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Revision as of 15:45, 20 August 2010


  • XO-1.5 early production machines now available/shipping:
  • New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:
  • Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring below?!
  • Fast Review of the 6 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
 join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:
#1 Improving School Attendance Rate and Performance - Kenya and Uganda
#2 University Class & Repair Center - Rochester Institute of Technology, New York
#3 Wings Over Haiti - Port Jefferson Station, New York
#4 Open 1-to-1 + XO1.5 + Sugar - Needham/Arlington, Massachusetts & Maine
#5 Support Volunteer & School Server Development - Buenos Aires, Argentina
#6 XO 1.5 Testing & Outreach in Portugal - Aveiro, Portugal
#7 OLPC Developer Lab and Repair Center - Bangalore, India
#8 Support Volunteer @ Rural School: XO Integration+Outreach - La Romana, Dominican Republic

<CanoeBerry> FYI meeting will be starting very soon after 2pm today, in about 5-10min...plz review the 8 project/proposals in advance: <CanoeBerry> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2010-August/011544.html

  • GrannieB has joined #olpc-meeting
  • RITSteve Quit (Client Quit)

<sgtpepper> I see we have some cool projects today (excluding mine.. lol) <CanoeBerry> Feel free to share yr thoughts here, on which projects we should support, even before we get started! <sgtpepper> I liked the one from portugal... with only one but <sgtpepper> we should not be identified with political parties or organizations <sgtpepper> It could backfire <CanoeBerry> What's Tiago's blog in Portugal again? He wrote some solid early reviews of the XO-1.5 late 2009. <GrannieB> Some of these are asking for waaaaay tooooo many machines!

  • BlueRITSteve has joined #olpc-meeting

<sgtpepper> The project from Kenya and Uganda... is more like a donation, or a g1g1 <CanoeBerry> GrannieB: let's see if they have their reasons for asking for sizable numbers of machines. <digitalmind1> Ya I guess GrannieB is talking about us <sgtpepper> its good, it could be attainable.. but maybe we can help with another model.. like Sugar on fedora or stuff like that <sgtpepper> digitalmind1: Which is yours? <digitalmind1> OLPC Developer Lab and Repair Center - Bangalore, India <CanoeBerry> ~2 min warning.. please continue previewing all proposals here, before we start: <CanoeBerry> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2010-August/011544.html

  • christophd is reviewing atm
  • BlueRITSteve is now known as RITSteve

<sgtpepper> digitalmind1: Its actually quite good.. but maybe too many computers <CanoeBerry> Reminder: we will give each proposal about 5-10min MAXIMUM, before voting very quickly, and moving on to the next. <digitalmind1> yes then India is a big nation <GrannieB> diditalmind1 yours seems reasonable except we don't have many broken X)-1.5s yet <sgtpepper> I can break some <sgtpepper> lol <digitalmind1> what about XO 1.0s <digitalmind1> ha ha <sgtpepper> I've 3 year old nephews who'll handle that <GrannieB> jajajaja <GrannieB> how far is Bangalore from Gugarat? excuse the spelling! <digitalmind1> very far .. <GrannieB> too bad <digitalmind1> how is that related? <GrannieB> there is a 100+ private foundation's deployment there. They may have some broken ones and need some repairs <digitalmind1> okie i got that <digitalmind1> we will connect to them if such case exists <GrannieB> great! <sgtpepper> switching to wireless.. brb <digitalmind1> in a big region like india and neighbouring countries, there is no repair centre <CanoeBerry> At last.. let's begin! <christophd> ok <digitalmind1> and often this has been raised as a concern how can the laptops be repaired in such case

[ PROJECT #1 - Improving School Attendance Rate and Performance - Kenya and Uganda ]

