Emulating the XO: Difference between revisions

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(碎纸机 点钞机 考勤机 塑封机 保险箱 财务装订机 文件柜 书报架 图纸架 支票打印机 钥匙箱 绿板 软木板 北京婚庆)
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{{ Latest Releases | livecd = inline | devel = inline | extra }}

[http://www.oa126.com.cn 保险箱]
[http://www.oa126.com.cn 点钞机]

[http://www.oa126.com.cn 考勤机]
== Quick Start - [[LiveCd|LiveCD]] ==
[http://www.oa126.com.cn 塑封机]

[http://www.oa126.com.cn 财务装订机]
For many, the [[LiveCd|LiveCD]] is the easiest way to try [[Sugar]]. It's easy to do, but your work is lost when you reboot.
[http://www.oa126.com.cn 文件柜]

[http://www.oa126.com.cn 软木板]
== Quick Start - [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start|Emulation]] ==
[http://www.oa126.com.cn 软木板]

[http://www.oa126.com.cn 支票打印机]
'''[[Emulating the XO/Quick Start|Emulation]]''' is the other way to try [[Sugar]]. It can be harder to set up,, but work is preserved.
[http://www.oa126.com.cn 书报架]
:Sound in [[TamTam]] may not be working at the moment. [[User:MitchellNCharity|MitchellNCharity]] 13:16, 5 June 2007 (EDT)
[http://www.oa126.com.cn 图纸架]

[http://www.oa126.com.cn 钥匙箱]
== Quick Start for Developers ==
[http://www.oa126.com.cn 绿板]
Developing on emulation is one alternative for developing software.
[http://www.oa126.com.cn IC考勤机]

[http://www.oa126.com.cn 杂志架]
Get [http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST/devel_ext3/olpc-redhat-stream-development-devel_ext3.img.bz2 the latest image]
[http://www.qyf99.com 北京婚庆]
from [http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST/devel_ext3/ here]. ''(add link to tinderbox)''
[http://www.qyf99.com 北京婚庆]
Install QEMU and kernel acceleration as described in [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start]]. See [[/Help_and_tips#Development]].
[http://www.cnongle.info/user1/230/archives/2007/12120.shtml 保险箱]

[http://www.simiao.net/blog/u/oaoaaooaxs/archives/2007/2007529103927.html 保险箱]
Build 451 has been reported to not boot under qemu. 445 is known to work.
[http://www.edufw.com/blog/u/oaoaaooaxs/archives/2007/2007529103927.html 保险箱]

[http://www.nj025.cn/blog/u/328/archives/2007/2007529103927.html 保险箱]
== Overview ==
[http://www.qx001.com/blog/u/oaoaaooaxs/archives/2007/2007529103927.html 保险箱]

[http://blog.dyshzn.cn/user1/oaoaaooaxs/archives/2007/2007529103927.html 保险箱]
One way to run oplc software is using an emulator on your pc. See [[Getting started programming]] for other options.
[http://www.wjadsy.com/blog/u/328/archives/2007/2007529103927.html 保险箱]

[http://changchun.dinmo.cn/u/leilezna/archives/2007/1783.html 保险箱]
Note '''[[:Category:Emulation]]''' and '''[[Emulating the XO/Help and tips|Help and tips]]'''.
[http://blog.modeblog.com/3/9986/archives/2007/19413.html 点钞机]

[http://www.24bbw.com/bbs/u/oaoaaooaxs/archives/2007/102.html 点钞机]
For play, you can use [[LiveCd]] or [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start|Quick Start]].
[http://www.0718cn.com/blog/u/oaoaaooaxs/archives/2007/437.html 点钞机]

[http://blog.iyn.com.cn/iblog/oaoaaooaxs/5572.html 点钞机]
For development, you can use [[LiveCd]], or qemu (as in quick start, but with a different image), or perhaps one of the [[Developer Images]] other than the LiveCd. An alternate approach is to attempt [[:Category:Installing_Sugar|installing sugar]]. See [[Getting started programming]] for a comparison.
[http://bbs.lvyou168.cn/blog/user1/bangzhu/archives/2007/727.shtml 考勤机]

[http://www.sssy.com.cn/blog/user1/bangzhu/archives/2007/827.html 考勤机]
A common development approach is to use [[QEMU]] with kqemu acceleration. See [[Emulating the XO/Quick Start|Quick Start]] for the basics.
[http://blog.northnews.cn/u/dindgmeng/archives/2007/5031.html 考勤机]
Though for development, we will use a different .img, one with a few extra utility programs. See [[OS images]], including '''[[OS_images#Latest_Stable_Build |latest stable build]]'''.
[http://www.wzyywz.com/blog/user1/dindgmeng/archives/2007/275.html 考勤机]

[http://blog.yzwb.net/user1/dindgmeng/archives/2007/9174.html 考勤机]
Instead of qemu, you can run [[Emulating the XO/UsingVMware|VMware]], and there are additional options on a [[Emulating the XO/Mac|Mac]].
[http://www.pkueos.com/blog/u/6g221gds/archives/2007/662.html 考勤机]

[http://blog.chinahightech.com/user1/1461/archives/2007/3906.html 考勤机]
Please report your experiences in [[User Feedback on Images]]. There is a [[Virtualization Common Room]].
[http://www.lltoday.com/blog/u/205/archives/2007/297.html 塑封机]

