Game Jam Form/Adult Feedback

Revision as of 19:06, 31 August 2008 by (talk)
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Optional Adult Gamer Survey / Feedback     (ANY GAME JAM PARTICIPANT)

How would you rate your initial interest in the game activity (first 3 minutes)?    
Disinterested		Somewhat Disinterested	        Somewhat Interested	          Interested

Did you recognize the gaming objective prior to time expiring?	Yes		No

Did you accomplish the gaming objective prior to time expiring?	Yes		No

How would you rate your lasting interest in the game activity (4+ minutes)?    
Disinterested		Somewhat Disinterested	        Somewhat Interested	          Interested 

How difficult was it for you to put down the game?      
Easy	              Somewhat Easy	          Somewhat Difficult		Difficult

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