User:Sarah Elkins

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I am Sarah Elkins, a configuration management specialist (looking for my next job!). I have 2 XO-1 laptops from G1G1, and am a member of the OLPC Learning Club - DC ( I co-presented on the XO (I talked about views, Activities, the UI, and the Journal) to the Northern Virginia Linux User Group ( I have a technical blog (, with entries about OLPC, links to my resume, my tags, and more.

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My XO Setup

(thanks to User:Tdang for the idea for adding a wiki section write-up, and the wording for the hot corners fix)

Operating System: OLPC Fedora / Sugar

Build: 650

SD Card: 1 2 GB card

Hardware Mods: None

Peripherals: Logitech USB mouse, 1G USB stick, ZoWii USB-Ethernet adaptor

Pre-installed Activities Removed: None

Favorite Activities Added: Opera, Moon, Speak, Star Chart

Non-Sugar Software: x11vnc


  • Fixed system clock
  • Disabled hot corners
  • Fixed Chat scroll bug
  • Installed x11vnc, Opera
  • Changed the Jabber server to

Fixed system clock

Mine came with the correct time zone, but the clock was off. I set it to the NIST clock and sync'd the hardware clock. Saved link to how to do this in [1]

Disabled Hot Corners

There's at least one thing about the standard Sugar interface which most users want to change. This is also known as the frame-shrink fix, and other names.

This requires just commenting out two lines in /usr/share/sugar/shell/view/frame/ (as root, in Terminal):

   def _create_invisible(self, x, y, width, height):
       invisible = gtk.Invisible()
#        invisible.connect('enter-notify-event', self._enter_notify_cb)
#        invisible.connect('leave-notify-event', self._leave_notify_cb)

Fixed Chat scroll bug

 Saved how to do this somewhere in [

Installed x11vnc (for projector workaround)

Remote_Display (to display presentation on a projector via another Linux laptop with a data port)