key has a solid diamond on it (♦); the Alt key has an open diamond on it (♢). See [[Keyboard Shortcuts]] for more details.)
# Read the build number from the first line of text that appears in the console window

Sample transcript:
OLPC build '''656''' (stream ship.2: variant devel_jffs2)
kernel 2.6.22-20070919.2.olpc.0987654321abcdefabcedf on an i586
xo-05-29-BB login:

The OS build number in the above example is '''656'''.

To return to the Sugar graphical display press ctrl+alt+F3 . (The F3 key is the same as the Home key ([[Image:Home key f3 small.png]]).)

== Step 2: Plug the XO into AC Power ==
Upgrading could be a long process. For this reason, ensure first that your XO is connected to reliable AC Power. Be sure to have enough time to do the full process (about 1 hour).

== Step 3: Connect XO to the internet ==
During the upgrade process, your XO will download the new release. So you should ensure that the XO is connected to the internet before launching the upgrade. See [ Connecting Guide] or [[Wifi Connectivity]] for instructions. Use Browse activity to test your connection.

== Step 4: Launch the update command ==
Open the '''[[Terminal Activity]]''' [[Image:Activity-terminal.svg|35px]] or a console and type the following (press the Enter key after each line):

If your XO is on build 650, 653, or 656:

su -
olpc-update ''{{:Friends in testing/current image}}''

If your XO is on build 703 or later:

sudo olpc-update ''{{:Friends in testing/current image}}'' <!-- reboot, verbose -->

If the update program successfully connects to the update server, some messages should display similar to this:

Downloading contents of build ''{{:Friends in testing/current image}}''
Updating to version hash ''xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx''
Making clean /versions/updates/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Trying irsync_pristine update from rsync://''build-{{:Friends in testing/current image}}''
- Cleaning tree.
- Fetching contents.
- Performing incremental rsync.
Verifying update.
Installing update in /versions/{pristine,run}/''xxxx''

This process may take more than thirty minutes. When the process is complete, you need to [[reboot]].

'''Important Note: On the first reboot after upgrading, the XO will run slowly for about 1 minute. After that it will run normally.'''

== Step 5: Update activities ==

On rebooting the first time after updating to release 8.2, the XO will notify you that your activities should be updated.

[[Image:820_firstactivityinstall.png|thumb|G1G1 Activity install]]
[[Image:820 updateproposal.png|thumb|Activities update proposal]]

If you are connected to the Internet, click "OK" to update your activities. If it is not connected to the Internet, click "Cancel". Connect to the Internet and then open the Software Updater from the Control Panel.

When the Software Update starts you will see a progress bar as your XO looks for updated versions of the activities you have installed. When it is done, choose the activities you want update and click "Install selected". You will see another progress bar, as the activities are updated.

Some activities may not successfully update, due to errors in the activity files or due to transient network errors. In this case, some activities will remain in the "available updates" list after the installation process has completed. If a network error was the cause, you may wish to immediately retry the installation; otherwise, you probably need to wait until the activity author uploads a corrected version of their bundle.


Latest revision as of 22:01, 8 October 2008