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<h1>Propose: Special OLPC Programs and Grassroots Learning Initiatives</h1>

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<li><a href="#GrassrootsLearning">grassroots learning innovations</a></li>
<li><a href="#GrassrootsLearning">$gettext(proposerightsidebar1)</a></li>


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<h2>The Foundation's Program - focus on grassroots innovations</h2>


<p>The mission of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) movement is to ensure that every school-aged child in the lesser-developed parts of the world is able to engage effectively with their own personal laptop, networked to the world, so that they, their families and their communities can openly learn and learn about learning.</p>

<p>The OLPC Association focuses on designing, manufacturing and distributing XO laptops to children in lesser developed countries, initially concentrating on those governments that have made commitments for the funding and program support required to ensure that all of their children own and can effectively use a laptop.</p>



<p>Initially the OLPC Foundation is focusing on the grassroots, "bottoms up" aspects of the OLPC mission. It provides grants and loans for the development and use of open educational resources and grassroots learning innovations that enhance the effectiveness of the XO in lesser developed communities around the world for children, their families and communities. </p>

<p>This can include proposals such as:</p>

<p>a) Online, open source, wiki-textbooks, math and science projects, dictionaries, geographies, histories, social studies, health and nutrition courses, translations into indigenous languages. These materials can be customized for a particular region or group of children or for more general use throughout the XO world;</p>
<p>b) Software applications not otherwise available on XO that will enhance the general usefulness of XO's in every location. This could be, for example, educational games, collaborative and archiving tools, artistic, video and graphic tools.</p>

<p>c) Peripherals that will increase the effectiveness of the XO. This may include a variety of manual battery chargers and low-cost USB peripherals that extend the ways the XO can be used to benefit children, their families and their communities.</p>
<p>d) Organizational capacity building innovations that will enhance children's learning by improving their broader learning environment and/or by enabling them to become acquainted with and interact with children from different countries and cultures.</p>




<p>All materials and peripherals developed with OLPC Foundation support must follow open source formats and standards and be available without fee for use by any child with an XO laptop.</p>

<p>The deadline for applications for the first round of Grassroots Innovations is 31 May 2007. Applicants will be informed no later than 30 June concerning the status of their proposal. You should understand that at this point OLPC and the OPLC Foundation are severely limited in the number of such programs they can support. If you wish to apply for such a Grassroots Learning Innovations, go to the link below and fill out the application.</p>

<p><a href="javascript:popWin('',700,500,1,0,'form',1)">Go to Application for Grassroots Innovation Proposal</a></p>



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<h3 id="SpecialXOLaptopProgram">Special Laptop Program</h3>

<p>The Foundation is in the process of raising funds that will enable it, in the future, to subsidize the cost of XO laptops to groups of children who will not be provided XO's by governments because of the special nature of their circumstances. </p>

<h3 id="SpecialXOLaptopProgram">$gettext{'programh2'}</h3>
<p>Examples of these exceptional cases include programs for refugee children, for children in isolated parts of a country who are not included in a government program and for children living in exceptionally poor countries. Support for such Special Laptop Programs will be dependent upon funding from outside sources that can be used for this purpose. </p>




<p>Because of the limitations of the Foundation's current funding and because of the importance of ensuring highly effective content and support for the initial phases of this program, the Foundation is not accepting applications for the funding of Special Laptop Programs at this point. It is hoped that this program can be activated before the end of 2007. </p>

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Revision as of 02:15, 19 March 2007

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<h3 id="SpecialXOLaptopProgram">$gettext{'programh2'}</h3>





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