OLPC New Zealand/Test Requests: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Tests: created history section)
(→‎Current tests: moved completed tests to history)
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! Download location
! Download location
! Status
! Status
| Test soas-i386 for Tom Gilliard satellit http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Talk:Sugar_on_a_Stick_release_process#Installation
| Virtualbox
| http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/nightly-composes/soas/soas-i386-20100930.15.iso
| [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-nz/2010-October/000822.html Completed]
| Calculate-34, Activity Homepage: http://activities.sugarlabs.org/addon/4076 Release notes: - Includes latest .de translations; - Locale correctly included in bundle for language support
| XOs running Sugar 0.82 - 0.90
| http://activities.sugarlabs.org/downloads/file/27051/calculate-34.xo
| [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-nz/2010-October/000822.html Completed]
| Test etoys (Fred), http://wiki.squeakland.org/display/sq/Etoys+4.1+Release+Notes
| Test etoys (Fred), http://wiki.squeakland.org/display/sq/Etoys+4.1+Release+Notes
Line 84: Line 74:
| http://download.sugarlabs.org/sources/sucrose/glucose/etoys/etoys-4.1.2388.tar.gz
| http://download.sugarlabs.org/sources/sucrose/glucose/etoys/etoys-4.1.2388.tar.gz
| ?
| ?
| Flipsticks-8, Release notes: * Update online help #2357 - Activity Homepage: http://activities.sugarlabs.org/addon/4044
| Sugar Platform: 0.82 - 0.90
| http://activities.sugarlabs.org/downloads/file/27047/flipsticks-8.xo
| [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-nz/2010-October/000822.html Completed]
| Test Sugar 0.90, http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.90/Notes, http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.90/Testing
| Test Sugar 0.90, http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.90/Notes, http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.90/Testing

Revision as of 22:53, 4 October 2010


This document is to help communication between software developers & testers.



Test request format

  • Test description
    Either provide a test case and expected behaviour, a ticket (that includes replication instructions) that you think you've fixed, or just say [General].
  • Required equipment
    Indicate whether Internet connectivity is required, SoaS, XO-1, XO-1.5, virtual machine image, etc.
  • Download location
    Where we get the file to test. Direct links are best.
  • Status
    • TODO
    • Claimed (name): (name} will be doing this on the weekend
    • Completed: including link to test result write-up page, often a link to OLPC-NZ mailing list archive.
    • Declined {reason} by {name}: test request was declined for {reason} by {name}

Example tests

Test description Required equipment Download location Status
Example, have released please check SL#0000 Sugar 0.88 (any platform) http://www.example.org/example.xo TODO
[General] Example alpha released, please help with general QA SoaS http://www.fedoraproject.org/Some/Page Claimed (Tim)

For devs

Please add tests in the table on this page. NZ folk will take responsibility for maintenance of this page.

If you would like someone to have a general play on your application to see if there is any weird behaviour, please add a [General] tag to the start of the description.

Instructions for testers

Selecting a test

  • Find the next test with a status "TODO", change it to "Claimed (your name)"

Assigning a status

  • Please use the declined status to indicate to a developer that something is unclear.
  • Try not to add different status codes. For example, if you didn't do something that you said you would, just revert the status to TODO.


Current tests

Test description Required equipment Download location Status
Test etoys (Fred), http://wiki.squeakland.org/display/sq/Etoys+4.1+Release+Notes Sugar 0.90 http://download.sugarlabs.org/sources/sucrose/glucose/etoys/etoys-4.1.2388.tar.gz ?
Test Sugar 0.90, http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.90/Notes, http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.90/Testing ? ? ?
Dextrose 1, Paraguay build os376pyg (not yet released?) ? http://download.sugarlabs.org/dextrose/testing/dxo1/xo1/py/ Declined, no download file available.
XS AU for Jerry - http://groups.google.com/group/olpc-au/browse_thread/thread/c2b4cc72f1c5423e# ? http://files.olpcfriends.sunriseroad.net/XS/F11/XS-AU/iso/boot.iso ?
