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| align="right" valign="top" |  1 Apr. 2008
| align="right" valign="top" |  1 Apr. 2008
| InfoWorld – [http://www.infoworld.com/article/08/04/01/14FE-april-fool-olpc-offshoring_1.html OLPC offshoring trend heats up]
| InfoWorld – [http://www.infoworld.com/article/08/04/01/14FE-april-fool-olpc-offshoring_1.html OLPC offshoring trend heats up]

'''''1st quarter'''''
| align="right" valign="top" | 31 Mar. 2008
| Fake Steve Jobs – [http://fakesteve.blogspot.com/2008/03/kids-say-olpc-sucks-wah.html Kids: OLPC Sux, Wah!]
| align="right" valign="top" | 31 Mar. 2008
| Wall Street Journal – [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120647629738663217.html What Do Kids Want?]
| align="right" valign="top" | 27 Mar. 2008
| TR – [http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/editors/22041/ Laptop Training Begins in Peru]
| align="right" valign="top" | 25 Mar. 2008
| NPR – [http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=88922574 Teens Bring Laptops to South African Children]
| align="right" valign="top" | 24 Mar. 2008
| linux.com – [http://www.linux.com/feature/130014 Exploring Etoys on the OLPC XO]
| align="right" valign="top" | 21 Mar. 2008
| VOA – [http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-03-21-voa47.cfm Experts: Free Open Source Software Could Help African Development]
| align="right" valign="top" | 20 Mar. 2008
| myjournalcourier – [http://www.myjournalcourier.com/news/jacksonville_17737___article.html/students_computer.html ISD students get free computers]
| align="right" valign="top" | 19 Mar. 2008
| Artinfo – [http://www.artinfo.com/news/story/27132/progressive-childrens-laptop-wins-brit-insurance-design-award/ Progressive Children's Laptop Wins Brit Insurance Design Award]
| align="right" valign="top" | 10 Mar. 2008
| Laptopmag.com – [http://blog.laptopmag.com/negroponte-not-seeking-replacement-olpc-xo-to-run-windows-in-60-days-or-less Negroponte Not Seeking Replacement, OLPC XO to Run Windows in 60 Days or Less]
| align="right" valign="top" | 9 Mar. 2008
| Miami Herald – [http://www.miamiherald.com/540/story/448206.html A dream no more: laptops for the poor]
| align="right" valign="top" | 7 Mar. 2008
| Linux Insider – [http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Third-World-Laptops-Headed-for-Alabama-62018.html?welcome=1205215675&welcome=1205216615&welcome=1205217542&welcome=1205218481 Third World Laptops Headed for Alabama]
| align="right" valign="top" | 7 Mar. 2008
| Linux Insider – [http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Negroponte-Goes-Fishing-for-an-OLPC-Chief-62031.html?welcome=1205215639&welcome=1205216578&welcome=1205217504&welcome=1205218438 Negroponte Goes Fishing for an OLPC Chief]
| align="right" valign="top" | 6 Mar. 2008
| Gizmodo – [http://gizmodo.com/364643/olpc-founder-negroponte-is-getting-the-hell-out-of-dodge OLPC Founder Negroponte Is Getting the Hell Out of Dodge]
| align="right" valign="top" | 5 Mar. 2008
| Technology Review – [http://www.technologyreview.com/Biztech/20224/ Walter Bender, One Laptop per Child's president for software and content, explains why the program's strategy has changed.] (to skip registration, login as bugmenot with password bugmenot)
| align="right" valign="top" | 5 Mar. 2008
| The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs – [http://fakesteve.blogspot.com/2008/03/when-going-gets-tough.html When the going gets tough ...]
| align="right" valign="top" | 5 Mar. 2008
| Business Week – [http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/mar2008/tc2008035_429837.htm?chan=technology_technology+index+page_computers Negroponte Seeks a Laptop CEO]
| align="right" | 12 Feb. 2008
| The Sydney Morning Herald – [http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/farmer-gives-lowcost-laptop-a-proper-field-test/2008/02/11/1202578694540.html Farmer gives low-cost laptop a proper field test]
| align="right" | 03 Feb. 2008
| Associated Press – [http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080203/BUSINESS/802030337/1003/BUSINESS Cheapo laptops don't quite cut it]