<CanoeBerry> Please all (yes, everyone here please help!) critique/mentor/vote for Project #1 of 8 here: <CanoeBerry> 1. Improving School Attendance Rate and Performance - Kenya and Uganda <CanoeBerry> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=66013 <CanoeBerry> http://e4nfoundation.blogspot.com <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 18 XO-1s over undetermined months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Concrete proposals with defined, measurable outcomes are much more <CanoeBerry> likely to <CanoeBerry> result in a laptop than it would be cool to play with these and demo <CanoeBerry> them. <CanoeBerry> 1. Equip teachers and pupils with basic computer skills using the XO <CanoeBerry> laptop. <CanoeBerry> 2. Improve understanding and performance of science subjects. <CanoeBerry> 3. Actively engaging children in their learning process. <CanoeBerry> 4. Increase school attendance rate in rural schools. <CanoeBerry> 5. Introducing another medium of learning and communication using XO <CanoeBerry> laptop. <christophd> seems a little to unspecific to me <CanoeBerry> Applicant has done interesting work to date, and (refreshingly!) keeps his blog up to date: <CanoeBerry> http://e4nfoundation.blogspot.com <christophd> also not sure how they'll get teachers to participate in 30 (!) days of training <CanoeBerry> Not sure where to take this next though... <GrannieB> Too hazy. They should ask for one or 2 and ddevelop the curriculum for a larger deployment <digitalmind1> it can be divided over small sessions <digitalmind1> often concise and concentrated sessions bring much value than long ones <GrannieB> re teachers participation... pay them, and feed them! <CanoeBerry> Can we leave him with a suggestion and/or partial allocation? We have plenty of returned/used XO-1s to provide at the moment. <RITSteve> Weekend or two bbot camps with weekly sessions? <christophd> GrannieB: paying and feeding: that would be a first;) <RITSteve> boot

  • sgtpepper_ has joined #olpc-meeting

<digitalmind1> how many other members are part of this project? <GrannieB> we used to pay... a pittance, feed cookies and soda... maybe pizza. Treat them like professionals

  • sgtpepper Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)

<CanoeBerry> Let's conclude Project #1 here.

  • sgtpepper_ is now known as sgtpepper

<GrannieB> how about 2 or 3 <CanoeBerry> Can we get a suggestion around this partial allocation? <christophd> #1: is a defer for now, or smaller number of XOs <christophd> GrannieB: you should tell that to teacher trainers in Peru or Uruguay;9 <GrannieB> I try! <CanoeBerry> GrannieB: can you provide 1 specific teacher-training or content-development goal for Kenya here?

  • turn-omg has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> science lessons.. <digitalmind1> I will say build a curriculum or atleast plan on what special content you intend to cover <GrannieB> Hey Christoph... love your photos. Lima has really changed since I was there about 20 years ago <digitalmind1> which will differentiate the prior learning that teachers have <sgtpepper> Do you already have content that can be shared with the community? <CanoeBerry> Plz, any tips for science lessons in Kenya/Uganda? <christophd> GrannieB: thanks, Lima has even changed a lot since I was there last in 2005! <GrannieB> There is great content on Canal Ceibal but it is all in Spanish <CanoeBerry> Motion to defer? <GrannieB> +1 <digitalmind1> creating short stories around science concepts .. so that concepts can be grasped easily <GrannieB> The XO in the classroom has some good lesson plans <christophd> +1 <CanoeBerry> Plz vote on deferring vs. partial allocation for Kenya/Uganda's science lessons. <GrannieB> Food Force is good <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <Ian_Daniher> there are some pretty good science flash applets <sgtpepper> +1... Maybe the content should be there first... and it can be tested in sugar emulator <digitalmind1> partial <Ian_Daniher> +1 <sgtpepper> partial

  • Sienna-Silver-13 has joined #olpc-meeting

<GrannieB> +1 to defer <christophd> GrannieB: agreed. sdenka invited me to visit her but unfortunately I dont have enough time:( <CanoeBerry> We have a pretty split vote. <CanoeBerry> [DEFERRED] TOWARDS PARTIAL ALLOCATION if science lessons (and similar) demonstrated. <CanoeBerry> Onto Proejct #2. <GrannieB> ok... make it 3 to start and work up some lessons. I can mentor if you like

