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Walter's anus.
== Add Local Projects to the [http://www.olpcMAP.net Map!] ==

DRAFT instructions below -- <i>help us make these friendlier to All by [mailto:beautify-AT-olpcMAP.net asking for help], thanks!</i>

'''OlpcMAP''' lives at '''http://olpcMAP.net'''
=== To edit markers: ===

* Click "Edit Mode" on top
* Click marker
* Click "Suggest Edit"
* Go through editor pages to set information, icon, and photo
* At any point, click "Save Edits"

=== To add a marker (Automatically enters Edit Mode, too) ===

* Click "Join the Map Network"
* Drag the marker to your location
* Enter your e-mail
* Click "Plant Marker"
* Go through editor pages to set information, icon, and photo
* At any point, click "Save Edits"

=== Helpful Volunteers ===

Contact our [[#Curatorial Team|Community Curators Team]] with suggestions for making your deployment's accomplishments more vivid!

== Open Community Architecture ==

In a democracy, we are each others' infrastructure. Our geo-social fabric takes inspiration from:<br>

* Dialogue between public and private community spaces<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;http://theopensourceway.org/wiki/Communities_of_practice

* Good Faith Collaboration = people who share a passion to learn, by interacting regularly, and conscientiously
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;http://reagle.org/joseph/2010/gfc/<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Reagle/Berkman_Reading_Group

* Creativity = allowing yourself to make mistakes

* ART = knowing which ones to keep

* <i>1 Billion children who are tired of waiting!</i>

===Open Source Effort===
olpcMAP is written in Python and is hosted on Google App Engine

The code is gradually being open-sourced at http://code.google.com/p/olpc-map-net

Add issues or tackle problems listed at http://code.google.com/p/olpc-map-net/issues/list

== Become a Map Maker! ==

Please join and help cultivate our public discussion list! Send email to:


Archives are here:


=== Live Chat (IRC) ===

Please visit http://forum.laptop.org/chat and then type at bottom:

/join #olpcMAP<br>
(then type a few lines, being patient if we're asleep!)

That's the #olpcMAP channel on irc.freenode.net

== To Do ==
Some of THE most important spatial media we need to welcome, are our established geo-communities:

http://www.openwijs.nl/referenties/olpc 12 Dutch-originated microdeployments, on 3 continents?
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Deployments (already completed? move to "Inspiration" section below if so!)
Actual "landmark" stickers on paper/laminate map at the Kleiders' house, from http://olpcSF.org/summit 2010!
OLPC SF Community Summit 2010: wider list of registrants
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&vps=1&jsv=286b&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=108408553645876220956.00049038844650cba3cf0 (Jennifer Martino's Latin America & Caribbean deployment map!)
http://www.widernet.org/egranary/ (eGranary Digital Libraries AKA "The Internet in a Box" w/ 14 million docs each?)
eg. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=110300756731284107900.00046b13c0e8e5f0f820a

EG. What attractive iconography best represents your own local community's best efforts??

http://EscueLab.org (Lima, Peru)
http://olpcLearningClub.org (Washington DC, [[File:Custom_map_icon_olpc_dc.png|possible icon 1]], [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/File:Xo_dc_flag_preview.jpg larger 427 × 306 pixel JPEG])
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Southern_California_OLPC_Projects (incl [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=34.3389,-118.927002&spn=2.18618,3.795776&z=8&msid=111182366285552538631.0004720084fe55fd03475 Google Map of local prjcts!])
http://olpc.at (OLPC Austria)
(Uruguay's many strong groups have brilliant logos already; showcase these on our main page to spark others??)

== Inspiration maps & feeds ==

A Million Thanks go to these groups whose community feeds we're already tapping:

http://laptop.org/en/children/countries/ (500+ kids/XOs)
http://bit.ly/c20CRz (OLPCorps Africa, 2009)
http://www.olpccanada.com/content.php?id=17 / http://www.olpccanada.com/doc/OLPC_Canada_Schools_Map.pdf

Please [mailto:beautify-AT-olpcMAP.net write us] if you have/want ideas for more dynamically illustrating the Human Vibrancy of your community, its teachers and its children!

== Global MAP SPRINT: Dec 27-31, 2010 in Boston ==

Venue & volunteer-based housing [http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2010-October/011900.html details] [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc_boston/2010-November/000627.html to] [http://groups.google.com/group/olpcMAPmakers follow] late November!

Talented social cartographers & implementers from the global community of One Laptop per Child (http://blog.laptop.org) and http://SugarLabs.org will fly to Boston Dec 27-31 -- to physically map our geo-social fabric of small/medium/large deployments worldwide. In completely new and different ways -- on and around CMU/Nick Doiron's rapidly evolving adoption/volunteering map:


Just like a Book Sprint (writing an entire book within a week, like http://laptop.org/manual) we'll beautify, rigorize and publish this community product within 5 business days!

We're looking for the very best talent globally to join us, to lay critical seeds Connecting-The-Dots of OLPC/Sugar/ICT4Education around learning/deployment/content knowledge, and Globally! Starting with one single student's eye-opening social visualization -- that has already powerfully captured the popular imagination, since its alpha-launch in October 2010, at the [http://olpcSF.org/summit OLPC San Francisco Community Summit].

