
Revision as of 18:29, 8 October 2006 by Natcl (talk | contribs)
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TamTam will feature 2 different tools to interact with the GUI:

  • Pointer (Selection mode)
  • Pen (Drawing mode)

We are aiming for a simple interaction scheme where the following controls will be used:

  • Left button click (double and triple clicks also possible)
  • Right button click (double and triple clicks also possible)
  • Delete key on the keyboard
  • Shift and Ctrl keys on the keyboard
  • Top sliders on the keyboard

Selection mode (Pointer tool)

The Selection mode is the main mode in TamTam. It will allow the user to select Notes/Tracks/Pages/TunePages and interact with them. The GUI is currently sliced in these different parts:

  • The Notes/Tracks Canvas
  • The Tune layout
  • The Page Bank
  • The Track header (Instrument, Volume Slider, mute/solo)

These sections will describe how interaction is handled in each different section of the GUI.

Notes/Tracks Canvas

Selection of tracks

Left clicking a track will select that track. Left cliking on a track will always de-select tracks that were previously selected. In order to select multiple tracks, the user needs to right click the tracks. You can therefore select a first track by left clicking and continue selecting other tracks by right cliking. You can also start your selection by right clicking if you know you want to select multiple tracks. Double clicking in an empty space of a track will select all notes within the track. Triple clicking in an empty space of a track will select all tracks and all notes within the tracks.

  • Left click: Selects a track and deselects previously selected tracks
  • Right click: Selects a track without deselecting previously selected tracks
  • Double click emtpy space: Selects all notes within double clicked track
  • Triple click empty space: Selects all tracks and all notes within tracks