User:NeoAmsterdam/Notes to Self: Difference between revisions

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(IceWM (at last))
(Overclock and IceWM now have their own pages.)
Line 25: Line 25:
* kile
* kile
** Needs texlive, which needs an up-to-date libpoppler, but sugar-evince won't let libpoppler update.<br />(Plus kile needs KDE base packages and that's way too much for an XO...)
** Needs texlive, which needs an up-to-date libpoppler, but sugar-evince won't let libpoppler update.<br />(Plus kile needs KDE base packages and that's way too much for an XO...)

= <tt>/etc/event.d/</tt> =
== <tt>prefdm</tt> ==
* Switch from Sugar to Ice?
== <tt>tty{1,2}</tt> ==
* Nix paswordless logins?
== <tt>ttyS0</tt> ==
* Nix serial console?

= <tt>/usr/bin/olpc-session</tt> =
* <tt># set mouse and keyboard speed</tt>
** <strike>turn on keyclick??</strike> XO won't implement keyclick (and it would've been damn useful on a chiclet keyboard )
* <strike><tt># finally, run sugar</tt>
* A way to swap to icewm-session, <span style="color:red;"><b>but:</b></span> <tt>0-boot-anim-start</tt> and <tt>0-boot-anim-start</tt> services must be <b>off</b> and WiFi won't work (Network Manager isn't in $PATH because $PATH is busted)</strike>

= IceWM =
* See [[ OpenBox]] instructions (hideously simple)
cp /etc/skel/.xsession-example ~/.xsession
nano ~/.xsession
...and the lines reading...
# Uncomment the following line to debug sugar startup problems
#exec xterm
...should be followed by...<i>
</i>(And to think I've been banging my head against the wall all this time)
* <tt>0-boot-anim-start</tt> and <tt>0-boot-anim-start</tt> are both off and $PATH is still screwy.
* Note: Resist the temptation to uncomment the <tt>#exit 0</tt> since I still haven't found a "nice" way to select wireless networks outside of sugar. (Worst case, drop & resume runlevels, I guess).

= Overclock =

<table class="wikitable" style="font-family: monospace; background: white; text-align: center;">
<tr style="font-weight: bold; background: rgb(90%,90%,90%);">
<td colspan="5">7de009e ### 4c000014 wrmsr</td>
<tr style="font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; background: rgb(95%,95%,95%);">
<td colspan="4">Bus Speed</td>
<tr style="font-family: sans-serif; border-bottom: thin solid black;">
<td style="background: rgb(95%,100%,95%);">166</td>
<td style="font-family: sans-serif;">333</td>
<td style="background: rgb(95%,100%,95%);">4d3</td>
<td style="font-family: sans-serif;">366</td>
<td style="background: rgb(95%,100%,95%);">4d5</td>
<td style="font-family: sans-serif;">400</td>
<td style="background: rgb(95%,100%,95%);">4d7</td>
<tr style="background: rgb(95%,100%,95%);">
<td style="font-family: sans-serif;">433</td>
<td style="background: rgb(90%,100%,90%);">4d9</td>
<td style="font-family: sans-serif;">466</td>
<td style="background: rgb(95%,100%,95%);">4db</td>
<td style="font-family: sans-serif;">500</td>
<td style="background: rgb(95%,100%,95%);">4dd</td>
<td style="font-family: sans-serif;">533</td>
<td style="background: rgb(95%,100%,95%);">4df</td>
<td style="font-family: sans-serif;">566</td>
<td style="background: rgb(95%,100%,95%);">4e1</td>

Revision as of 18:48, 17 August 2010

This page contains no useful, practical, or "actionable" information - only disorganized notes.


Packages without Dependencies

  • elinks
  • wget
  • switchdesk

Packages with Dependencies

  • icewm
    • 946KB, but 8.2MB with dependencies
    • bluecurve-icon-theme accounts for 5.2MB
  • gcc
    • 8.1MB, 14MB with dependencies:
      • binutils, glibc-{devel,headers},kernel-headers
  • wine
    • 29MB in dependencies
  • gnumeric
    • 11MB package, 26MB in deps... (I don't think so)


  • autoconf automake make cmake imake patch indent
    • ~9.1MB; 9.6MB with m4 and xmlprc-c as dependencies
      • cmake accounts for 6.8MB

Packages that Won't Install Nicely or at All

  • kile
    • Needs texlive, which needs an up-to-date libpoppler, but sugar-evince won't let libpoppler update.
      (Plus kile needs KDE base packages and that's way too much for an XO...)