Opera without Sugar: Difference between revisions

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(tweaked .xinirc)
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Alternatively, if you would like a simple window manager, the <tt>.xinitrc</tt> file should be:

opera &

==Start the X server==
==Start the X server==

Revision as of 07:39, 12 June 2008

If you one want to use XO for surfing, you can use the Opera browser without having to run Sugar.

Remove Sugar

To prevent Sugar from starting up, edit /etc/inittab and comment out this line by adding '#' at the beginning:


The line should therefore be:


Restart network

When Sugar is not running, the network must be restarted manually.

Download Opera

Download RPM with Opera:

wget 'http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?id=31356&location=270&nothanks=yes&sub=marine'

and install it (as root):

rpm -i ...

Edit .xinitrc

To start Opera automatically when the X server is started, edit .xinitrc in the home directory. The file should contain only one line:


Alternatively, if you would like a simple window manager, the .xinitrc file should be:

opera &

Start the X server


Configure Opera

To increase performance, Opera should be configured to run without disk caching. To turn it off, select Tools->Preferences->Advanced->History and set Disk Cache to off.