| align="right" | 02 Feb. 2008
| Boston Globe – [http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2008/02/02/slow_shipments_irk_buyers_of_one_laptop_per_child_devices/ Slow shipments irk buyers of One Laptop Per Child devices]

| align="right" | 02 Feb. 2008
| The Economic Times (of India) - [http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Infotech/Hardware/One-laptop_project_to_debut_in_Maharashtra/articleshow/2749835.cms One-laptop project to debut in Maharashtra]

| align="right" | 01 Feb. 2008
| Caribbean Net News - [http://www.caribbeannetnews.com/news-5771--36-36--.html Suriname implements 'One Laptop Per Child' project]

| align="right" | 01 Feb. 2008
| Xconomy – [http://www.xconomy.com/2008/02/01/the-xo-laptop-its-the-software-stupid The XO Laptop: It’s the Software, Stupid]

| align="right" | 31 Jan. 2008
| India Interacts – [http://indiainteracts.com/gossip/2008/01/31/12624/Underwriters-Laboratories-provides-guidance-and-expertise-to-One-Laptop-per-Child-team/ Underwriters Laboratories provides guidance and expertise to One Laptop per Child team]

| align="right" | 28 Jan. 2008
| The Republican – [http://www.masslive.com/living/republican/index.ssf?/base/living-2/120133578321500.xml&coll=1 Green Machine needs a friend]

| align="right" | 28 Jan. 2008
| Xconomy – [http://www.xconomy.com/2008/01/28/nicholas-negroponte-the-interview/ Nicholas Negroponte: The Interview]

| align="right" | 27 Jan. 2008
| NY Times Magazine – [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/27/magazine/27wwln-medium-t.html?_r=1&ref=magazine&oref=slogin Childrens' Crusade]

| align="right" | 26 Jan. 2008
| Financial Post – [http://www.financialpost.com/money/story.html?id=264992 Tiny, green and cute as a button]

| align="right" | 25 Jan. 2008
| Xcomomy – [http://www.xconomy.com/2008/01/25/school-is-boring-nicholas-negroponte-on-education-the-xo-laptop-and-life-after-intel/ "School Is Boring": Nicholas Negroponte on Education, the XO Laptop, and Life After Intel]

| AP – [http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iLMsQvE6krmJ_cjc0NnfF2jo4LqAD8UCGGKO1 Review: Low-Cost Laptops for Third-World]

| align="right" | 24 Jan. 2008
| PC World – [http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,141790-c,consumeradvice/article.html Big Delays for Small Laptops: OLPC Recipients Irate]

| align="right" | 23 Jan. 2008
| LinuxWorld Australia - [http://www.linuxworld.com.au/index.php/id;1941026841;fp;4194304;fpid;1 OLPC: Give one, get none]

| align="right" | 21 Jan. 2008
| St John Tradewinds (USVI) - [http://waveplace.com/news/press/web.jsp?id=1 Waveplace Launches OLPC Pilot]

| align="right" | 17 Jan. 2008
| The Register – [http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/01/17/review_xo_laptop_hands_on/ The OLPC XO laptop - hands on review]

| align="right" | 11 Jan. 2008
| Wall Street Journal – [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120001491259982709.html Letter to the Editor]

| ABC News – [http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/GadgetGuide/story?id=4120792&page=1 Laptop Program to Intel: Good Riddance]

| ZDnet UK – [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000121,39292078,00.htm Microsoft quashes rumours of dual-boot XO laptop]

| align="right" | 10 Jan. 2008
| Wallpaper - [http://www.wallpaper.com/technology/ XO is nominated as on of Wallpaper's Most Life Enhancing Technology items]

