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== General Introduction ==

The [[Etoys]] activity installed on XO is written in the [[Squeak]]
Smalltalk system. Etoys pretends to be an application for
end-users, but it is just a kids' playground guarded by soft fences,
so to speak. Once you make a hole on the fences and get outside, you
will have access to a full-fledged, general purpose, multimedia ready,
integrated development environment. One of unique aspects of Etoys is
that all files that the core developers of the activity uses are
shipped with XO; this means that even if the only computer you have is the XO,
you can develop as much as any of the core developers do with Etoys,
and if you prove that you are good, you can be a core developer of the
default activity on XO. Sounds exciting?

On this page, I'll explain how to disable the fences, write code, save
your changes and share it.

== Set up Your Files ==

First, you copy two files from '''/usr/share/etoys''' to a location where
the user "olpc" can write. Follow the steps described below:

Do either one of following two options (2.1 "Copy Files to /media" or
2.2 "Use USB memory"). If you don't have a USB memory handy or you
would like to do it without one, do 2.1. Otherwise, do 2.2.

=== Copy Files to /media ===
Open the "Console" activity. and execute the following commands:
% su
# mkdir -p /media/foo/olpc-dev
# chown olpc:olpc /media/foo/olpc-dev
# chmod 777 /media/foo/olpc-dev
# cd /usr/lib/squeak/3*
# ln -s ../../../share/etoys/SqueakV3.sources
# exit
% cp /usr/share/etoys/etoys.{image,changes} /media/foo/olpc-dev
% chmod 666 /media/foo/olpc-dev/etoys*

=== Edit /usr/bin/etoys ===
* Edit '''/usr/bin/etoys''' shell script so that the ALTIMG variable definition in it reads:
Then, execute the following commands in the "Console" activity.
# su
# cd /usr/lib/squeak/3*
# ln -s ../../../share/etoys/SqueakV3.sources
# exit
% cp /usr/share/etoys/etoys.{image,changes} /home/olpc
% chmod 666 /home/olpc/etoys.*

=== Use USB memory ===
* Plug your USB memory into a slot, start the "Console" activity and execute the following:
% cd /media/*
% mkdir olpc-dev
% cp /usr/share/etoys/etoys.{image,changes} olpc-dev
% ln -s /usr/share/etoys/SqueakV3.sources olpc-dev
% chmod 666 olpc-dev/etoys.*

(In the first option, you could make the symbolic link to /usr/share/etoys/SqueakV3.sources from the location where your etoys.image will reside. In a future version, we would include the symbolic link from /usr/lib/squeak/3.9-12 or such automatically.)

As you might see, the purpose of this step is to make a copy of
etoys.image and etoys.changes and put them under
/media/<i>vol-name</i>/olpc-dev, make the directory writable, and put
writable copies of etoys.image and etoys.changes in the directory.

If you can read a shell script, take a look at /usr/bin/etoys. The
ALTIMG variable specifies where to look for alternate .image. You
could edit the shell script and specify your own .image file anywhere
in the file system.

== Start Up Etoys and Change Preferences ==
Now, bring up the Sugar frame (either going to the donut view or press
the frame button), and click on the shooting star to launch Etoys.
Since the .image is an exact copy of the default one so far, you might
not see whether your image is launched or not. First, you need to
know how to break in the fences put around Etoys. What we would like
to do is to turn off "eToyFriendly" preference and set up a few other

[[Image:showSourceMenu.png|right|thumb|Show Source]]
[[Image:preferences.png|right|thumb|Preferences Panel]]
[[Image:worldMenu.png|right|thumb|The World Menu]]

