Sugar on Ubuntu: Difference between revisions

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m (added Installing Sugar category)
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[[Category:Installing Sugar]]
[[Category:Installing Sugar]]
[[Category:Software development]]

Revision as of 20:10, 29 June 2006


The easiest way to install Sugar on Ubuntu is to use Sugar-jhbuild. The instructions on this page are for Ubuntu 6.06 "Dapper Drake."

apt-get the prerequisites

You need a number of packages from the Ubuntu repositories.

sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libidl-dev gnome-common gtk-doc-tools libxt-dev automake1.7 automake1.9 python-gtk2-dev python2.4-avahi

There may be more packages required; if you find any more, please append them to this list.

You also want to install git, the SCM. The git SCM provided by the "git-core" package, not "git".

sudo apt-get install git-core cogito

Using Sugar-jhbuild

Use of Sugar-jhbuild is detailed on building Sugar from sources. To summarize those instructions:

git clone git://
cd sugar-jhbuild

If you were looking for the instructions that were here previously that detailed pulling libraries from CVS/git, check the revisions for this page.

Testing sugar

When using Sugar-jhbuild, you can use:

./sugar-jhbuild run

if you want to run Sugar from the source tree (you're in the directory sugar-jhbuild/source/sugar), use:



Now (changeset 314) sugar looks like this.

See also:Sugar design review 2, Sugar.