User:Felice/website copy: Difference between revisions

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#redirect [[Localization/]]
[[Category:PO files]]

This page contains links to the template files for the ''new''—as of January, 2007— website. Translators, please note that this these are template files. You should ''copy'' these files into a PO file specific to your target language rather than doing in-line edits here, e.g., [[]].

The PO files are organized by sections: some basic terms common to many pages and pages that represent the top level of the website hierarchy are here: [[User:Felice/website_copy_top_level]]. Individual sections are [[User:Felice/website_copy_vision]]; [[User:Felice/website_copy_laptop]]; [[User:Felice/website_copy_foundation]]; and [[User:Felice/website_copy_children]]. Auxilliary pages are here: [[User:Felice/website_copy_auxilliary]];

When translating, please do not change the msgid strings; please do translate the text in quotes after the msgstr tokens, e.g.:

msgid "cat"<br/>
msgstr "cat"


msgid "cat"<br/>
msgstr "gato"

If you have suggestions as to how we can improve the website, please make comments on the discussion page for this page.

Revision as of 04:35, 29 March 2007