| align="right" | 06 Jan. 2008
| PC World – [http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,141082-c,notebooks/article.html OLPC Considering 'Give One, Get One' Offer in Europe]

| align="right" | 05 Jan. 2008
| New York Times – [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/05/technology/05laptop.html?scp=3&sq=One+Laptop+per+Child&st=nyt on Intel]

| align="right" | 04 Jan. 2008
| The Economist – [http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10472304 One clunky laptop per child] and the [[Clunky laptop|OLPC response]]

| Fortune / CNNMoney.com – [http://money.cnn.com/2008/01/04/technology/kirkpatrick_negroponte.fortune/index.htm Exclusive interview with Nicholas Negroponte]

| Wall Street Journal – [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119948070480568405.html?mod=googlenews_wsj OLPC faults Intel]

| Newsweek – [http://www.newsweek.com/id/84478 commentary on Intel]


Revision as of 22:31, 12 June 2008

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2nd quarter

 2 Jun. 2008 EE times – $100 BOM eludes original OLPC laptop
26 May 2008 CNet Crave blog – One New Laptop Per Child
 26 May 2008 Ars Technica – OLPC software maker splits from X0 hardware, goes solo
 22 May 2008 Heise Online – One Laptop per Child project presents "XO-2"
 21 May 2008 Boston Globe – One Laptop plans to ditch the keyboard
 20 May 2008 Ars Technica – OLPC 2.0 coming; will project survive to see its launch?
 20 May 2008 InfoSync – OLPC XO 2.0, XO 1.5 laptops unveiled
 20 May 2008 Gizmodo – OLPC XO Laptop 2.0 Has Dual Touchscreens, Looks Amazing and Future-y
 20 May 2008 Xconomy – Negroponte Unveils 2nd Generation OLPC Laptop: It’s an E-Book
 20 May 2008 PC World staff blog – OLPC Announces Next-Gen XO-2 $75 Laptop
 20 May 2008 Laptop Mag – First Look: OLPC XO Generation 2.0
 19 May 2008 International Herald Tribune – Imperfect, Idealistic - and Changing Lives
 15 May 2008 Laptop Mag – As Promised, OLPC’s XO Gets Windows XP
 3 May 2008 Engadget – OLPC reshuffles, gets new president and COO
 3 May 2008 Uruguay school #37 6th grade class blog (Spanish) – Analyzing the use of laptops in the first month of class (transl. to English)
 2 May 2008 Slashdot – New President for OLPC Organization
 2 May 2008 MIT Technology Review – $100 Laptop Program's New President
 2 May 2008 OLPC press release – One Laptop per Child Appoints Chuck Kane as President and Chief Operation Officer
 2 May 2008 EDN – Intel Atom supply squeezed
 25 Apr. 2008 Daily Tech – XO Notebook Faces Challenges in Very Poor Peruvian Villages
 24 Apr. 2008 Xconomy – One Laptop Per Child Foundation No Longer a Disruptive Force, Bender Fears; Q&A on His Plans for “Sugar” Interface
 23 Apr. 2008 Computerworld blog roundup – The OLPC resignations continue (and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
 22 Apr. 2008 ZDnet Education – Trouble at OLPC? That’s OK, they started the revolution
 22 Apr. 2008 Ars Technica – Exodus of key figures from OLPC a troubling sign for project
 21 Apr. 2008 P2Pnet – OLPC: ‘I often treat it like a book’
 11 Apr. 2008 Mass. High Tech – OLPC adds Mexican ex-official Castañeda to board
 3 Apr. 2008 Forbes – Intel Vs. The XO
ZDnet – Intel’s second generation Classmates land; Does OLPC need to play catch-up?
Ars Technica – Microsoft extends XP Home 2 years—for budget laptops only
 2 Apr. 2008 ZDnet – 2nd-generation Intel Classmates reviewed
 1 Apr. 2008 InfoWorld – OLPC offshoring trend heats up


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