EduBlog Instructions/lang-es

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This is an on-going translation

Guía EduBlog

Configuración remota de Blogs

Este apartado está en una fase aún demasiado técnica para hacer pruebas.

Detalles de la Configuración de Nuevo Blog ::New Blog Settings Explained

Para probar a crear un nuevo Blog: Nombre de Usuario - "teacher" (para ver en inglés) o "teacheres" (para ver en español)

  • Nombre de Blog: Nombre que le darás al blog.
  • Resumen: La descripción del propósito del blog que aparece cuando los estudiantes intenta crear una entrada de blog. :: The description of the blog assignment that appears when students try to create a blog post.
  • Allow Comments: Whether students and teachers can comment on the blog posts
  • Maximum Visibility: Determines who can see the local blog
  • Select Remote Blog: Determines which external blog (ie to link to; "Local Only" means not to link to any other blog
  • Manage Remote Blog: Links to manage remote blog page - still has bugs, do not use yet
  • Synchronization Style: Determines how this blog links to the external blog; "Require Teacher Publishing" means that the ONLY way a post goes to the external blog is if a teacher or admin logs in visits the view page and clicks the publish option for that post; Mirror Local and Remote means that any posts that are visible to students in the local blog are automatically also published to the remote blog
  • Teacher Review Style: Determines whether and how to use teacher review; "Disable Teacher Review" forces all posts to directly go to the blog; "Allow Teacher Review" gives students the option to send to teacher for approval or directly send to the blog; "Require Teacher Review" forces students to send to the teacher for approval before the post appears to other students; The post being published to the external blog depends on the "Synchronization Style" setting

Explicación sobre como crear entradas de Blog

Posting to a Blog Explained

Try Posting to a New Blog: Username - student (english) or studentes (espanol)

  • Title: The title of the blog post
  • Message: The contents of the blog post (the editor mimic's Write, so hopefully no doc needed?)
  • Tags: Words or short phrases describing the post's content
  • Send To: Indicates whether to send to teacher or directly to the blog; The visible options depend on how the teacher configures the blog

Gestión de un Blog

Managing a Blog

Prueba a gestionar un blog: Nombre de Usuario - "teacher" (para ver en inglés) o "teacheres" (para ver en español) Alguna des estas opciones aparecen debajo de cada entrada

  • Editar: Permite que las entradas puedan editarse
  • Borrar Delete: Borra la entrada del blog
  • Publish: Sends the post to the remote blog (shows if Synchronization Style is set to "Require Teacher Publishing")
  • Approve: Allows teachers to approve posts that used the send to teacher (shows if "Disable Teacher Review" is not selected)
  • Add Your Comment: Allows for commenting on post