
Revision as of 11:32, 14 June 2008 by Assim.deodia (talk | contribs)
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Assim Deodia
@ assim.deodia at
Nuvola apps edu miscellaneous.png This user is a Under Graduate student– Information Technology at Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology

Listen and Spell

I am working on Listen_and_Spell actvity as a part of my GSoC project under the mentor ship of Dafydd Harris. This section maintain the updates and the discussion regarding the project.

git Repository: [git Repository]
Project Page: [GSoC page]

Weekly Updates

May 24th - May 31st

Initial discussion with daf on the project design which finalized

  • Using ElementTree module of python as the parser for XML dictionary files.
  • Using SQLite as a temporary storage space for the parsed dictionary so that it is easy to access data without parsing the XML again.
  • Work Details
    • Started the work using a small sized dictionary file from gcide and making a basic class which initially only parsed the file and display its content in more readable form.
    • Modified the XMl file to remove all the