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In addition to the tips below, please also see https://github.com/braddockcg/internet-in-a-box for information on how to install Internet-in-a-Box on an XSCE school server.

Subject: [XSCE] Re: Internet-in-a-Box on XO-4 in ten easy steps
Date: Sun, 12 May 2013 18:36:12 -0700
From: Braddock

Below are further notes on getting Internet-in-a-Box to run on the XS-CE 
School Server pre-Alpha.

The latest version of these and other notes are available at the github 
link at http://internet-in-a-box.org


Install along side School Server XS-CE

    First I flashed to 13.1.0
    Then installed IIAB using the procedure in README.md
    Then I installed School Server XS-CE

Looks like School Server installs a conflicting older version of SQLAlchemy
0.7.10 vs pip's 0.8.1.  You must not just remove it, but reinstall from pip

    yum remove python-sqlalchemy
    python-pip uninstall SQLAlchemy
    python-pip install SQLAlchemy

School server mounts the USB hard drive in a different place, in /mnt/usb0
instead of /run/media/olpc/knowledge.

    ln -sf /mnt/usb0/knowledge /knowledge

School server mounts the USB hard drive with the noexec flag. Annoying.

School server installed Apache, which conflicts with nginx

    systemctl stop httpd

To turn off the noexec flag

    Edit /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf
    Remove noexec from: MOUNTOPTIONS=

To run IIAB:

    Plug in USB drive.

Go to http://schoolserver from any client machine

On 05/12/2013 11:22 AM, Braddock wrote:
> Here is a procedure for installing and running Internet-in-a-Box on an 
> XO-4 using a external USB harddrive.
> This is a first pass!  We should package this.
> Installing on an OLPC XO Laptop
> -------------------------------
> Installation of the Internet-in-a-Box server on an XO-4 running OLPC 
> OS 13.1
> 1. Flash the OS with a USB key, boot, connect to your wireless network
> 2. Open Terminal, sudo -i
> 3. Enable SSHD (optional)
>     vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
>     Uncomment line "PermitRootLogin yes"
>     systemctl restart sshd
>     passwd root  # Create a root password
>     The rest of these instructions can now be executed via ssh
> 4.  Install compilers and build essentials:
>     (This is overkill - we don't need all these dependencies)
>     yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
>     yum -y install python-devel python-pip nginx xz-devel screen vim
> 5. Install python dependencies
>     python-pip install Flask-Babel whoosh
>     # You must clean up the pip-build-root dir before SQLAlchemy
>     # or you will run out of /tmp space
>     rm -rvf /tmp/pip-build-root
>     python-pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy
> 6. Plug in the Internet-in-a-Box USB Hard Drive
>     It will auto-mount at /run/media/olpc/knowledge
> 7. Create a link from /knowledge
>     ln -s /run/media/olpc/knowledge/knowledge /knowledge
> 8. Link nginx configuration
>     ln -s /knowledge/internet-in-a-box/conf/iiab_nginx.conf 
> /etc/nginx/conf.d/
> 9. Create a local.ini configuration file
>     cd /knowledge/internet-in-a-box
>     cat <<EOF >local.ini
>     [KIWIX]
>     url = /iiab/zim
>     zimdump = /knowledge/sys/bin-arm/zimdump-patched
>     EOF
> 10. Run!
>     scripts/startup-xo.sh