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Summary: You can run a full-blown Lisp on the laptop, but we haven't yet hooked it into the graphics and other capabilities of the system.

Steel Bank Common Lisp is available by typing (in the Terminal activity):

yum install sbcl

(found here).

You also probably want Emacs and Slime. The combo of Emacs, Slime, and SBCL makes a pretty decent Lisp environment, although it is not yet clear what you can do with it.

yum install emacs
tar xvzf slime-2.0.tgz

Start emacs via

emacs -nw

Edit ~/.emacs to include:

(add-to-list 'load-path""~/slime-2.0/")
(require 'slime)
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/sbcl")


M-x slime

will give you a Lisp listener

This package may make it possible to access Python libraries from Lisp.

These packages allow access to GTK bindings from Lisp.

DrScheme Scheme (Lisp) is available here.

Whether or not LISP is appropriate for children is up to both the teachers and the children.

See also: Scheme