Talk:OLPC Khmer Keyboard

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"Microsoft" inspired keyboard layout


(xkb symbol file to follow shortly) --Walter 21:14, 25 February 2008 (EST)

xkb_symbols "olpc" {
    key <TLDE> { [ 0x100200d,	0x100200c	] }; // zwj; nzwj
    key <AE03> { [ 0x10017e3,		0x10017ca,		0x10017d1, 	0x10017f3	] }; //triisap
    key <AE05> { [ 0x10017e5,		0x10017d0,		EuroSign, 	0x10017f5	] }; //samyok sannya
    key <AE06> { [ 0x10017e6,		0x10017cc,		0x10017d9, 	0x10017f6	] }; //robat
    key <AE07> { [ 0x10017e7,		0x10017cd,		0x10017da, 	0x10017f7	] }; //toandakhiat
    key <AE09> { [ 0x10017e9,		0x10017ce,		parenleft, 	0x10017f9	] }; //kakabat
    key <AE10> { [ 0x10017e0,		0x10017d1,		parenright, 	0x10017f0	] }; //viriam
    key <AE11> { [ bracketleft,		braceleft,		minus, 		underscore	] }; //
    key <AE12> { [ bracketright,	braceright,		equal,		plus		] }; //
    key <BKSL> { [ backslash,		slash,			backslash, 	bar		] }; //

    key <AD05> { [ 0x100178f,		0x1001791,		0x10017a6, 	0x10019e4	] }; //
    key <AD07> { [ 0x10017bb,		0x10017bc,		0x10017a7, 0x10019e6	] }; //
    key <AD08> { [ 0x10017b7,		0x10017b8,		0x10017a5, 	0x10019e7	] }; //
    key <AD10> { [ 0x1001795,		0x1001797,		0x10017b3, 	0x10019e9	] }; //
    key <AD11> { [ 0x10017be,		0x10017fe,		0x10017a9, 	0x10019ea	] }; // ?? c4+c7
    key <AD12> { [ 0x10017bf,		0x10017c0,		0x10017b3, 	0x10019eb	] }; //

    key <AC01> { [ 0x10017b6,		0x10017c3,		0x10017a9, 0x10019ec	] }; //
    key <AC02> { [ 0x100179f,		0x10017ff,		0x10017aa, 0x10019ed	] }; // ?? b6+c6
    key <AC05> { [ 0x1001784,		0x10017fb,		voidsymbol, 0x10019f0	] }; // ?? bb+c7
    key <AC07> { [ 0x1001789,		0x10017fc,		0x10017ae, 0x10019f2	] }; // ?? bb+c6
    key <AC08> { [ 0x1001780,		0x1001782,		0x10017ad, 	0x10019f3	] }; //
    key <AC09> { [ 0x100179b,		0x10017a1,		0x10017b0, 0x10019f4	] }; //
    key <AC10> { [ 0x10017c8,		0x10017d6,		0x10017aa, 	0x10019f5	] }; //

    key <AB08> { [ 0x10017a3,		comma,			comma, 		less	] }; //
    key <AB09> { [ 0x10017d4,		period,			period, 	greater	] }; //
    key <AB10> { [ 0x10017d5,		question,		slash,		voidsymbol	] }; // zws

    key <SPCE> { [ 0x100????,		space,			0x10000a0,	voidsymbol	] };

// add language key


Bart Geesink to localization, Javier


On Wednesday 28 May 2008 10:15:41 Edward Cherlin wrote:

> > "Note that for Compose to work you must select "X input mode" in gtk > input menu; and you must have a correct locale setting. > To make that the default, put export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim > somewhere in your ~/.profile or similar." >

Problem solved: The "export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim" variable was in the wrong location. I put it in /etc/profile, which didn't work. ~.profile did not work either. Putting: GTK_IM_MODULE="xim" in /etc/environment was the solution.
