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OlpcProject.png Adviser: Michail Bletsas, Development: Ankur Verma

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Internet Connectivity using Mobile Technologies (3G, GPRS, CDMA)


These different technologies use the infrastructure of mobile telephone networks. Recently there has been a boom in the development of these technologies as exemplified by the following facts:

  • Tanzania: The deployment of the 3G network by Vodacom, deployment of CDMA 800 networks by TTCL and Zantel, deployment of CDMA 450 network by BOL. Excerpted from [1]
  • India: This is the only option for users in rural areas where no other means of broadband Internet are available. GPRS Enabled Cell Phone costs around $10 p.m., Charge about $0.025 per megabyte. Vendors: Hutch/Airtel/Reliance Excerpted from [2]
  • Beijing: 6-month plan costs RMB650 and an annual plan that includes a high-end GPRS modem costs RMB2400, which can work anywhere in China. Excerpted from [3]
  • Finland: GPRS will be suitable option in the rural areas for offering the Internet connectivity in the near future. Excerpted from [4]

How to connect XO to Internet using Franklin CDU-680DOrA Mobile Broadband USB Modem

The following steps are needed to have this modem working with XO:

1. Insert the modem into any USB slot on XO. The device will be shown as a removable storage. 2. Copy [5] to /home/olpc/ folder on XO using

cp -r /home/olpc

3. Unzip it using


4. Run modemXO script using

bash modemXO or ./modemXO or bash /home/olpc/modemXO

Please Note: Necessary Packages will be installed by the script modemXO automatically

  • Wvdial : wvdial-1.54.0-
  • PPP: ppp-2.4.4-2.i386.rpm
  • Libwvstreams: libwvstreams-4.2.2-3.fc7.i386.rpm

5. Using command

route -n

You can test that ppp0 is added as an interface. If it is there, you can start using Internet on XO!

Work in progress here

Working on finding a generic way of interfacing most modems with XO



  • Michail Bletsas - (my adviser)
  • Thanks to Yanni for his valuable inputs during the development.


Contact Ankur Verma through -

Email : ankur at laptop org

IRC : ankur on #olpc #sugar