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Whole Sky Star Chart Activity
Current version: 0.11, released 2008/02/19,01:00 UT
This activity will display a map of the sky showing the position of the visible stars and planets, the sun and the moon. You may specify a location (longitude and latitude) and the time (including time zone offset from GMT) that you wish to have a plot for. Alternatively, you can get a plot which is updated once a minute showing the current sky.
Additional options:
- Select the brightness of the stars being plotted (mag = 0 to mag = 6);
- select whether or not to draw the IAU constellation figures;
- Choose whether the plot has East on the left (default) or right;
- Choose whether the stars plot as black or bright (default);
- Set "night vision", which makes the bright color red instead of white(default)
This is a beta release. It functions but does not have all the intended features and contains several cosmetic bugs.