[ PROJECT #2 - University Class & Repair Center - Rochester Institute of Technology, New York ]

<christophd> project #2: generally thumbs up but 25 XOs seems a lot to start. dunno. <CanoeBerry> Please all critique/mentor/vote for Project #2: <CanoeBerry> University Class & Repair Center - Rochester Institute of Technology, <CanoeBerry> New York <CanoeBerry> http://foss.rit.edu/blog <CanoeBerry> https://fedorahosted.org/OpenVideoChat/ <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Math4Team/RIT <CanoeBerry> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=66041 <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 25 XO-1.5s incl 10 additional (possibly carcasses) for <CanoeBerry> repair center. <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> On-going Course participation in Sugar Labs Math4 project via classes <CanoeBerry> at RIT, Co-Op and Summer Research Programs <CanoeBerry> Addtionally hoping to become a repair center. <christophd> but then again RIT has some amazing stuff <CanoeBerry> RIT folks: plz introduce your plan now, if you can? <sgtpepper> Its quite a lot of HW.... <CanoeBerry> RITSteve: ^^^ <GrannieB> They should hit up their school for funding. They have lots of money... the tuition is huge <RITSteve> Some BG on the size of the HW request... <digitalmind1> i was going to say the same <GrannieB> BG? <CanoeBerry> GrannieB: that doesn't solve XO-1.5 capacity-building -- XO-1.5s are not for sale in these quantities <RITSteve> Background <Ian_Daniher> if RIT is interested in repair work, I'd be glad to provide them with XO1.0s to work with. <GrannieB> Right ... so buy 100 they can afford it <CanoeBerry> I doubt it. <RITSteve> Still have about 15 1.0s <Ian_Daniher> and their software work seems to be emulator-friendly <RITSteve> We plan to flip them to repair center

  • iisidor has joined #olpc-meeting

<RITSteve> Work on open video chat and game engines have pushed os version requirements and hardware capacity <CanoeBerry> RITSteve: where is the web page for the class starting in 2+ weeks? <christophd> RITSteve: 25 + 10 still seems like a lot IMHO <RITSteve> Open video chat cant run on 1.0 machines due to the processor and camera frame rates. Not enough speed to be viable for sign language <christophd> RITSteve: is 25 the number of students in the class? <christophd> RITSteve: or why specifically 25? <RITSteve> Course began a donation from Fedora of 25 1.0 to support MATH4 sugar labs efforts <RITSteve> Course size is 25 <Ian_Daniher> Does MATH4 require 1.5s? <RITSteve> Course has been using one xo per student since inception and original hardware donation from Fedora <GrannieB> can't the students share? <CanoeBerry> I think we and OLPC should support this class, but would like to see the class web page. <Ian_Daniher> or use emulators / SoaS in a lab setting? <RITSteve> Emulation is an issues, again for two reasons... <RITSteve> 1. We push the hardware and the release versions of the OS, need to be able to use actual hardware <christophd> yeah, for video chat emulation and SOAS arent a good option <GrannieB> 25 would set a precident that might cause problems going forward <CanoeBerry> GrannieB: let's deal with specifics, not precedents -- if the talent is here, we should support them. <christophd> my vote: +1 <RITSteve> Labs cant be used due to (somewhat ridiculous) security policies re running other OS on machines either on the machines hardware or via a USB <Ian_Daniher> ah, I thought there was a difference between your class and your development wrok <digitalmind1> +1 <CanoeBerry> Let's draw this to a prelim conclusion. <CanoeBerry> +1 <christophd> RIT has done amazing work and deserves any support we can give them (IMHO) <digitalmind1> i agree <Ian_Daniher> +1 <CanoeBerry> Please all vote! <sgtpepper> +1 <RITSteve> Precedent was already set by Fedora. CLass has a history of issuing XO per student for the course and allowing them to keep them if they remain active contributors so we are below the original number <GrannieB> +1 for 10 or 13. 25 is huge <CanoeBerry> Other votes? <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <Ian_Daniher> 25 yes, 35 definitely not, but would feel a lot more comfortable with 15 than 25. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <sgtpepper> +1 on Ian_Daniher <RITSteve> 25 will support course and 1.0 repair center <RITSteve> 10 for 1.5 repair center can wait til there's need <CanoeBerry> TENTATIVE APPROVAL for 25 XO-1.5s for class, but 10 carcasses for repair center -- if class web page/ongoing blog is made public for all worldwide to learn from!

