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I use my XO to test and debug my projects for a few reasons, (1) XO processor speed is a limiting factor while working on Physics, (2) I set up a good development environment using FusionFS, and (3) I never got around to compiling/SWIG wrapping Box2D and figuring out the Elements build process on my Mac.

Shell commands I've used to make testing/debugging on the XO possible/more tolerable:

sudo yum install emacs # Though vi and nano are included in builds, I learned emacs in COMP211 at Wesleyan
sudo yum install lsof # Used to slim down Elements into Physics
strace date # Learn to watch programs work!
sugar-control-panel -s radio off # Airplane mode... thanks Henry!
grep -v # Inverse grep (don't show these lines)
strace -eopen # (or e trace=open, trace only system open call)
sudo dhclient eth1 # DHCP work it
find -name "*.pyc" -delete # Delete all pyc files