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==XSX Specifications==
==XSX Specifications==

The initial spec is an OLPC laptop with attached USB hard drive and USB CD reader. It is still low-power enough that it could be powered by car batteries which are charged using a bicycle-generator made from an old car alternator. To conserve battery power, the USB hard-drive can be removed when it is not in use.

As this is a very limited production model, flexibility wins out over cost
As this is a very limited production model, flexibility wins out over cost

Revision as of 14:33, 30 January 2007

This is a description of the first implementation of the School server. It describes the hardware and software implementation details, including the management of services. The actual services provided by the School server are described in the Server Services document, with an accompanying discussion of desired services.

Hardware Specifications

The School server hardware platform has not been selected at this time.

The current plan is to provide two hardware platforms. One, XSX, available by mid-March, will allow for School server software testing and early deployments in areas where power mains are at least periodic if not continuous. The second platform, XS, would be reduced in cost and power, and should be available for deployment beginning in October.

XSX Specifications

The initial spec is an OLPC laptop with attached USB hard drive and USB CD reader. It is still low-power enough that it could be powered by car batteries which are charged using a bicycle-generator made from an old car alternator. To conserve battery power, the USB hard-drive can be removed when it is not in use.

As this is a very limited production model, flexibility wins out over cost

  • Consumer PC hardware ?
  • x86 family for immediate development of software
  • UPS used in trial deployments ?

XS Specifications

This is the hardware for deployment.

The school server must meet all of the environmental constraints of the XO laptop with the exception of daily rough handling!

It may or may not be based on an x86 platform. The pros and cons are: ... (feel free to editorialize)

Software Specifications

The School server should run roughly the same Linux OS as that in the XO laptop. The release process will probably be different, but the kernel and most libraries should be identical.

Development Toolchain

What is the cost of this toolchain being different from that used for the XO laptop?


How is the School server upgraded ?

Service Management

How are services on the School server installed, configured, managed, and updated ?

A web based interface is a natural candidate for performing these actions on the School server.


A School server should serve up to sixty students. In schools with more students, how are the servers interconnected to minimize the management overhead ?