# Press, Alt-, (i.e., hold the Alt key first, and while you are holding it, hit "," key and then release Alt key) or (if we fix a bug) do the "show source" gesture. You'll get a menu that looks like Figure "Show Source".
# From the menu, choose 'help...' and 'preferences...'. Depending on the language setting, these menu items may be translated. But you should be able to figure them out. You get a Preference Panel that looks like Figure "Preferences Panel".# In the Preference Panel, click on the button labeled "scripting", and uncheck "eToyFriendly" box. This may take 10 seconds or so; be patient.
# After it is done, now you can bring up the vital "World menu" by just clicking on the empty area of screen. The World menu looks like Figure "The World Menu".
# Now, try to choose "save" (fifth from the bottom). If the .image you are on is indeed the writable one, it will update the .image and .changes files on the disk. If you do not see a pink small dialog pops up but the cursor changes to a pen-shape momentarily, the files are successfully saved. If you see a pink dialog, go back to the previous section and make sure you are doing it right. (If you know how to get a Workspace, try to evaluate expressions like "Smalltalk imagePath".)
# For what we are going to do (write your own code), having a car running around in front of you may be disturbing (either a virtual car or real car). Get the World menu again, and choose "previous project" at the top. You'll be taken to an empty project, which is more suitable to do the following and more. Save your image again after that.

There are a few other preferences you might want to change. One is
"swapControlAndAltKeys"; this is "on" by default so that basic code
editing short cut keys use the ctrl key. You could set this to off to
be compatible with other platforms, but there is a catch. Sugar
intercepts some of the Alt-key combinations so this can be very
dangerous. For example, when you press Alt-c to mean to copy text,
Sugar interprets it as quit and kills your Squeak session. Another
preference is "swapMouseButtons" preference. During development, you
would rather use the right mouse button to bring up context menus
rather than the halo. (If you turn it on, do Alt-click on a widget to
get the halo.)

Assuming you can save your image file, this is a good time to "fetch
updates" into your image. The core developers make the changes to the
official image in a form of downloadable files (which is explained
below) and if your XO is connected to the Internet, you can fetch
them. To do so, get the World menu, click on "help...", and choose
"update code from server". If yours is not connected to the Internet,
that is okay, just move on.

Here, Let us do "save and quit" from the World menu to save the
current Squeak session and have a cup of coffee.

== Resuming Session ==
To resume a previously-saved session, click on the shooting star icon
in the Sugar frame. The exact environment you saved will be resumed.
(But there is a bug that takes you to the Launcher project. A later
version of standard image doesn't do it if eToyFriendly is off.) Yes,
Sugar's idea of continuous running activities you only suspend and
resume have a root in this Smalltalk's idea. However, beware of a
difference; Squeak does not save its image automatically upon exit.
You even have an option to say "quit", to mean "quit without save".

You can also copy your .image and .changes pair to a non-XO
environment (Windows, Mac, Linux or two dozen of other different
kinds of platforms) and resume the session on it. The screen extent
may be different on a different computer but otherwise the exact
state, including all running processes comes back.

From the Console activity, you can launch a Squeak session by

% squeak your-favorite.image

(There are some command line options you might want to provide.
see /usr/bin/etoys if you want to follow what it does.)

You could also write a one-liner shell script to add these options.
(Yes, in fact, we should change /usr/bin/etoys so that when an
argument .image is specified, it uses that image.)

== Basic Programming Tools ==
Describing the full details of Smalltalk development techniques is not the
scope of this page, but I will describe some basics.

From the 'open...' menu in the World menu, you can access the most
important tools. Transcript ('transcript (t)') is always handy. Get
one, resize it to a fairly small size (a height enough for 5 lines or
such is usually ok). Equally handy is a Workspace. Get one from
'workspace (k)' menu item. In there, type "3 + 4", put the text
insertion cursor on the line, get the context menu (by right-clicking
on the pane, or if swapMouseButtons is not set, click on a square
button above the vertical scroll bar), and choose "print it (p)". It
executes the expression and prints the result. (See Figure "Workspace and Transcript".)
[[Image:workspaceAndTranscript.png|right|thumb|Workspace and Transcript]]
The main programming tool in Squeak is "System Browser", which is
available from 'browser (b)' menu item in 'open...'. (You rarely need
to instantiate a Browser from the menu. Because you have one or any other
text pane opened, you can instantiate more from it with keyboard short
cuts.) (See Figure "System Browser".)
[[Image:browser.png|right|thumb|System Browser]]
In the Browser, let us define a subclass of "RectangleMorph" called
"MyMorph". (Squeak's default GUI framework is called "Morphic". And,
graphical entities on screen are subinstances of Morph.) Get a
context menu in the top-left pane. From the menu, choose "find
class... (f)" and type, "Rectan" or such and hit the enter key. From
the list, choose "RectangleMorph" (Figure "Find a class").
[[Image:findClass.png|right|thumb|Find a class]]
You might want to resize the Browser. In the second from bottom pane,
you see text that looks like:

BorderedMorph subclass: #RectangleMorph
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Morphic-Basic'

Replace it with

RectangleMorph subclass: #MyMorph
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Morphic-Basic'

Get the context menu in the pane and choose "accept (s)". (See Figure
"Defining a class".)
[[Image:classDefinition.png|right|thumb|Defining a class]]
Notice that the red borders of the pane go away, and an item "MyMorph"
shows up in the second pane from the left. You successfully created a
class in Squeak.

Let us define a method. Click on the "-- all--" line in the third
pane. The bottom pane will show the method template (See Figure "Method Template").

message selector and argument names
"comment stating purpose of message"
| temporary variable names |

[[Image:methodCategory.png|right|thumb|Method Template]]
Here, you just replace it with something like:


super initialize.
self color: Color green.

and choose "accept (s)" from the context menu. Now, you define the initialize method for a
instance of the class. (See Figure "Defining a Method".)
[[Image:methodAccept.png|right|thumb|Defining a Method]]
Go to the Workspace you might have already opened, and type:

m := MyMorph new.
m openInHand.

Select these two lines, get the context menu for the workspace and
choose "do it (d)" or "print it (p)", you get a green rectangle
attached to the mouse cursor. Drop it somewhere visible. (Figure
"Evaluation in Workspace".)
[[Image:doit.png|right|thumb|Evaluation in Workspace]]
In the workspace, the instance on the screen is bound to a workspace
variable "m". Evaluate lines like:

m color: Color red.
m width: 100.
m height: 100.
m borderWidth: 10.

etc. You can select and "do it" each line at a time, or select many
lines and execute them like a method.

Similar things can be done from an "inspector". Alt-click on the
instance of MyMorph on screen to get halo. With "eToyFriendly"
preference off, you have an extra handle that looks like a wrench (See
Figure "Debug Handle".)
[[Image:debugHandle.png|right|thumb|Debug Handle]]
Click on it, and choose "inspect morph" from the menu you
get. On the left, there is a list of instance variables including
inherited ones. If you select one, the printed representation of the
value bound to the instance variable is shown on the right. You can
edit there, and accept it. A value created from the string is stored
into the instance variable. The bottom pane can be used as a
Workspace, except the fact that its "context" is set to the MyMorph
instance. Namely, 'self' refers to the instance, and all instance
variable names are usable to use the current values in them.

For doing a fun experiment, let's add an instance variable to MyMorph.
Go back to Browser, and click on the "instance" button below the
second pane. You'll go back to the "class definition" of MyMorph that
looks like:

RectangleMorph subclass: #MyMorph
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Morphic-Basic'

Put the text selection cursor in between the single quotes after
instanceVariableNames:, and type in "timeLimit", and accept. The
red-borders goes away again, and the class definition looks like:

RectangleMorph subclass: #MyMorph
instanceVariableNames: 'timeLimit'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Morphic-Basic'

(Figure "Adding an instance variable".)
[[Image:instVarAdd.png|right|thumb|Adding an instance variable]]
Notice also that the instance variable list in the inspector is
updated and now you have "timeLimit" variable in the list at the
bottom. Choose it and set a value like 20 in the right pane, and
accept it. (Figure "Set value to instance variable from inspector".)
[[Image:setInstVar.png|right|thumb|Set value to instance variable from inspector]]
Go back to the Browser, click on "-- all --" again. Replace the method template with:

timeLimit := timeLimit - 1.
self width: 100 / timeLimit.

