Wiki-ing the Vista Monograph

Revision as of 03:11, 16 February 2008 by Drew.einhorn (talk | contribs)
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I started with the MS Word version of the VistA Monograph, vista_monograph2005_06.doc

  • opened it with Open Office
  • saved it as html
  • cleaned it up with Dave Raggett's HTML Tidy
    • funny characters - went away when I got the UTF-8 stuff right in HTML Tidy.
  • converted it to MediaWiki using HTML::WikiConverter.
  • manual editing to clean out a lot of junk html. replaced w/ sed scripts. Trust your Browser! to get things right w/o all this junk.
    • br
    • font
    • div
    • span
  • script to remove excess blank lines.

It's no wonder it has glitches. I'm really surprised it came out as well as it did.

NEED to polish scripts and make them available here.