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An IRC client based on URK
.xo BundlexoIRC.xo
Translate-icon-55px.svg Localization


This activity allows you to contact other OLPC users and enthusiasts on the internet, and chat with them.

It uses a system called IRC.

It defaults to a "room" called #olpc-help, but you can also enter other rooms by typing /join #room where room is the name of the room you wish to join.

Some other OLPC rooms are listed here.

Installation Instructions

To install this activity, simply click on the .xo link to the right, from inside the Browse activity. Then Resume (open) the XoIRC activity from the Journal when it has downloaded.

Nicks and Passwords

To register a nick on irc.freenode.net, type the following:

/msg nickserv register PASSWORD

where you choose NICKNAME and PASSWORD.

Then to log on with your nick, :

/msg nickserv identify PASSWORD

To make your default IRC nickname match your default XO nickname, apply this patch: http://zoehep.xent.com/~bsittler/XoIRC-nick.diff

Useful Features

When someone types your nickname in a message, bold text is used to attract your attention – very useful when there are lots of conversations in one room. You can make use of this trick when you reply to someone by either typing their nickname, or pressing the TAB key. The TAB key will quickly cycle through the nicknames of others users in the room.


Eduardo Silva wrote this IRC client. It is based on Urk, a free, open source IRC client originally designed for the GNOME desktop.

Screenshot showing the view upon loading.

Look for the latest bundles in [1].

See Also

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