[ PROJECT #3 - Wings Over Haiti - Port Jefferson Station, New York ]

<CanoeBerry> Thanks. onto Project #3 <CanoeBerry> Plz all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Wings Over Haiti - Port Jefferson Station, New York <CanoeBerry> http://www.WingsOverHaiti.org <CanoeBerry> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=66053 <CanoeBerry> http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&viewas=0&ref=mf&gid=267976059380 <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 6 XOs over 12 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Open a K-8 School in Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti, in collaboration with <CanoeBerry> students and teachers at JFK Middle School in Port Jefferson Station, <CanoeBerry> NY, to meet the following goals: <CanoeBerry> 1. Teach children in French and English, maintaining Creole as a <CanoeBerry> language of honor with Haiti’s people. <CanoeBerry> 2. Foster the development of critical thinking skills via an emphasis on <CanoeBerry> problem based learning (PBL) – minimizing rote memorization. <CanoeBerry> 3. Instill a sense of responsibility for humankind in student body <CanoeBerry> through cultural exchange and local service to the community. <christophd> cant decide on that project <CanoeBerry> Needs more details. <christophd> number seems small enough <christophd> yeah <christophd> I guess that's it <GrannieB> PBL is also known as Project Based Learning <CanoeBerry> They should join our NYC meeting tomorrow in Manhattan! <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_NYC <CanoeBerry> Perhaps 2 XOs as starters then? <CanoeBerry> The proposal is so long, for beginners, it's a bit concerning :) <christophd> CanoeBerry: 3 maybe <christophd> true that <christophd> lots of info about themselves rather than the project <CanoeBerry> Conclusions? <Ian_Daniher> +1 christophd <CanoeBerry> Plz all vote! <Ian_Daniher> 3 <GrannieB> they need to get to know the machines and develop thier curriculum This takes time. 3 would be good. Suggest more later <RITSteve> canoeberry: old curriculum www page http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/RIT/Honors_Seminar, to be revised in the next 10 days. Course projects and students generate their own pages and are on fedora hosted. Samples were included in the application sent <CanoeBerry> Motion for 3 XO-1s? <digitalmind1> +1 <Ian_Daniher> do they need XO 1s or 1.5s? <Ian_Daniher> if it's 1s, +1 for 6. <GrannieB> But they are opening a new school in Haiti? <Ian_Daniher> if it's 1.5s, +1 for 3. <GrannieB> I'm with Ian +1 <christophd> +1 <CanoeBerry> Ian_Daniher: true, we can be generous with redonated XO-1s if good work with be done. <CanoeBerry> Conclusion? <christophd> 3 XO-1.5s or 6 XO-1s? <sgtpepper> +1 with mentoring.... <CanoeBerry> +1 on either, letting them decide <GrannieB> sounds like a plan... +1 <Ian_Daniher> +1 <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED, details to be finalized offline -- mentors most welcome!

