User:Holt/XS Community Edition/Install Recipe: Difference between revisions

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<li>The acid test of the XS gateway function is "ping" from other client XOs, making sure they're connected to the XS alone.</li>
<li>The acid test of the XS gateway function is "ping" from other client XOs, making sure they're connected to the XS alone.</li>

NOTE: above copied from on Nov 13, 2012.

Revision as of 01:00, 14 November 2012

Here is a recipe for getting a copy of the XS-arm on a XO-1.75. (for some of the services to function, you will need an ethernet dongle. Regardless, this XO/XS install method requires DHCP/Internet from the XO's built-in wifi adapter or a 3G/cellular dongle.)

Please be warned that this is an early version -- the product of an early focused effort by Jerry Vonau and George Hunt. There are still lots of rough edges!

  1. Start with the released version of XO software at</a>
  2. Turn off automatic power management within My Settings | Power.
  3. Connect your XO-1.75 to high-speed Internet (built-in Wifi or 3G/cellular dongle). Installing via wireline USB-to-Ethernet dongle is *NOT* currently supported.
  4. Make the Terminal Activity a favorite (hidden down in List view of activities, where you highlight its "star"). Launch Terminal Activity, change to user "root" by typing "su".
  5. Getting from yum repos will require setting the GMT date -- type "date mmddhhmmyyyy" where mm=month, dd=day, hh=hour, mm=minute, yyyy=year.
  6. Type "cd /etc/yum.repos.d"
  7. Repeat any of the download steps below if they fail due to Internet/DNS glitches.
  8. Type "wget" (downloads 200+ bytes)
  9. Type "yum -y install xs-config-xo" (downloads 17+ MB)
  10. Type "bootstrap-xo" (downloads 33+ MB)
  11. Press [Enter] to reboot.
  12. Then, again as root (type "su"), issue the command "xs-setup" . This xs-setup command generates a long list of "yum" install requests, similar to the normal adding of function that you would do if you loaded a minimal "network" install cd from Fedora, and then added additional functions one at a time. (downloads 400+ KB)
  13. "INSERT DONGLE NOW" warning will appear. While optional, this configuration step is critical for those using an USB Ethernet dongle to connect to their LAN/Intranet. Type "Y" to continue.
  14. 40 minutes later, your XS should return to a root prompt with the message "XS configured; services are ready to use" indicating success (downloads 200+ MB !) Reboot for good measure.
  15. Use "ifconfig" to determine the ip address of the XS. Take note of its eth0-ip-address = WAN-ip. If you've inserted the USB Ethernet dongle above (serving the LAN/Intranet) also take note of the school server's eth1-ip-address = LAN-ip =
  16. If you inserted the Ethernet USB dongle above, configure its own Wifi Access Point to properly serve other LAN/Intranet client XOs.
  17. Test the XS/XO web server by pointing its own Browse activity to http://<WAN-ip>/top/en or or http://localhost/top/en. Verify the (typically green) web control panel appears with all 3 URLs ideally.
  18. Also try another web browser on the WAN with http://<WAN-ip>/top/en or LAN with
  19. Ping the XS from another computer on the LAN/Intranet. Then try ssh using unprivileged user "ssh admin@<WAN-ip>" (password=12admin). Early on, I usually come in via the WAN adapter (however sshd is attached to all interfaces-- feel free to ssh to the second interface at if you have attached a USB ethernet dongle).
  20. The acid test of the XS gateway function is "ping" from other client XOs, making sure they're connected to the XS alone.

NOTE: above copied from on Nov 13, 2012.