Talk:Sugar design review 3

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This is starting to sound like you are moving in the direction of the Squeak Etoys interface. At a recent Python conference in Europe, Alan Kay said that he expected that it was likely for OLPC to reimplement some of the ideas of Squeak in the Python language rather than simply adopt Squeak.

I wonder if this is what you are conciously doing.

Have you considered publishing some scope documents on the Wiki, i.e. hardware goals, basic software set goals, Sugar goals, etc.? --Memracom 15:33, 8 July 2006 (EDT)

Has there been any thought on single click vs. double click?

Fragmede 11:58, 21 July 2006 (EDT)

Blog vs. Diary

"Part of it [blog] (the explicitly posted diary entries most likely) will be visible to the other kids"

I'm confused. Are you saying that:

Blog = personal journal
Diary = public journal

Shouldn't it be the other way around?--Hal Canary 17:08, 23 July 2006 (EDT)

States of sharing

I don't fuly understand how the system will work, specifically in regards with private versus public content created by a kid, so here are some of my ideas.

I think that there should exist 3 states for content, changeable on a document basis: Private, Show to Others, Share with Others. Kids would be able to easily and at all times switch between these states for each activity they do, journal entry they write, document they work on, etc.

Private - By default, everything a kid does on their laptop should be private, i.e., only they can see it and modify them. It may take a while until a kid understands and learns the laptops interface, and its sharing capabilities. So, by default, the software should assume that what a kid does with the laptop, the things he writes, draws, etc., are intended to be viewed only in his laptop. The method to switch to another state would be easily available, and a kid would be able to switch back and forth between them in real-time.

Show - Kids may want to show what they do on the laptop to other friends who are not with them physically, or to everyone, but not necessarily allow others to change them. For example, their drawings, writings, etc.

Share - Kids will want to show others what they have done with their laptop, and will want others to change them.

There will also be cases where a kid will want to show and share something with some friends, but only show to others.

Some example cases for the Private and Show states:

- Diogo received his laptop at school on that year's first day of class. Even after the teacher's explanations on the its sharing features, he doesn't fully understands how they work. He comes back home and begins writing a personal entry in his diary, exposing some of his intimate thoughts, fully thinking that what the writes in his laptop will stay "inside" his laptop. He will be right, because the laptop will function like that by default.

- Susana has been writing a diary for weeks. At the end of one day, she writes in it an entry detailing a funny adventure she had with some of her friends. She makes the entry "showable" to her friends.'s friend will have her birthday. She makes a drawing on her laptop of her friend. Later that night, she finds her friend on-line, and shows her the drawing.

Of course, perhaps there are better words than Share and Show.

 -- 07:16, 26 August 2006 (EDT)