Tests/Neighborhood view

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We are going to want to test the following scenario on at least three different network topologies:

  1. All XOs using a WiFi AP
  2. All XOs using a school server as an MPP
  3. No AP or MPP present.

So I'm thinking we may want to have three separate versions of this plan, but I'm hoping that's not necessary...

Also, you'll notice that I am very vague here about which activity to start, or what if anything to do once inside it. This is intentional, as this test plan only intends to test the mesh view itself. Filtering, searching, etc. will be going into this plan also.


  • No AP previously set up on any XO
  • No school server
  • Need anywhere from 2 to N XOs (Is N 100?)

Boot the XOs

Justification: HIG


  1. Boot up each XO.
  2. On each XO, switch to neighborhood view.


  • That all XOs can see each other.

Start an activity

Justification: HIG


  1. On the first XO, start any activity which can be shared.
  2. Share the activity


  • That all XOs can see the shared activity.
  • That the activity icon appears on the colors of the XO that shared it.

Join the activity

Justification: HIG


  1. One by one, join the activity on all XOs.
  2. On each, switch to the neighborhood view.


  • That all XOs are seeing the same activity state.
  • That all XOs appear to be clustered around the shared activity.
  • That all XOs appear within the right edge of the Frame.

Close the activity

Justification: HIG


  1. One by one, close the activity on all XOs.


  • That after each XO closes the activity, it no longer appears clustered around it.
  • That after each XO closes the activity, it no longer appears in the right edge of the Frame.

Notes: The process required for most of the steps, most significantly group formation and invitations, is mostly educated guesswork based on the HIG, as is the desired result. I haven't invested much effort into making this into a coherent, flowing user case simply yet - it's more intended to sort out exactly how all of these features (many/most of which, to the best of my knowledge, have not been fully implemented yet) are supposed to work. Once the intended results of these features has become clearer, I'll work on revising it.

Check mesh network

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Instructions


  1. Go to the Neighborhood view by pressing the F1 (Neighborhood) button.
  2. Find your icon and mouse over it. Then find the Mesh icon and mouse over that too.


  • That pressing the F1 button (Neighborhood) switches to the Neighborhood view.
  • That mousing over your user icon reveals your XO's name.

Switch between mesh and access points

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Instructions


  1. Open the Browse activity and ensure that you can access the internet.
  2. You should be using the wireless mesh network for internet access currently. In the Neighborhood view, click on a filled triangle to connect to an access point instead.
  3. Open the Browse activity and ensure that you can still access the internet.


  • That you can access the internet using the mesh network.
  • That the triangle icon starts blinking when you select a wireless access point, and that the circle icon stops blinking.
  • That the circle icon in your home view is now a triangle icon.
  • That you can access the internet using a wireless access point.

Send an invitation

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience


  1. Open the Chat activity.
  2. In the Neighborhood or Groups view, mouse over another XO icon and right-click it.
  3. Select the "Invite" option.


  • That information about the user is displayed when his icon is moused over.
  • That the user (and only that user) receives an explicit invitation that he must specifically accept.
  • That, once he has accepted, the invited user is allowed to talk with you in your Chat activity.
  • That, once he has accepted, the XOs of both inviter and invitee appear within the right edge of the Frame.

Share a book

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/Activities/Activity_Basics#Sharing_Activities


  1. Open the web browser and download a pdf file.
  2. In Read, click the share button.


  • That the pdf file downloads properly and that Read auto-opens to display the book once it is finished.
  • That clicking the Share button makes a Read icon visible in the Neighborhood view.
  • That other users are able to join and view the pdf file.

Test the search/filter

Justification: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience


  1. Switch to the Neighborhood view.
  2. Enter a string into the search field in the toolbar.


  • That the expected search results appear, in color, on screen.
  • That non-matches appear as light outlines.