Projects/OLPC Bellingham

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Revision as of 01:27, 3 March 2008 by Ixo (talk | contribs) (started with details from projectdb request form.)
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(place holder for projectdb linkage)

(See also OLPC_Bellingham for broader scope details)


Working with local community. First step is implementing and presentation track at local LinuxFest Northwest 2008. Gathering local users in the area between Seattle , WA and Vancouver, BC (Canada) in demonstrating XO Laptop power and program ideologies. Linking developers, community support, children (testing, evaluation, feedback, and education).

Gathering location will be at Bellingham's 'Public Market' which has regular performances and meeting spaces, along with child play area. Grassroots / organic food community meeting place for exchanging ideas about alternative energy, sustainable practices, community building, low cost food, and shopping area.

If enough XO Laptops available, will setup regular and ongoing public access events, allowing the public to experience the XO Laptops. (plan: Open 'lab' environment, where the public can come in and use the laptops, experiment, share, take pictures... etc)

Feedback and comments