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...so we received our XO laptop...

Joe Griego

Okay, so we received our XO laptop shortly before Christmas. It came in a simple brown box, with just the power cord as an accessory. The battery was in a separate slot in the box, so to start it up, we popped the battery in, and turned it on... Read more

Amazing XO

My name is Willie Shubert and I am a college student in Northern California. I participated in the Give One Get One program by helping to organize a food sales table and donating the proceeds to OLPC... Read more

SoIgot 3 XO's

I'm in the College of Computing at RIT. We have departments of CS, IT, SE and Networking. The game design and development degree program I teach in is within the IT department. I also run something called the Lab for Technological Literacy at RIT.

I bought 3 OLPC's through "Give One, Get One." One was for my personal use, two are going to my lab. This was done with the intent of using my lab to be an umbrella for OLPC projects.

Since I showed them around at the school, others have followed my lead..

The IT department bought one with the intent of using it as a "School Server"

Two other faculty in my department bought one each. Two networking faculty bought one each and one of the put up a Sugar virtual machine on their VMware system One CS professor bought one.

Last week we had the first meeting of an ad hoc SIG to discuss the creation (and/or support of the following possible efforts on our part...

1. Student club projects 2. Independent Study projects 3. A seminar course across the departments 4. An informal or formal web-resource for our use and/or open to the community.

(Ok, those are our goals but we spent our first meeting just playing)

While there's a slim chance (but one worth taking) that the group might get something going during our spring quarter this year (starting in March) its more likely that we'd begin planing now for something to begin in the summer or fall.