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Because the OLPC comes from a lineage of [[constructionist]] education projects, we want to place some emphasis on teaching of the scientific method. Too often, our current science education is based upon memorization of scientific facts or on the history of science. We want the OLPC to actively engage children in the '''doing''' of science. Since the scientific method is the basis of all scientific research, any science teaching materials for the OLPC need to help the children learn and apply the scientific method.


Revision as of 18:31, 22 February 2010



Background Information

Here you can list pointers to other pages or sites that are relevant to the teaching of science by doing.

Curriculum Ideas

There is still a great deal of research being done by amateurs, particularly in biological field observations, agriculture, anthropology, archaeology, and astronomy, where the professionals simply can't get to all the opportunities on their own. There are also several branches of mathematics, such as combinatorial game theory, where amateurs like Omar, Our Most Assiduous Reader can make significant contributions.

There is also huge scope for scientific demonstrations within one's community. In poor communities there can be minimal knowledge of modern medicine or technology. On the other hand, poverty does not mean that they lack intelligence. The Andaman Islands had nearly no loss of life in the tsunami because the tale had been passed down over many generations that you had to run for high ground any time the sea went away. That's science.