"step" is an API to make the method execute at a regular interval.
To start it, click on the instance of MyMorph, and drop it again.
This triggers the World to recognize the dropped morph expects step to
be called. Look at the value in the inspector, and see it decrease
by one at every second. Also, the width of MyMorph instance changes.

20 seconds later, timeLimit becomes zero, and in the step method, you
will get an error because you divide a number by zero. What happens?
You will see a small pink window called notifier that shows the list
of stack frames that ends up with the error. (Figure "Error Notifier".)
[[Image:stepExplode.png|right|thumb|Error Notifier]]
Click on the second from top that reads "MyMorph>>step" and you get a
bigger window that looks like Figure "Debugger".
The part "/ timeLimit" is highlighted. That is the message currently
executing in the frame.

The wonderful thing about Smalltalk is that the debugger and code is
"live". An error happened because we are silly enough to divide a
number by zero. Perhaps division is not the right thing. Edit the
method shown "in" the debugger, so that it reads:

timeLimit := timeLimit - 1.
self width: 100 - timeLimit.

and accept it right there. The system keep all of the stack frames up to
this method invocation and restart the accepted method right from
there. Click on the "proceed" button in the debugger, and pick up and
drop the rectangle again. The system is fine with such on-the-fly
editing. (Figure "Fixing code in the Debugger".)
[[Image:fixInDebugger.png|right|thumb|Fixing code in the Debugger]]
If you want to look at what you did, go back to to the Browser and
while the definition of step is shown, click on the "versions" button.
You see the history of all of the methods, which is kept in the .changes

Save your .image whenever you think it makes sense.

== Trouble Shooting ==
A few life savers are good to know. If you happen to get into an
infinite loop and the system seems to be locked up, hit Alt-. (i.e.,
hold down the Alt-key, and hit the period key). You can interrupt the

Inevitably, you may end up with breaking the system, by redefining or
removing some crucial method or system object. In that case, the
system doesn't respond anymore and you cannot even save the image. Is
all your work since last save is lost? Yes and no. At least, all
method changes, class definition changes, and do it are logged into the
.changes file, and the tools under "changes..." menu, such as "recent
logged changes..." can bring them back.

== Submit your changes ==

After writing a fun program, you probably would want to share what you
wrote. In the "changes..." and "open..." menu, there is a tool called
Change Sorter (Figure "Change Sorter".)
[[Image:changeSorter.png|right|thumb|Change Sorter]]
the context menu for the top-left pane, and choose rename. Give a
proper name to your changes (here, let us say it is "myChanges").
Then get the context menu again and click on "file out (o)". The
textual representation of your work is written to disk. The file name
will be "myChanges.cs". Email myChnages.cs to,
or upload it to the trac system ( The core
developers are using the exact same mechanism. The "official" changes
are uploaded to and all
developers can fetch them via "update code from server" in "help..."
menu. There are some styles in code, organization of methods and
classes, and description (preamble and postscript) of changesets. If
you are interested in, browse these files on the web and also fetch
the real developers version of image from
The real version has larger .changes file with all of last 5-6 years
of history. Also, all changes sets are available in the image.

== Final Words ==

I didn't mention the all features of Browser that lets you navigate
through the inter-related methods in a way you navigate through
hyperlinked text. Nor I didn't mention about the profiler, nor all the
protocols of the Morphic GUI framework, nor various ways of finding a
method that would do what you want (try method finder in the "open..."
menu.). Please explore and make great and fun applications,
enhancements, and share them with us. If you have any questions, please send them to etoys mailing list.

== External Resources == Here you will find a great book about programming with Squeak.

[[category:software development]]

Revision as of 01:34, 18 December 2007