Suspend Resume/ohm

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.ini files from /etc/ohm/plugins.d

# acadapter preference values

# xorg preference values
xorg.display 0

# dpms preference values
# method:
# 0     stagger
# 1     standby
# 2     suspend
# 3     off
dpms.method 3 public
powerstatus.percentage_low 20 public
powerstatus.percentage_critical 10 public
suspend.fixme_inhibit 0 public

# backlight preference values
backlight.hardware_brightness 15 public
backlight.percent_brightness 100 public

# battery preference values
timeouts.timer_momentary 25000 public
timeouts.timer_powerdown 30000 public

# timeremaining preference values
timeremaining.calculate_hysteresis 1 public
display.value_ac 15 public
display.value_battery 15 public
display.value_idle 6 public
display.value_user 15 public

# button preference values

# xrandr preference values

Disable suspend features

To prevent suspend from happening.

 # touch /etc/ohm/inhibit-suspend

To re-enable suspend.

 # rm  /etc/ohm/inhibit-suspend

Still under consideration, refusing to suspend when certain classes of USB devices are plugged in. This hasn't been implemented yet (as of Update.1 build 680)