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(Created page with '<pre> <CanoeBerry> Speakere Mike Dawson beginning! <CanoeBerry> Audio only, via Skype. <CanoeBerry> Live from Afghanistan. <ntt> Talking about content (curriculm and health0 <Can…')
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Revision as of 00:04, 25 October 2010

<CanoeBerry> Speakere Mike Dawson beginning!
<CanoeBerry> Audio only, via Skype.
<CanoeBerry> Live from Afghanistan.
<ntt> Talking about content (curriculm and health0
<CanoeBerry> ntt: thanks for scribing!
<ntt> Content must be locally relevant
<ntt> CanoeBerry: np
<ntt> Two standard responses to XO demonstration: 1. Neat toy 2. This is useless
<ntt> *garbled*
<ntt> Giving people ideas for what they want
<ntt> Taken Afghan curriculum (math, sci., religion) added games, audio
<ntt> Basis for blended leaning experience
<ntt> Learning at home and school important.
<ntt> Assess need and reality yourself.
<ntt> *garbled
<ntt> Assessed: Startling time deficit in Afghanistan
<ntt> 410 hours = school year in Afg.
<ntt> So many kids, teaching in shifts, teachers can't even mark homework
<ntt> Not effective.
<ntt> Pitch:
<ntt> "you have so little time to do stuff, the laptop does that for you"
<ntt> Don't expect magic attitudes, expect magic issues sans magic answers.
<ntt> Enhanced frontpage-like elearning generator
<ntt> eXe Learning
<ntt> saves files as HTML + JS
<CanoeBerry> "eXe Learning DHTML Educ Game/Activity Plugins"
<ntt> carol ruth silver: people want link to it
<ntt> is probably in english
<CanoeBerry> Avoid
<CanoeBerry> Stale site.
<ntt> That version won't have the formats we made here
<ntt> *garbled* website for that
<CanoeBerry> Instead use:
<ntt> to contact
<ntt> Constructionism is a spectrum
<ntt> Rote ----------------- Handing out XO sans teacher
<ntt> Once time issue is dealed with,
<ntt> Health activity exis*garbled*
<ntt> When it goes inside the house it really does have an impact
<ntt> someone: "When I saw these pictures on the XO I always wash my hands now cooking"
<ntt> If you spend ~300 on XO program when you could have used penicil, paper, training
<ntt> you haven't helped you've hurt
<ntt> We have to grapple with this
<ntt> Getting XO on low income is hard
<ntt> *garbled*
<ntt> If we don't do that, we say no.
<ntt> It's not the right way to spend $
<ntt> We can get better outcomes with the cheaper methods
<ntt> Cognition, creativity, stability, anti-insurgency
<ntt> You can't look at a control school with nothing.
<ntt> If you spend $300 on laptops and compare to no funding
<ntt> Not valid
<ntt> Question
<ntt> Do you have sample text/charts/pages describing this
<ntt> Link, uh, there are a couple of resources
<CanoeBerry> Plz all join us for our COMMUNITY/FAMILY PHOTO in Rm 553, soon after 4:30!
<ntt> Handbook for monitoring in ICT about 300 pages long
<ntt> Also, USAID has frameworks for assessment
<ntt> I think what I was saying *garbled*
<ntt> Upload notes to
<ntt> Hans Roslin, epidemiologist for doctors without border said at TEDc
<ntt> *x
<ntt> Greatest impact is 15-10 year earlier increase in female education
<ntt> Not very optimal
<ntt> Stuff like fertility control
<ntt> also hygiene
<ntt> If you had a wishlist for content (</irony>) to address education for girls
<ntt> First problem: It's harder for girls to go away for significant periods of time.
<ntt> Lack of role models.
<ntt> Access to quality educ. exp.
<ntt> most important thing: Bring into the house
<ntt> Give girls, boys equal access
<ntt> Girls still need to know critical thinking, maths, science
<ntt> *garbled*
<ntt> Get female teachers up to scratch
<ntt> Training training training
<ntt> In terms of health materials
<ntt> Simple interactive stuff about hygiene, birth control... sensitive. do locally.
<ntt> Lots of paper content
<ntt> Problem: When people make static content it does not lead to that behavioral change
<ntt> *garbled*
<ntt> Creating interactive materials: feedback
<ntt> more effective
<ntt> Unfortunately not much can be done remotely
<ntt> Microfinance
<ntt> We did survey of microfinance institutions: goal: microfinance matching app
<ntt> I'm 30yo need $x do to y"
<ntt> Educating potential clients
<ntt> Collegue disbelieved
<ntt> If you prematch people to institutions that will support them
<ntt> each institution has rules
<ntt> Sending peopel to the right place
* ntt is getting carpal tunnel typing this
<ntt> Get abstracts from Pubmed
<ntt> doctor's database
<ntt> Best story to illustrate issue
<ntt> Someone called fire station
<ntt> there's a leaking fuel tank
<ntt> Fire department says "what's it made out of"
<ntt> metal
<ntt> You should get a welder to weld it shut
<ntt> Where do babies come from
<ntt> Fixing common misconceptions
<ntt> snopes focused on medical stuff
<ntt> *garbled*
<ntt> E
<ntt> Beth Santos presenting
<ntt> Etoys presentation on health curriculum
<ntt> Potable Water
<ntt> It's a colouring book in eToys, animated
<ntt> Alright back to Mike
* agordon ( has joined #olpc-553
<ntt> Ran through this slideshow under
<ntt> speach recog.
<ntt> to teach reading
<ntt> On low end equip
<ntt> Optimally: 2:1 student:teacher ratio
<ntt> Pessimally: 5:1
<ntt> No doubts that people want to learn to read
<ntt> JULIUS
<ntt> hidden markov model
<ntt> Can take speech > text, but usually for C2
<ntt> If we convert from triphones to diphones
<ntt> Save space, RAM
<ntt> also easier to do
<ntt> Trying to get web to have mic upload
<ntt> Flash uses Speex
<ntt> Help Gnash
<CanoeBerry> 5 more min extension!
<ntt> You can do access
<ntt> dialect, etc
<ntt> There's a patent.
<ntt> ONLY do a reading tutor
<ntt> if you make a speech tutor
<CanoeBerry> Photo After 4:35 :)