OLPC Mongolia/Ulaanbaatar: Difference between revisions

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[[Image:IMG_1465.JPG|thumb|center|260px|Teachers activating XOs]]
[[Image:IMG_1465.JPG|thumb|center|260px|Teachers activating XOs]]

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[[Image:IMG_1736.JPG|thumb|center|260px|Parents' meeting]]
[[Image:IMG_1736.JPG|thumb|center|260px|Parents' meeting]]
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[[Image:IMG_1771.JPG|thumb|center|260px|View from school window: A gyr in the foreground]]

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[[Image:IMG_1771.JPG|thumb|center|260px|View from school window: A gyr in the foreground]]
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[[Image:IMG_1771.JPG|thumb|center|260px|View from school window: A gyr in the foreground]]
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[[Image:IMG_1771.JPG|thumb|center|260px|View from school window: A gyr in the foreground]]


Revision as of 08:53, 21 January 2008

Ulaanbaatar.mn | Arahuay.pe | Khairat.in | Ban Samkha.th | Galadima.ng | Cardal and CEIBAL.uy | Bashuki.np | Bishwamitra.np | Atlas School.pk | Altos de Cazucá.co  [+/-]

First Implementation Phase

January 2008

Mongolian Children XOing (Photo by Carla)

OLPC team on the ground

  • Enkhmunkh Zurgaanjin (Dec 20 - Jan 27),
  • Carla Gomez Monroy (Jan 6 - 27),
  • Jan Jungclaus (Jan 7 - 26),
  • David Woodhouse (Jan 15 - 25),
  • Franco Badini-BT (Jan 21 - 26)

Photos by Carla Gomez Monroy

Girl XOing
Boy XOing


Girls with XOs
Mother and children

Laptops at school

Opening boxes
Learning together

Teacher and Child
Mother and Child
Out-of-the-box Learning

Mother learning with her daughter
Exploring in class

Friends taking a photo

Learning from each other

Photo with classmates

Group discovering

Teacher session

Teachers exploring
Teachers learning together

Figuring out a laptop
Teacher sharing

Photos by Jan Jungclaus

Ulaan Bataar scenario

Laptops reaching schools
Entering the school

First activated laptop (right)
Teachers activating XOs
Parents' meeting

One Laptop per Child in Mongolian
First child receiving an XO
Minister of Education handing out a laptop
View from school window: A gyr in the foreground
View from school window: A gyr in the foreground
View from school window: A gyr in the foreground
Learning together
Many laptops in class
Happy girls
Cabling to set up the servers

Countryside scenario

A few 100km of cemented road, then gravel
Mongolian sanctuary "oovo"
Some remote areas provide electricity
A nomadic family's "gyr" (tent) with self-made TV antenna
A remote gyr during summertime (Aug '08)
The livelihood of a nomadic family is highly dependent on the well-being of their cattle
Goats provide milk and meat
The herdsman family's children live 1km from their school, which they might connect to with XO laptops in future