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#REDIRECT [[User:Walter]]
===Network tools/scripts===
[ olpc-netstatus] # Collects/Displays useful data regarding the Network configuration.
# It determines whether the XO is connected to
# Simple Mesh, School Mesh, Simple Wifi, School Wifi, or MPP.
# It requires [ sugar-telepathies] and [ sugar-xos]
# to get the number of XOs seen in the mesh view,
# and to list the active Telepathies with their status.
Model : C2
Serial : CSN74400049
MAC : 00:17:C4:0C:CD:11
Build : update.1 703
Firmware : CL1 Q2D14 Q2D
Libertas : 5.110.22.p1
Nick : W03
Uptime : 01:12:06
IP eth0 :
IP msh0 :
Telepathy : gabble
Jabber :
XOs : 4
Essid : zoom50
Channel : 11
School :
Config : School Wifi

[ olpc-log] # It collects all useful logs, files, command outputs
# and saves them in a S/N defined and timestamped tarball
# It gets the output of almost all scripts in the olpc-utils [ package]
# For a list of collected logs try
# olpc-log --help

[ olpc-connections] # Tracks all changes in msh0 and eth0 IP,
# resolv.conf, Telepathy status, Jabber connection and number of XOs in mesh view.
# It can give a readable view of how the network behaves over a period of time.
# It uses [ sugar-telepathies] and [ sugar-xos]
| msh0 | eth0 | dns |salut|gabbl| jabber | xos
22:32:30 | | | | on | | | 20
22:41:53 | | | | on | | | 1
22:42:02 | | | | | on | | 3
22:42:07 | | | | | on | | 3

[ olpc-mesh] # Collects the data from the fwt_list iwpriv commands
# and displays the forwarding tables in a readable manner.
# You may also use a MAC addess list to substitute each MAC with the correspindg Nick
# You may create this list from the neighbor XOs using
# olpc-xos mac > TABLE
$olpc-mesh -t TABLE
DA RA ok cost dir rate hop ttl exp(min) snr precursor
1 00:17:c4:05:23:04 00:17:c4:0d:07:46 1 90 0 0 3 2 1683 53 00:17:c4:02:30:f9
2 W07 00:17:c4:0d:37:f5 1 77 0 0 2 3 1569 80
3 W97 W07 1 90 0 0 3 2 1687 31
4 00:17:c4:05:27:18 00:17:c4:0d:37:f5 1 123 0 0 3 2 1665 53

[ olpc-xos] # Displays the list of the neighbor XOs.
# You may collect the XOs seen by sugar or Avahi.
# You may have run the script continously with -c.
# It will continuously scan for changes in the list, and display when a change is detected.
$olpc-xos avahi
Time : 01:18:46
Total : 14
Failed : 1
b1735675@xo-0C-DA-B0 W07
7188b385@xo-0D-07-46 x07

[ sugar-telepathies] # These are used as libraries from the other scripts
[ sugar-xos] # to display the DBus XOs, and active Telepathies

The above scripts are all included in this [ package]

[ Action USB key] # It is a bootable USB key that you may use to
# customize your image, collect data, and have commands to run at boot.
# More info in the README

[ Cloaked School] # This script helps the XOs associate to a
# School Wifi configuration equipped with a cloaked AP, and in the NYC deployment.
# At boot it checks whether the AP is available, and switches between Home and School mode.
# In School mode, it disables NM, and associates to the AP manually.
# The XO will still be able to collaborate if a Jabber server is available.


[[OLPC_Update.1_Software_Release_Notes|Update.1 Release Notes]]

[[Wireless Driver Required Changes]]


[[Collaboration Network Testbed]]

[[Collab Network Test Laptops|Peabody Laptops]]

[[Collab Network Simple Wifi Tests|Peabody Simple Wifi Tests]]

[[Collab Network School Wifi Tests|Peabody School Wifi Tests]]

[[Collab Network_Simple_Mesh_Tests|Peabody Simple Mesh Tests]]

[[Collab Network School Mesh Tests|Peabody School Mesh Tests]]

===General Network Info===

[[Test Network Configuration]]

[[Networking scenarios]]

[[Schoolserver Testing]]

[[XS Configuration Management]]


[[Test_Config_Notes#Turn_on_MPP_Capability|Turn on MPP Capability]]

[[Test_Config_Notes#Testing_of_Different_Connection_Configurations|Testing of Different Connection Configurations]]

[[Test_Config_Notes#Modify_the_Mesh_Discovery_Sequence|Modify the Mesh Discovery Sequence]]

===Mesh Technical Data===

[[Path_Discovery_Mechanism|Path Discovery Mechanism]]

[[Mesh_Forwarding_Table|Mesh Forwarding Table]]

[[Wireless_Driver_README|Wireless Driver Readme]]

[[Mesh_Network_Details|Mesh Network Details]]

[[Mesh_Network_FAQ|Mesh Network FAQ]]


[[Establishing_a_Mesh_Portal|Establishing a Mesh Portal]]

[ Cozybit's MPP Utils]

[[Category:OLPC FAQ]]

Revision as of 18:03, 26 November 2009

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