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Maja Najdič in Monishankar Singha za OLPC Bangladesh
== '''Maja Najdič in Monishankar Singha za OLPC Bangladesh''' ==

V sredo 2. marca, 2011 sva dobila 2 XO-1 laptopa. Za Fedex sva morala plačati 40 eur, vendar pa nama je G. Holt takoj odgovoril, da so zaračunali po nepotrebnem saj je bila pošiljka DDP, torej že plačana. Pravi, da je še veliko birokratskih zadev potrebno urediti, preden bodo stvari stekle tako kot je treba. Spodaj je link za kratek album prejete pošiljke iz Cambridga.
V sredo 2. marca, 2011 sva dobila 2 XO-1 laptopa. Za Fedex sva morala plačati 40 eur, vendar pa nama je G. Holt takoj odgovoril, da so zaračunali po nepotrebnem saj je bila pošiljka DDP, torej že plačana. Pravi, da je še veliko birokratskih zadev potrebno urediti, preden bodo stvari stekle tako kot je treba. Spodaj je link za kratek album prejete pošiljke iz Cambridga.
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Najini kontaktni podatki so:
Najini kontaktni podatki so:

Maja Najdic, E: maja_najdic (at sign) yahoo (dot com sufrfix), M: +386 40 712 712
Monishankar Singha, E: ms.singha (at sign) yahoo (dot com sufrfix), M: +386 31 684 942
maja_najdic@yahoo.com in ms.singha@yahoo.com


Revision as of 21:18, 4 March 2011

2007 status: orange

About OLPC Slovenia

OLPC Slovenia is a group of people trying to educate the people of Slovenia about the OLPC program and promote the program with decision makers to establish a healthy ground on which the program could take root in Slovenia. Everyone's invited to contribute!

Main goals

Short term

  • localization of software; if anyone requires laptops for testing, feel free to email me; I have my hands od three units at this time which i am willing to distribute for testing of localized SW
    • working on getting ate least some activities on the Pootle server to be localized with the main package
    • a special section has been set up to discuss localization issues (in Slovenian)
  • rising awareness of the program
  • getting support from decision makers; The President of the Republic Danilo Türk is already aware of the program and supports the push
  • getting our hands on additional computers; some 12 to 15 needed for proper field testing

Medium term

  • localization of the hardware; keyboard and charger are main objectives
  • a pilot program with three primary school classes
  • long term commitment to introducing the laptop in schools
  • local development of software
  • digitalization of textbooks

Long term

  • introduction of the laptop in schools

Other goals

  • exchange experience with other OLPC country organizations
  • educate the general public about the project via presentations and workshops
  • setup and support of European OLPC initiatives
  • development of Open Source Software for the laptop
  • hardware engineering for peripheral devices and gadgets
  • research of new wireless network technologies (Mesh/WLAN)
  • coordination of educational know-how and Open Source developers
  • production and collection of novel educational content
  • hosting of public competitions

Press material


Localization up and running

September 11, 2008

The localization is up and running

Here is the brief description of the process

(the first step needs to be done as a normal user)

sugar-control-panel -s language Slovenian/Slovenia <enter>
wget http://dev.laptop.org/~sayamindu/langpacks/sl_lang_pack.sh <enter>
su <enter>
sh sl_lang_pack.sh <enter>
exit <enter>

You should have most of the interface and (core) activities translated

Help with translation is stil needed ... do not forget to submit files!

Great to see political parties recognizing the potential of the XO.

Here you can find the pre-election program of the Social democrats, where on page 36 you can find the following exert:

Z računalniškim izobraževanjem danes začenjamo mnogo prepozno, obenem pa tovrstnemu
izobraževanju v izobraževalnem procesu posvečamo občutno premalo časa. Otroci in mladi
računalniško znanje pogosto dobivajo doma in na neustrezen način ob samostojnem
raziskovanju svetovnega spleta. Slovenija mora v najkrajšem možnem času pripraviti akcijski
načrt, ki bo vključeval uvedbo novih načinov izobraževanja s pomočjo računalnikov v naš
šolski sistem. Z računalniškim opismenjevanjem otrok moramo v okviru izobraževalnega
procesa pričeti prej, najbolje že ob vstopu v obvezno izobraževanje, da bi otrokom že v
prvem razredu osnovne šole uporabo osebnega računalnika približali do te mere, da bi
postal eno ključnih orodij v izobraževalnem procesu, in ne le dodatno orodje izbrane skupine,
ki si osebne računalnike lahko privošči in je računalniško pismena. Zato je smotrno, da se
Slovenija po letih nemega opazovanja z daljave aktivno vključi v projekt En prenosnik na
otroka (One Laptop per Child), katerega namen je zmanjšati razlike med otroki, kar se tiče
dostopa do novih tehnologij in izobraževanja, ter posebej za otroke razviti prenosnik XO,
prilagojen izobraževanju otrok ob vstopu v obvezno izobraževanje.

In brief: Slovenia should get actively involved in the OLPC program.

Media reports on OLPC in Slovenia

Contact information

Anyone interested in taking part or contributing please e-mail vasja.zupan@pop-tv.si or denis.ostir@pop-tv.si

Maja Najdič in Monishankar Singha za OLPC Bangladesh

V sredo 2. marca, 2011 sva dobila 2 XO-1 laptopa. Za Fedex sva morala plačati 40 eur, vendar pa nama je G. Holt takoj odgovoril, da so zaračunali po nepotrebnem saj je bila pošiljka DDP, torej že plačana. Pravi, da je še veliko birokratskih zadev potrebno urediti, preden bodo stvari stekle tako kot je treba. Spodaj je link za kratek album prejete pošiljke iz Cambridga.


Najini kontaktni podatki so:

maja_najdic@yahoo.com in ms.singha@yahoo.com


KORESPONDENCA Z MENTORJEM Georgem Huntom "The activities useful with the XOs in orphanage would be firstly learning the technology, how can they apply this technology to their daily school life activites and later the teachers can give us some proposals for the activities useful with the laptops.

We have to ask you to send us contact info for the ones in Comilla and ones for the tecnical scills. We were in Bangladesh in october 2009 and there we bought a computer but the electricity was going on only 2,5 hours per day with the interruptions. The internet access is provided by the Grameen link, wireless internet receiver through usb. They do not have electricity connection in every classroom. For the wi-max we do not have any information yet."''

NAJIN PROJEKT SE IMENUJE "Improving digital literacy in Bangladesh rural areas" - (koordinirano iz Slovenije)

POGLEJTE ŠE ALBUM http://picasaweb.google.com/112971568895931713381/Bangladesh20032009#