
< Designs
Revision as of 04:54, 28 May 2008 by Spriggan (talk | contribs)
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Esta página sirve como una muestra para el diseño de ideas y de discución alrededor del Sugar UI. Cada uno de los siguientes temas contiene una "Presentación de Diapositivas" que muestran nuestras últimas ideas y traen a contexto algunas de las desiciones e intercambios que se dieron para concebirlas. Por favor, sientanse libres de agregar a la discusión secciones que aporten sugerencias útiles a medida que mejoramos los diseños y los llevarlos a la implementación.

Para una más detallada(y más tecnica)descripción de algunos de los temas presentados a continuación , visite la sección de especificaciones del wiki, la cual lo llevará a la implementacion de caracteristicas especiales.

Activity Management

This slideshow focuses on our new approaches to activity launching, switching, and management. Most importantly, it includes updated design ideas for the Home screen and a brand new Frame organization which enhances activity management, though has additional merits on its own as well.


This slideshow provides a deeper understanding of the reorganized Frame, describing its sections for people, places (and activities), clipboard, and devices. It also introduces the foundation of the notification system and explains its relationship to the Frame's layout and purpose as a persistent UI element.


This slideshow presents a brand new vision for the Journal, which is focused around two views: object and action. The object view will be reminiscent of the current Journal UI, presenting a list of objects stored on the system and providing access to detailed information and (now) their version histories. The action view, on the other hand, will serve as a friendly "journal-like" log of the child's interactions with the machine, referencing one or more objects but reading much like a scrapbook, and providing a friendly browsable interface into the content they have created.


This slideshow illustrates the latest thinking regarding toolbars and the nature of tabs within the interface.