[ PROJECT #4 - Open 1-to-1 + XO1.5 + Sugar - Needham/Arlington, Massachusetts & Maine ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #4 <christophd> project #4: +1 <Ian_Daniher> Open1to1 <CanoeBerry> Plz all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Open 1-to-1 + XO1.5 + Sugar - Needham/Arlington, Massachusetts & Maine <CanoeBerry> http://itd-usr.blogspot.com <CanoeBerry> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=66253 <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 3 XO-1.5s over 6 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Explore running Open1to1 (from Maine Open Netbook Initiative) on XO-1.5 <CanoeBerry> hardware, develop software solutions to encountered problems, demo <CanoeBerry> machines to FOSS/ED crowd. <CanoeBerry> Approved. <Ian_Daniher> is an educational remix of ubuntu netbook edition, successfully used in at least a dozen schools in northern new england, with at leat 5k machines in the field <GrannieB> +1 for 3 It is a mini Roadshow. We can use more of those <CanoeBerry> +1 <Ian_Daniher> netbooks break easily, XOs don't. :) <CanoeBerry> Sorry HS / clickey keyboards are not available. <CanoeBerry> Plz all vote. <Ian_Daniher> np. I can say they exist, and that'll be good enough. <CanoeBerry> Objections? <christophd> no objections, +1 <sgtpepper> +1 <CanoeBerry> Ian_Daniher: please don't get too drunk as the school term begins, offering us details and Olin participation on-blog, ok? <Ian_Daniher> will do. <CanoeBerry> ALai should visit OLPC soon, on the side.. <Ian_Daniher> this is *not* an Olin project <Ian_Daniher> this is an Open1to1 project <Ian_Daniher> I'm the only person younger than 25 involved :) <CanoeBerry> Will these XO-1.5s never visit Olin's campus? <Ian_Daniher> my XO1.5 will be on campus. <CanoeBerry> OK <Ian_Daniher> the other two may not <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> More votes anybody? <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <GrannieB> I already voted +1 <CanoeBerry> APPROVED, all plz help keeping yr eyes on http://itd-usr.blogspot.com

[ PROJECT #5 - Support Volunteer & School Server Development - Buenos Aires, Argentina ]

<CanoeBerry> onto Project #5 <CanoeBerry> Plz all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Support Volunteer & School Server Development - Buenos Aires, Argentina <CanoeBerry> http://olpc.nicolascorrarello.com <CanoeBerry> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=66320 <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 1 XO-1.5 (and Active Antenna if avail?) over 24 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> * Deliver consistent support for the OLPC platform. <CanoeBerry> Work on the School server distrubution to stabilize the platform, <CanoeBerry> and add <CanoeBerry> resources for teachers and students such as: <CanoeBerry> * "Proyecto ALBA" or schooltool , which is a platform for School <CanoeBerry> Administration (Managing students, grades, courses, grade reports, <CanoeBerry> subjects, <CanoeBerry> teachers, etc. ...) <CanoeBerry> * Review and Improve 3G modem support <CanoeBerry> * Find and adapt a tool to manage centrally a big XS deployement (and <CanoeBerry> maybe <CanoeBerry> even XO's) <CanoeBerry> +1 <christophd> #5: gets a +1 from me <Ian_Daniher> +1 to #5 <Ian_Daniher> school server needs work <CanoeBerry> sgtpepper: care to comment on yr latest work/direction? <GrannieB> +1 from me too. Will just one be enough to do the job? <sgtpepper> Well.. Right now, we're trying to find a central mgmt software to manage a huge cloud of XS's <CanoeBerry> Votes/suggestions from all please! <christophd> +1 <digitalmind1> +1 <sgtpepper> I'm trying also to put up to speed with the XS development, to see if I can help <ghost> +! <CanoeBerry> sgtpepper: let us know on support-gang@laptop.org and elsewhere how you make out <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED

[ PROJECT #6 - XO 1.5 Testing & Outreach in Portugal - Aveiro, Portugal ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #6 <CanoeBerry> Plz all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> XO 1.5 Testing & Outreach in Portugal - Aveiro, Portugal <CanoeBerry> http://www.tmarques.com <CanoeBerry> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=66329 <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 2 XO-1.5s and over 12 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Showing among political parties that have strongly opposed the <CanoeBerry> distribution of the Classmate PC from Intel, sold as the "Magalhães" <CanoeBerry> laptop (please see http://iniciativa-magalhaes.com/). The Classmate was <CanoeBerry> attributed to a national computer builder without a public contest and <CanoeBerry> has gathered much criticism from the media and the political opposition. <CanoeBerry> The XO 1.5 would be a viable alternative and a cheaper one. No <CanoeBerry> alternatives have been show up till now and 500k laptops have been <CanoeBerry> deployed. I'm unsure of the success of this due to the current economical <CanoeBerry> climate in the country, but if there's will to continue with the <CanoeBerry> initiative, <CanoeBerry> the XO 1.5 would be very well positioned to replace the Classmate. I have <CanoeBerry> some extra XO-1s but they are too slow to provide an impact given the <CanoeBerry> classmate's superior performance compared to the old unit. <CanoeBerry> +1 <christophd> that's an odd one IMHO. not sure it's worthwhile giving them XOs <GrannieB> Interesting. He wants to "fight city hall"??? <Ian_Daniher> 2? <GrannieB> a mini Roadshow <Ian_Daniher> OLPC needs more rabblerouser advocates <sgtpepper> as I already said.. Its dangerous.. <digitalmind1> for publicity, the concerned parties can always checkout wiki for details on features <sgtpepper> it could backfire <sgtpepper> but I agree with Ian_Daniher <christophd> sgtpepper: my thoughts exactly <GrannieB> Is there a viable FOSS community in Portugal? <christophd> GrannieB: no idea, I guess so <Ian_Daniher> I say +1 to 1 XO1.5 <digitalmind1> +1 for 1 XO 1.0/1.5 <christophd> "I would need help from OLPC representatives on this, by <christophd> providing information and a direct contact with the people involved with the <christophd> current Portuguese project of laptops for children" <christophd> this is odd <CanoeBerry> The context here is that applicant just shipped OLPC his XO-1.5 for valuable diagnostic/repair insight, but yet you are all correct, that a great HW tinkerer here should not necessarily get involved with high-level advocacy if he does not have experience! <christophd> I vote -1 <christophd> well said! <CanoeBerry> So we are shipping him an XO-1.5 regardless, and I suggested 2 if he will build community. <CanoeBerry> But lobbying might not be appropriate, as it can indeed backfire at times. <digitalmind1> -1 I guess then <Ian_Daniher> with that in mind, -1 <GrannieB> we need to stay apolitical <GrannieB> -1 <Ian_Daniher> my concern is that if he already has one, he doesn't need another <Ian_Daniher> also, having a hardcore HW dev do politics scares me <Ian_Daniher> being a hardcore HW dev myself :) <GrannieB> he wants to do "shoe and tell" <digitalmind1> yes .. he should work on building community and consensus for it .. it will make process simpler <GrannieB> opps show and tell <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <GrannieB> link up with the FOSS community there ... if there is one <CanoeBerry> APPROVED for 1 alone (his replacement XO-1.5) until advocacy goals clarifying, given its serious risks.

[ PROJECT #7 - OLPC Developer Lab and Repair Center - Bangalore, India ]