[http://www.le100.com/blog/u/6764/archives/2007/954.html 塑封机]
There are [[Emulating the XO/Limitations of XO disk images|limitations with XO disk images]].
[http://www.9com.cn/blog/u/1799/archives/2007/2491.html 塑封机]

[http://soft.mcu123.com/blog/mcu123/426/archives/2007/792.html 塑封机]
The LATEST-STABLE-BUILD versus LATEST build distinction is mostly of interest to people running on actual XO's. In emulation, developers should usually use LATEST. And when STABLE is old, non-developers probably should too.
[http://blog.cntca.com/blog/u/1485/archives/2007/1337.html 塑封机]

[http://www.xkblog.com/xkblog02/leilezna/archives/2007/3787.shtml 塑封机]
== Comparison of alternatives ==
[http://aielielaz.petking.cn/archives/2007/1673.html 塑封机]

[http://www.powergis.net/blog/u/482/archives/2007/913.html 财务装订机]
An OLPC laptop is custom hardware, running a stripped-down Red Hat linux, running [[Sugar]]. But what if you don't have a real olpc laptop? There are a several options.
[http://www.yufee.cn/blog/user1/dfdssdf/archives/2007/618.html 文件柜]

[http://qyxbx.meibu.com/blog/u/594/archives/2007/528.html 文件柜]
{| border=1 cellspacing=0
[ 文件柜]
|- style="background:lightgray; "
[http://beijing.dinmo.cn/u/2190/2540.html 文件柜]
! option
[http://www.168sg.com/blog/u/dfdssdf/archives/2007/407.html 文件柜]
! updated !! sound? !! camera? !! library? !! etoys? !! R/W? !! development software? !! net? !! comments
[http://www.ayqyxh.com.cn/blog/u/268/archives/2007/185.html 文件柜]

[http://www.cqplay.net/blog/u/12/archives/2007/11.html 北京婚庆]
[http://www.hotel-cd.com/blog/user1/oaoaaooaxs/archives/2007/2007529103927.html 北京婚庆]
| [[LiveCd]]
[http://www.ifaxcc.com/blog/user1/oaoaaooaxs/archives/2007/2007529103927.html 北京婚庆]
| April || yes(boot) yes?(qemu) || yes?(boot) no(qemu) || no || yes
[http://www.edwardhp.cn/blog/user/oaoaaooaxs/archives/2007/2007529103927.html 北京婚庆]
| no || toolchain, Gnome || yes?
[http://www.cncmc.com/blog/user1/dfdssdddf/archives/2007/1087.html 北京婚庆]
| Alternative Quick Start. Good for new developers. Can both be booted from, and used in qemu. Problems: A.
[http://www.qqttv.cn/blog/u/dfdssdddf/archives/2007/779.html 北京婚庆]

| colspan=10 style="background:lightgray; " | [[OS images|XO disk images]]:

| colspan=10 | LATEST-STABLE-BUILD <span style="font-size:80%; "><tt>http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST-STABLE-BUILD/</tt></span>

| ...development-ext3.img
| ~monthly || yes/B || no || yes || yes
| yes || no || after config
| Quick Start for getting a look at Sugar.

| ...development-devel_ext3.img
| ~monthly || yes/B || no || no || yes
| yes || a little || after config

| colspan=10 | LATEST <span style="font-size:80%; "><tt>http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST/</tt></span>

| ...development-ext3.img
| ~daily || yes/B || no || yes || yes
| yes || no || after config

| [http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/LATEST/devel_ext3/olpc-redhat-stream-development-devel_ext3.img.bz2 ...development-devel_ext3.img]
| ~daily || yes/B || no || no || yes
| yes || a little || after config
| Good for new developers (requires some command-line comfort).

| colspan=10 style="background:lightgray; " | OTHER

| [[Developer Images#Big Fedora Core 6 Build|FC6+Sugar]]
| April || yes? || ? || ? || no

| yes || Full Fedora Softare Dev. || yes
| 6GB (April version: no etoys)

| [[:Category:Installing Sugar|Installing Sugar]]
| continuous || yes || yes? || yes? || yes
| yes || your own || yes
| Quite hard to do.
:library: A library of sample content is included (english version). Ie, pretty text to web browse without having to get network.
:R/W (writable): With an .img, you can save things between sessions. With a .iso, your environment is the same each time you start.
:development software: are development tools included?
:Net (network): does the network "just work" or "manual" steps are required?

:A: LiveCd (April) on fc6 x86_64, kernel panics under kqemu. A squashfs problem.
:B: Tam Tam is silent (though EToys makes noise). Cause unknown.

*re "does sugar-jhbuild support camera/mic?": "yes, if the camera uses v4l2 and 640x480, I'd suspect so." Can someone confirm this? (#olpc, now) [[User:MitchellNCharity|MitchellNCharity]] 00:16, 2 June 2007 (EDT)

*Remove LiveCd's "?" above.
*Find out what's going on with Tam Tam sound. It would be nice for the xo disk images to all be sound-yes.
*Add a microphone column? Reconsolidate sound/camera/mic into a H/W column?


Revision as of 20:41, 20 June 2007