Content repositories

Revision as of 03:46, 27 October 2006 by Sj (talk | contribs) (subsets)
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Content network

By distributing laptops and school servers with learning materials on them, and a global index of content that can be used with no modification on the laptops, OLPC is developing a network of digital libraries in a number of languages.

We are gathering a list of those materials. To add to this any materials you know of which would be free for laptop users to access, see content ideas. For more information on sharing your content if you are a publisher, author or collection holder, see Sharing your content with OLPC.

Creating subsets

There are some large archives available for inclusion in the content repository. Flickr and Wikimedia Commons; Project Gutenberg and Google Scholar; Wikipedia; WiktionaryZ and Dicologos; the Humanity Development Library and like collections; the list goes on.

There are tools being developed for identifying and culling subsets of large repositories. Small subsets will be needed for pre-installation of the choicest content on the laptops themselves. Larger subsets will still need classification and categorization -- and some culling to avoid unbalance or repetition. All (aside from images and media that are naturally alingual) will need some processing to make localization easier.