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wifi is a technology that is using for high speed internet. wifi range determines the range for wireless systems.
wifi hotspots are used for transferring of data through wire.
<div style="background:gray; color:white;"><b>&nbsp;One Laptop per Child</b></div>
* [ wifi]
* [ wifi]

* [ wifi security]
The MIT Media Lab has launched a new research initiative to develop a $100 laptop&mdash;a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world's children. To achieve this goal, a new, non-profit association, One Laptop per Child (OLPC), has been created, which is independent of MIT.
* [ wifi services]

* [ wifi hotspots]
The official project website is located at []. There is also a comprehensive [ description of the project] in the Wikipedia.
* [ WiFi Cards]

* [ WiFi Radio]
The table of contents for this wiki can be found [[Table of Contents|here]].
* [ WiFi Antenna]

* [ wifi]
Please note that while we are encouraging public contributions to this wiki, pages with a header such as this one are more tightly maintained by the OLPC team itself. While you should feel welcome to make edits to these pages, please use the [[Talk:One Laptop per Child|discussion]] tab for your comments. --[[User:Walter|Walter]]
* [ wifi]

* [ wifi hotspots]
== Laptop gallery ==
* [ wifi]
* [ wifi]
* [ Wifi Hotspots]
* [ WiFi Antenna]
* [ WiFi Range]
* [ WLAN]
Image:1st working.jpg

== The hardware ==
The Green Machine prototype, styled by [ Design Continuum], was unveiled at WSIS, Tunisia by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Nicholas Negroponte.

Fuseproject has developed some recent prototypes: the Blue Machine and the Yellow Machine.

We have several groups looking at different human-power options, including a hand crank, a foot treadle, and a pully system. Our goal is a minimum of a 1:10 ratio of "cranking" to use, e.g., one minute of cranking give you ten minutes of use. Note that we've determined that built in cranks are less efficient and impractical; human powered systems are best done for ergonomic reasons in separate devices. We'll post details of the generation systems as they become available. In the meantime you can look at [[Freecharge portable charger]] for examples of how people are already doing human-powered generators.

The [[hardware specification]] for the first generation machine is pretty much set. There are many aspects in which this design is truly ground breaking and make this the first of a new class of systems, unlike any other "laptop" in the world.

== The software ==

We are committed to the principle of Open Source for this project. Please refer to our manifesto: [[OLPC on open source software]].

Developing software for this machine is very straight forward, though there are [[development issues]] you should be aware of. Our partner in software development is [ Red Hat].
We have begun an [[OLPC software task list]]. Please help us refine this list.

[[Discussion of Instant Messaging Challenges]] lays a framework for thinking about the different challenges facing the use of instant messaging applications as they exist today on the $100 laptop. Those issues will need to be overcome if instant messaging is to be usable within the environments in which the $100 laptop will be deployed.
:Unfortunately, this discussion ignores the fact that IM is already included in the [[Basic OLPC Software Set]]. It is also extremely desktop-centric and ignores other models such as European SMS cellular services.

[[Discussion of eBook feature set]] is a page in which traditional and nontraditional features are discussed both in abstract and in relation to the different eBook readers out there.

[[Wiki as an ebook reader]] is where we discuss the suitability of wiki as an ebook distribution medium, and why it would help solve some of the other challenges that the $100 laptop is trying to address.

== Educational content ==

OLPC is based on [[constructionist]] theories of learning pioneered by [[Seymour Papert]] and later [[Alan Kay]], as well as the principles expressed in Nicholas Negroponte's book 'Being Digital'. Some background on our approach can be gleaned from David Cavallo's essay, [ "Models for growth&mdash;towards fundamental change in learning environments"]

== Launch plans ==

The laptops will be sold to governments and issued to children by schools on a basis of "one laptop per child." Initial discussions have been held with China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Nigeria, and Thailand. In addition, a modest allocation of machines will be used to seed developer communities in a number of other countries. A commercial version of the machine will be explored in parallel.

There are a series of pages in this wiki dedicated to [[OLPC Thailand]], [[OLPC Brazil]], [[OLPC Argentina]], [[OLPC Egypt]], [[OLPC Greece]], [[OLPC Nigeria]], [[OLPC India]], and [[OLPC China]]. Other pages will follow.

If people add the [ <nowiki>[[Category: Country]]</nowiki>] tag to all such pages then this will lead to a list of all the country pages. Please write the country name in English for consistency.

Pictures from the [[Country Task Force Meeting]]

== Getting involved ==

There is a page in this wiki dedicated to [[Getting involved in OLPC]], an [[OLPC Idea Pool]] page, an IRC channel (, #OLPC), [ mailing lists] for generic OLPC discussions not specific to any Linux distribution, and a [[Jobs at OLPC]] page.

There is a [ Fedora Project] for OLPC, where you can [ get the Fedora software for the OLPC hardware] and [ join Fedora OLPC related mailing lists].

We have had significant quantities of prototype electronics built for people who need early access to the hardware for device driver, power management, wireless, distribution and UI work. The beginnings of [[notes on using the OLPC developer boards]] contain information that may be useful to those working on this early hardware. Please get involved in the [[Developers Program]] if you have the time, energy and ability to help.
Also, we are doing a [[OLPC Google Summer of Code]].

== FAQ ==

The official [ FAQ] is on the project website, but please feel free to pose additional questions here: [[OLPC FAQ]]. There is also a collection of [[OLPC myths]] that has been accumulating.

Revision as of 17:54, 6 June 2006

wifi is a technology that is using for high speed internet. wifi range determines the range for wireless systems. wifi hotspots are used for transferring of data through wire.