<CanoeBerry> onto Project #7 <CanoeBerry> Plz all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> OLPC Developer Lab and Repair Center - Bangalore, India <CanoeBerry> http://olpcsouthasia.org <CanoeBerry> http://youthforseva.org/our-focus-areas/education/computers-for-schools/ <CanoeBerry> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=66334 <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 10 XO-1.5s and 10 salvaged/damaged XOs over 12 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> · To create a dedicated developer and volunteer community <CanoeBerry> · To establish a XO lending library and repair center in Bangalore <CanoeBerry> to help community in adopting XO as a learning platform <CanoeBerry> · To train teachers in the Sugar Learning environment to enable them <CanoeBerry> to make effective use of it in their classrooms <CanoeBerry> · To prepare and implement a new curriculum for the students in <CanoeBerry> coordination with teachers(For example: Development of various <CanoeBerry> mathematical <CanoeBerry> models for understanding effectiveness of current curriculum and <CanoeBerry> what steps <CanoeBerry> can be taken to enhance them and decipher the insights from such <CanoeBerry> implementation) <CanoeBerry> · To spread awareness among the youth of colleges and schools <CanoeBerry> · To raise funds for atleast 1 large scale deployment in 6 months <christophd> CanoeBerry: i guess you have more insight into that one? <CanoeBerry> digitalmind: can you introduce yr team & effort? <digitalmind1> ya sure <CanoeBerry> quick! <CanoeBerry> thanks! <digitalmind1> we are building a team of volunteers .. currently around 6 and it will rise to a big number with the kind of interest we are seeing from many students <CanoeBerry> All 6 in Bangalore area? <digitalmind1> we plan to roll out internships for them so that they can work on real tiem environment and some development activities <ghost> yes that is right <digitalmind1> yes .. but we are also approaching other regions <GrannieB> are you at a university or school? <digitalmind1> so that students can join in here from those places <CanoeBerry> ghost: are you with the team? don't hesitate to tell us more if so. <ghost> yes i am part of the team <digitalmind1> we wil host it in school <ghost> i am currently working with emc and volunteering with youth for seva <CanoeBerry> is your group establishing monthly meetings or similar? <CanoeBerry> i know you've met at least once already.. <digitalmind1> this is first step to make a big thrust for creative learning .. and will expand at rapid rate <ghost> i am working with this government school for past 6 months <ghost> we teach every saturday <CanoeBerry> you might learn a lot from christophd here in-channel who founded the OLPC Austria community <digitalmind1> that good to know .. <ghost> we want to get full time volunteers as well as train the teachers ion this platform <digitalmind1> we will reach out for expanding OLPC South Asia community <ghost> so this can be part of their full time curriculam <christophd> sounds good <christophd> any specific deliverables over the next 6 months? <CanoeBerry> Any blog schedule for http://olpcsouthasia.org ? <GrannieB> do you already have any XOs? <CanoeBerry> Can we expect weekly bite-size summaries? <digitalmind1> yes for sure <ghost> yes we intend to have our 1st large scale deployment in 6 months <digitalmind1> it will be posted on olpcsouthasia.org <christophd> ghost: that is very ambitious;) <christophd> but good <ghost> i have a plan <ghost> :) <digitalmind1> we are alredy working hard at generating funds <digitalmind1> and results have been encouraging <CanoeBerry> i vote +1 but would like to see a blogging pattern first <ghost> emc has already supported a deployment in australia <GrannieB> do you have XOs? Have you tried them? <christophd> apart from the deployment? content, software, etc-? <digitalmind1> and cahnges will definitely be visible after we have the lab set and working <ghost> i am in talks with the csr for the large scale deployment in bangalore <CanoeBerry> does this group have more than its original 2 XO-1.5s to date? <digitalmind1> no <GrannieB> What have you done with your 2 XO-1.5s do far? <CanoeBerry> *so far <digitalmind1> it is being used for sharing on the same school .. and one of it is being used for speech recognition development purposes <GrannieB> yep I really cant type <digitalmind1> it is also used for showing to corporates to generate funds so that we can support first deployment <christophd> sorry, I have to go, lunch is being served <CanoeBerry> is a repair center lead (point person) chosen/ready to go, and if so who is that? <christophd> project #6: +1 <christophd> #7 I meant <christophd> sorry <CanoeBerry> christophd: thanks so much & talk soon <digitalmind1> Anuroop Talluri is not available <christophd> #8 sounds a little unspecific to me atm <CanoeBerry> Let's conclude as it's 3pm <digitalmind1> but he will lead the repair centre <CanoeBerry> great <sgtpepper> CanoeBerry: I did'nt ask you... how much is the overnight + saturday shipment? <digitalmind1> he is working for tata elxsi <digitalmind1> which already handles a big semiconductor group <CanoeBerry> Motion for tentative approval if the weekly blogging is agreed to and appears. <CanoeBerry> +1 (my vote) <christophd> +1 <digitalmind1> confirmed from me on blogging <CanoeBerry> sgtpepper: overnight shipping for saturday delivery costs astronomically too much <CanoeBerry> in the US <digitalmind1> and added pictures and content that we create <GrannieB> +1 <digitalmind1> we will start with translation first <digitalmind1> so results will be immediately visible <GrannieB> what language? <ghost> kannada, telagu and tamil <ghost> all indian local languages <GrannieB> no gugarati? <digitalmind1> we are concentrating on indian region <ghost> we do not have too many gujurati's down south <digitalmind1> not as of now until we find volunteers from gujarati <digitalmind1> or one who speaks that <digitalmind1> :) <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <GrannieB> maybe Anil who I mentioned earlier can find some for you <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <digitalmind1> grannieB seems to be really inspired by gujarat ;) <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED..pending a few final details, thanks. <CanoeBerry> Lastly Project #8 <GrannieB> I'm their mentor so I am predgudiced <digitalmind1> thanks everyone