=== Attendees ===

Thank you to the organizing volunteers (email beautify@olpcMAP.net) already INvesting so much of their personal/family resources, flying in during 2010's Season of Giving. To celebrate a Cause They Believe In! That cause being to grow our community of face2face doers building 21st century educational opportunities for the world's poorest children, with new volunteer/internship opportunities that None Of Us Have Yet Imagined. We are thrilled to already have in attendance these powerhouse contributors:

* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Bender Walter Bender] (Sugar Labs Executive Director, partial attendance)
* [https://launchpad.net/~dfarning David Farning] (http://ActivityCentral.org Executive Director, Wisconsin)
* [http://www.linkedin.com/in/carolinemeeks Caroline Meeks] (http://SolutionGrove.com Executive Director, partial attendance)
* [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Ndoiron Nick Doiron] (Carnegie Mellon University)
* [http://SaigonOLPC.wordpress.com Marina Zdobnova] (Russia, [http://ChebVolunteer.wordpress.com ChebVolunteer])
* [http://olpcsf.org/CommunitySummit2010/people.php Kurt Maier] (OLPC Support Gang founding member, Indiana)
* [http://www.linkedin.com/in/bensheldon Ben Sheldon] (AmeriCorps, http://CTCvista.org, http://TransmissionProject.org, to be confirmed)
* [http://www.google.com/profiles/shirish.goyal Shirish] [http://shirishgoyal.com Goyal] (Bangalore, India, Accenture, remote attendance)
* [http://ntugiSchool.com Mark Battley] (Toronto, Canada digital media/film educator & organizer, to be confirmed)
* [http://web.media.mit.edu/~calla/ Claudia] [http://twitter.com/callaurrea Urrea] (OLPC learning coordinator for Latin America, partial attendance)
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Sj SJ Klein] (OLPC Director of Outreach, partial attendance)
* [http://www.linkedin.com/pub/reuben-caron/0/890/876 Reuben Caron] (OLPC global deployment support, partial attendance)
* [http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/User:Holt Adam Holt] (OLPC Community Support Manager)
* (Special Chicago guest/s from http://IITempoweringHaiti.org ?)

<big>[mailto:beautify-AT-olpcMAP.net RSVP] if you'd like to confirm your (a) contribution and (b) spot!</big>

=== Schedule ===

SUBJECT TO CHANGE! [http://groups.google.com/group/olpcMAPmakers Help us fine tune!]

{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
|valign="top" rowspan="2"|Mon Dec 27
|valign="top"|11AM - 7PM
|valign="top"|Work session at OLPC: like a real book sprint, we'll (re)finalize the "style guide" and "table of contents" (eg. who is cultivating each continent / ocean) enunciating Clear Tasks for all eager volunteers arriving Tuesday -- depending on their skillsets -- even where appropriate calling actual deployments and interviewing them on map. Cultivating photographic experiences, most important...
|valign="top"|7PM - 9PM
|valign="top"|Boston exploration, led by volunteers like yourself (pray for snow!)
|valign="top" rowspan="2"|Tue Dec 28
|valign="top"|11AM - 7PM
|valign="top"|Work session at OLPC
|valign="top"|7PM - 9PM
|valign="top"|Peru film presentation thanks to filmmakers Audubon McKoewn and/or Mark Battley, presenting in person!
|valign="top" rowspan="2"|Wed Dec 29
|valign="top"|11AM - 7PM
|valign="top"|Work session at OLPC
|valign="top"|7PM - 9PM
|valign="top"|Not Your Daddy's Volunteer -- Evening social event organized by Marina Zdobnova (Russia) & Benaja Antoine (Haiti), around the power of intl volunteer exchanges in general, as the 21st century rearranges the possibilities (and the limits) of what ecotourism and voluntourism CAN really be.
|valign="top" rowspan="2"|Thu Dec 30
|valign="top"|11AM - 7PM
|valign="top"|Work til you drop, with free dinner of your choosing, for those who've beautified a major deployment or entire country/continent!
|valign="top"|7PM - 9PM
|valign="top"|Skating on Frog Pond, for those new to Boston especially!
|valign="top" rowspan="2"|Fri Dec 31 <br />(National Years Eve!)
|valign="top"|11AM - 7PM
|valign="top"|lpcMAP will be declared V1.0 at ***5PM*** and the MAP BEAUTY CONTEST WINNER ANNOUNCED. Telephone/Skype Video call to the winner, no matter what country they're in!
|valign="top"|7PM - MIDNIGHT!
|valign="top"|Party thru the night!!!


=== Venue ===

We anticipate using space provided by our gracious hosts, the OLPC Foundation, in Kendall Sq, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

=== Lodging ===

You need to secure your own housing and travel. Volunteers will do their best to match up rich volunteers with poor, just as in October in SF at http://olpcSF.org/summit, to make sure housing and a few select airfares are covered -- when truly exceptional talent is demonstrated. Please our [http://groups.google.com/group/olpcMAPmakers public mailing list] to make your case!

== Outreach ==

http://twitter.com/olpcMAP (beginning slowly)

http://blog.olpcMAP.net (contact [mailto:beautify-AT-olpcMAP.net Marina] if you enjoy communications & can help!)

Or [mailto:beautify-AT-olpcMAP.net help in any other way], even if just asking us for fun/regional updates emailed occasionally :)

== Curatorial Team ==

Don't hesitate to [mailto:beautify-AT-olpcMAP.net contact our great team] of volunteer community curators:

[http://olpcSF.org/CommunitySummit2010/people.php Kurt Maier]<br>
[http://saigonolpc.wordpress.com Marina Zdobnova]

== Design Team ==

[[user:Ndoiron|Nick Doiron]]<br>
[http://www.google.com/profiles/shirish.goyal Shirish Goyal]<br>
[http://www.linkedin.com/in/bensheldon Ben Sheldon]<br>
[[User:mikelee|Mike Lee]]<br>
[http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/User:Holt Adam Holt]

Revision as of 20:22, 29 November 2010

Walter's anus.