My Neighborhood
I have 2 G1G1 XO.
My 3 year old grandson shares one with his mother, my daughter. My grandson is Spanish/English bilingual. My daughter teaches English in Mexico. My daughter, and my grandson took theirs to Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico.
They need access to communities and libraries in both languages.
My wife, an educator shares one with me.
I'm getting the infrastructure in place for a learning community with two sites.
We configured presence service from It was too crowded! Went elsewhere.
I STILL think I'll need my own school server.
My Projects
Organizing a project to port the WorldVistA implementation of the US Veterans Administration VistA Medical Informations System to the OLPC.
Free Rice
Been thinking about ideas for a multilingual activity based on
Gotta go find those notes!