[ PROJECT #8 - Support Volunteer @ Rural School: XO Integration+Outreach - La Romana, Dominican Republic ]

<CanoeBerry> Plz all critique/mentor/vote for: <digitalmind1> i got that ! <CanoeBerry> Support Volunteer @ Rural School: XO Integration+Outreach - La <CanoeBerry> Romana, Dominican Republic <CanoeBerry> https://sites.google.com/site/laromanaxo/ <CanoeBerry> http://rt.laptop.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=66344 <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 2 XO-1.5s and 3 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Our project will serve to integrate the use of computers in the learning <CanoeBerry> and discovery process of young children in rural and depressed areas of <CanoeBerry> La Romana, Dominican Republic. <sgtpepper> I would definitely mentor that <CanoeBerry> iisidor: care to introduce your work? if you're still online! <iisidor> 'm here, hello <CanoeBerry> hi! <CanoeBerry> Plz say a few words on where you're heading in the coming month. <CanoeBerry> And if further -- and more about your blogging/outreach approach. <CanoeBerry> +1 but needing to hear more :) <iisidor> I am working with a school in La Romana to introduce the use of computers in the learning process of children <CanoeBerry> PS sorry again our OLPC colleague honeymoon'ing in the DR cannot help you next month! <digitalmind1> will 3 months time be enough? <iisidor> we plan to grow to two schools in the next 6 months if we get all the funding <iisidor> 3 months might work for the first school <iisidor> like a roadshow to engage teachers and parents <CanoeBerry> iisidor: do you know someone who might be your photographer/blogger? <iisidor> ill be doing most of that work but there are other students that will help <CanoeBerry> OK, know any experienced/techie teacher friends in the DR who might help? <iisidor> these schools have a group of volunteers from a private school that go there to help them in math, sciences, etc <CanoeBerry> (constructionist or otherwise..) <iisidor> I have a bunch of students, teachers and teachies to help on the work <CanoeBerry> All plz vote, thanks! <sgtpepper> +1 ... and I can Mentor it... <CanoeBerry> +1 on this very young project, volunteer iisidor has been helpful online over the past month, given his strong tech support background. <GrannieB> +1 for longer time! <CanoeBerry> sgtpepper: perfect <CanoeBerry> +1 to GrannieB <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED -- without forgetting the other half of the island of Hispaniola (Haiti!)


<CanoeBerry> Thanks You All -- Meeting Adjourned. <sgtpepper> iisidor: PM me for contact information <GrannieB> sgtpepper ... if you need a teacher-type to help, I'd be happy to <iisidor> ok <CanoeBerry> Have a great weekend and don't forget to join those OLPC communities in NYC (teacher-prep) & Rhode Island (amazing high schools' fundraiser) this weekend: <CanoeBerry> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_NYC <CanoeBerry> http://olpcextravaganza.blogspot.com <GrannieB> i'm out to lunch!